Tuesday, October 15, 2024



There is a long American legacy that identifies the American citizen as being imbued with the “Pioneer Spirit” of determined individualism. Yes, the term was born out of the pioneers that pushed their wagons westward, but it truly could also be found before that, in the Pilgrims who left England and equally after that, in the myriads of immigrants that grew America during the Industrial revolution.

Being an American came to embody a sturdy, self reliant, self-motivated individual that would ask nothing of a government other to be left alone, to hone their future and live with the consequences of success or failure.

Today’s American is no longer self-reliant, self-motivated, independent or able to grab life by the tail and tame a passion for living beyond government rules. Sure there are some that live off the grid, but in many cases they still receive government subsidies and handouts.

The political left in this country have sold their “Pioneer Spirit” to the “collective soul” of communistic socialism. They have taken the word soul from an individual’s spiritual conscience, into the nonsense world of collective social justice. Instead of each individual being responsible for making moral decisions based on their actions or inactions, as all religion requires of its parishioners, the left has erased religion and moral code and replaced it with victimhood and social justice ideology.

Victimhood is a defeatist’s mentality that shifts the blame of oneself onto the ills of society. Victimhood encourages people to shirk responsibility for a lack of success onto the burden of someone else, thereby killing ambition, accountability and negating a true assessment of one’s strengths and weaknesses. Lacking self awareness leads to a whole lot of missteps in life’s paths.  

The social justice left believes looting business, tearing down statues and throwing Molotov cocktails at buildings on Main Street is a legitimate form of protest, while patriotic people attending Trump rallies carrying American flags are savage crowds of white Nationalists thugs. Social justice is a mythical world of collective conscience, collective judgment and collective punishment.

 It has never worked in any societal age, such as the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, and the Nazi Party. Even though today’s cancel culture can’t be compared to those abhorrent historical times, the danger of elites forcing people to think and believe a certain way, is the main ingredient to the rise of tyrant leaders and gang mindsets, that lead to unspeakable acts and destructive division. The so called “cancel culture” has already shunned conservative thought base on nothing more than their collective indoctrination that those that don’t agree with them are bigots, racists and unwashed illiterates that need to be banned from their first amendment. It is a dangerous groupthink mafia running unchecked in America and it seems no political party wants to take on this anti-American mob.  

Individualism and morality were the essential quotients that made America a great nation and yet sadly today those same ingredients are being conflated and destroyed. Morality was the glue to keep society in check and staunch individuality was taught to dissuade one from using other’s mistakes, as justifying against your own responsibility to be accountable. Remember: “If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do it?” argument that children were taught when they used others actions to justify their own actions?

There are many moral divides in America today between the left and the right, but as cloudy and murky as media wants to paint these as grey areas, the morality of these issues are not that hard to plainly expose. Religion, patriotism, and family are all under attack by the left which wants to demonize individual soul and church going beliefs in order to allow reckless Rousseauian self-ism to be supplanted in American society.

Oprah’s new “super soul” promotion might just be an advertising gimmick, but the notion of a “woke super soul” is a dangerous notion indeed. Worse, she is interviewing celebrities and making the analogy that these elite people, own “super souls” while I guess the rest of us must be what? Lost souls?

Soul is your conscience and only you and God can actually judge its honesty and virtue. Doing charitable and philanthropic acts of generosity might be a peek into a good soul, but we have also seen many times that some seemingly humanitarian do-gooders are only assuaging a guilty dark soul with largess from ill-gotten gains. So sorry Oprah, there is no such thing as a “super soul” and even Mother Teresa would agree.

America was not founded on collective communism. America was not founded on atheism. America was not founded on socialism. America is filled with those that escaped religious persecution, economic slavery and political tyranny. America was not founded on victimhood.

Why does the progressive left want to destroy America? Why does the left want to regress this free prosperous nation into a land of cultural chaos so many already escaped from as immigrants? No, cancel culture cannot inspire a nation, grow a nation, or propel us forward, and the people that know this best, are the corrupt politicians and the corporations that own their souls.

The victimhood of the left is completely reliant on using an age old bully tactic or extortion on the Democrat Party and our government. Justice Roberts is afraid of riots and doxing and refused to hear the many 2020 election cases. Black Lives Matter convinced major sports to politicize their games. Progressive environmentalists have pressured energy corporations to promote the green new deal, and now multiple corporations have boycotted a state for passing an election law intended to insure against fraud and mishandling of ballots for future elections. Why would corporations be so complicit with lies and the Democrat party? Simple, they know the Democrats are corruptible and a thief is easier to manipulate than an honest moral minded person. The oligarchy knows what it is doing.

However, patriotic citizens still hold fast and steady to basic principles of morality, fairness and common sense will not be cowed into accepting inane notions like gender fluidity. If that makes conservatives not have a “super soul” so be it. If believing in two sexes make conservatives be judged as deplorable by the left, then so be it. If believing government should not be the “god” in our world, that borders need to be secure, and that justice must be blindly fair and equitably meted out, be judged as bigoted, then so be it. Our souls are not judged by the religion hating left, they are judged by our conscience and God.

We are the government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. So even if it appears that the victimhood guilt tripping left, has taken over in the latest political battles, we all must remember it is the winning of the war that counts. We need to stay strong, wily, individually resilient and morally adherent to our soul with fundamental determination that truth and justice is all that matters. Society is not your friend when it treats you as the enemy, but you must treat people with kindness and compassion nonetheless and hope your example shines the bright light of goodness into their wayward militant minds.




Monday, July 15, 2024



Why does the FBI saying they will investigate the Trump assassination attempt, cause so many Americans to cringe or shake their heads in disgust with cynical feelings of distrust?

Perhaps it starts with the so-called premier federal law enforcement agency’s complete complicit corruption with the Russian collusion scam perpetrated by Democrats before and after Trump’s 2016 win of the Presidency.

 But people paying attention know that the corruption of the agency started long before this, (Herbert Hoover) and has only escalated over many years with the current Patriot Act furthering the political partisan corruption during and after Democrat control over this arm of “Deep State” federal abuse of power.

Here is a list of known scandals of the FBI starting in the 60’s under Hoover.


Going down some the list of failures one can argue, that no agency is perfect, and mistakes, ineptitude, and bad luck happens in all police enforcement agencies and therefore we should all trust that the department is doing its job to the best of human abilities albeit with imperfections.

No, there are far too many things on this list that can’t be explained away as mistakes but rather clear cut illegal and indefensible unconstitutional behavior on the part of an Agency’s oath sworn duty to protect laws and defend the Republic.

Worse than the so-called Russian collusion, made up in a whole cloth of lies, is the collusion between government agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA and the DOJ that have made the public all know the meaning of the term “Deep State”.

Their disdain for constitutionally protected rights of Americans, their arrogance of defying laws in order to spy, defame and imprison their political opponents, isn’t hyperbole or wacky conspiracies theories, but rather tales of true corruption and subversive behavior to undermine our nation.

Trump may be the notable public target of the “Deep State’s” underhanded deeds but all Americans understand that our government has gone so dark, so insulated from real scrutiny, and so power arrogant, it can imprison and coerce Americans whose crime is merely walking in an open door and change trespassing into an insurrection charge and destroy citizen lives.

It isn’t conspiracy crazy to not trust authority in our government when one sees that all the illegal acts of the left are allowed to walk free to smirk away, write self-serving books, (Comey, Clinton) or show up as commentators on news shows (McCabe, Strzok) while conservative political supporters of Trump are jailed (Bannon and Navarro) and imprisoned for defying a unconstitutional Congressional Committee’s subpoena.

It doesn’t escape the American people’s eyes, no matter how much the media gaslights, that there is a clear corrupt double standard in the treatment of Americans based on their political affiliations.

The summer riots of 2020 versus the Jan 6th protesters is in itself, enough to draw the line of proof that our FBI and DOJ are not blind, or carrying out the law equally and fairly without regard to political affiliations.

We know it isn’t just a few bad apples at the top. We know that this weaponizing of government agencies is endemic and systemic since Obama and the Democrats have been in control.

 The last thing we all fear and worry going forward into the 2024 elections is, if Democrats know that they are about to lose their power, what whirlwind of underhandedness will they attempt?

What demon seeds will they plant? What evil plans are they cooking up to retain power?

Unfounded fear you say?

I say the past is the predictor of the future.


Friday, November 10, 2023




It seems inexcusable that so many on the left have proven their antisemitism by trying to make the moral equivalency of Hamas slaughter of innocent families to people in Gaza.

Not only is the silence and lack of condemnation of Hamas an embarrassment for the world but the leftist ideology promoting lies on college campuses has furthered ignorant support for Hamas by American youths. It reveals an anti-Semitic subtext to the Democrat left that has always lived in whispers in the back rooms by the elitist for years.

Why then has the American Jewish voter supported Democrats and think that the threat of antisemitism comes from the right? Did they believe in the smears by the left that conservatives are the party of hate? There is no question that the left owns the media and does a better job at manipulating the truth and using propaganda to inflame minorities into thinking that conservatives are the party of the KKK. Yet, a quick glance at reality would dispel the myth that the majority of moral minded Christians don’t hate and don’t identify with any hate groups. The hate groups in America are small and without even tepid support by conservatives while the left’s hatred against Christian values grows. Our own government has been supporting the Democrats that have been in a culture war against religion for half a century.

Facts matter but sometimes the visibility of hate parading down the streets of the capital might be the optics Jewish voters need to awaken their eyes to which the real threat to their security aligns. It is not the right, conservatives or Christians that hold hateful rallies. Regardless what Biden and his party slogans and lies about MAGA being a hate-filled Nationalist group, it isn’t true, and never has been true.

Conservatives accept and understand facts and the facts about Hamas and their latest godless evils as well as the rise of antisemitism in America are simply visible and clear.

First, Hamas is in control of Gaza and has been in control since 2006, not Israel. (Slogans about ending the occupation are mindless, since Israel is in a war against Hamas not for control of Gaza.)

Second, Hamas savaged whole families in Israel with a horrific attack of pure evil that defies any human justification for its depravity and sickening slaughter of innocent lives without provocation.

Thirdly, Hamas occupies the people living in Gaza and Hamas hordes resources to use in their terrorist war against Israel’s existence, leaving the Palestinians who live in Gaza poor and oppressed, not Israel.

Fourth, all of the surrounding Arab countries are refusing to take in the Palestinians of Gaza because they know it is impossible to determine the allegiance of those refugees and they do not want Hamas and its terror ideology to be imported into their country.

Fifth, Hamas took hostages, and when you take hostages you are using people as pawns to extract benefit. Hamas wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth so what is the motivation for Israel to negotiate? What sane person will negotiate with rabid inhuman animals filled with hate and contempt for human life?

Sixth, Hamas is financially and ideologically backed by Iran, a terror state that has been calling for the annihilation of Israel for decades. If Iran had nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Jewish state it would have used them already.

Seventh, American media has come out of the closet (New York Times)  as either anti-Semitic or extremely anti-Israel, by reporting Hamas propaganda before vetting the story (a complete lie) that Israel bombed a hospital killing hundreds of Palestinians.  There was no reason to put the story on front page headlines until the facts could be verified, but they printed it nonetheless.

Eight, if the Hamas attack on Israel were to have happened in the United States and our babies were slaughtered and American families tortured, killed and taken hostage, wouldn’t we want to wipe the terrorists off the map? Would we back down and negotiate? Would we want other countries to tell us how to engage the enemy? We all know the answer to that question, don’t we?

Ninth, Trump supporters want government to keep law and order, be fair and just to all and be as unobtrusive as possible around the lives of Americans. We do not want the federal government dictating social policy but rather to stand by the oath to the Constitution that is based on the credo that all men and women are created equal. Democrats want to define people by their minority status and have them angry at wealth, race, status and sex. Conservatives see people as independent souls, with the right to individual liberty.

Tenth, as our open borders pours in more cultures that hate Jews and then identifies with the Democrat Party the antisemitism continues to grow in America while the Democrats say and do nothing to condemn the hatred.

These are the facts, and when facts and truth are denied then lies and distortions prop up false perceptions that lead to ignorant and rabid perceptions that lather up emotional hate. Logic and truth calms the climate of hate while political manipulation and lies used by the Democrats to inflame hate has not been made accountable by voters.

Hamas is a threat not only to Israelis but to Palestinians civilians in Gaza. Palestinians would fare better to stop supporting terror and hate groups and the Jewish community in America would see less hate by breaking from a Democrat party that wants to diminish our pluralistic belief and make us captive to the notion that we are victims needing big government mothering.    

Friday, September 8, 2023



Using our legal system to interfere with elections by state’s charging Trump with weak and constitutional protected actions has been done to scare any Republican from exercising their right to challenge elections suspected of fraud, and it is just contemptible.

Democrats used their phony insurrection claims to lock up conservative protesters to scare the conservative public from protesting and challenging their power when they defrauded the will of the people in 2020. Few Americans believe that Joe Biden won the presidency fairly and there are many whistleblowers that have come forward from the battleground states with proof of the fraud that granted Biden the electors.

Creating an historic national and disgraceful display of requiring an ex-president (Trump) to be fingerprinted and given a mug shot after indicting him and his campaign staff for RICO violation for challenging the 2020 election in Georgia by prosecutor Fani Willis, should have made every patriotic American embarrassed and sickened by our devolvement into a banana republic.

Democrats know that it doesn’t matter that these phony charges will be thrown out of court eventually; instead they are looking to humiliate Trump and his supporters and scare them from showing support for Trump in the run up to the 2024 election. That is clearly election interference at the very least and reprehensible abuse of power and our Constitution at its worst.

Any American that is relishing seeing Trump be put in prison is both a fool and blinded by an ignorant hatred that apparently is clueless as to what that dictatorial action would portend for the future of the country and their fate as well.

If America dissolves into a lawless democracy where the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is no longer the supreme law of the land, then we all (liberals, conservatives and independents) are primed to be oppressed by future dictators and abused by elites living in the shadows and controlling our lives.

It is hard to imagine a more polluted government that what we the American people are facing today. Voting for any politician unwilling to stand up to the corruption permeating our federal system and giving public office seats to those Marxists and egoist elites percolating up from our local elections must be stopped.

The 2024 election isn’t just about defeating Biden or the Democrats nationally it is about killing the cancer of Marxism anywhere it exists from town councils to school boards across this nation and repudiating all the anti-American ideas that will destroy the freedoms of all.

We need to teach our children to stand up for the Constitution and protect our way of life for the country’s sake and the sake of humanity around the world.