Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Age of A- Quisling

The definition of quisling is a person who helps an enemy that has taken control of their country. In this case America's political enemy has been the social progressive Democrats and corporate lobbyist both eagerly trashing our Constitution, free enterprise and Judeo-Christian values. While the so-called opposition party of Republicans are being led by quislings in the House and Senate name Boehner and McConnell.

In fact, it might even be wrong to call them quislings for it assumes that they are turncoat conservatives when in fact they are the "SPOILS" (Selfish politicians only interested in legislating for special-interest).

Either way the American people are being treated as cattle while the corporate raiders use our representatives as paid ranch hands and rodeo performers (politicians in Washington) that rope, brand and fatten us up on promises, pledges and platitudes.   

Worse, than the quisling leaders are the silent following members in the House and Senate, that refuse to stand up against the Chamber of Commerce, lobbyist's bought, and insider trading establishment politicians.   

Senator Ted Cruz recently, confronted Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell on the floor of the chamber calling him a liar, because he had stated emphatically to the Senate that he made no deal with the Democrats on reviving the Export/Import Bank Bill in exchange for their support of the GOP Transportation Bill.

McConnell's lie became obvious when the only amendment allowed on the Transportation Bill was the Bank Bill, and all other amendments were rejected by the leadership as being  unrelated to transportation. (Hard to argue why the Export/Import Bank has any correlation to America's roads and bridges.) 

McConnell claimed "when there is overwhelming bipartisan support for an idea, even if I oppose it, it doesn't require some 'special deal' to see a vote occur on that measure. This is the United States Senate, after all, where we debate and vote on all kinds of different issues,..." but this poor excuse for self defense fails the sincerity test.

 Why? Because most Republicans oppose the bank and it was McConnell that used the "amendment tree" which is a procedural tactic, he had criticized Harry Reid for using when he was majority leader, and then he filed cloture on the Bill, to end debate.

If it looks like a lying duck, walks like a lying duck, quacks like a lying duck and has left scat all over the Senate floor like a lying duck,  then it must be a lying duck. 

More than ever before Americans are finally seeing the curtains fall down around the corrupt dealers in Washington, exposing their hollow souls and greedy egos, because of new forthright blood sent to Congress by grassroots American activism.

On July 24, when Ted Cruz of Texas stood up and called out the Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over his lies and capitulation to the Democrat Party in favor of renewing the Export/import Bank Bill better known as the crony capital corporate welfare program, the silence in the Senate was notable. 

A few days later on July 26,  Orin Hatch of Utah, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and John Cornyn of Texas stood up on the Senate floor and condemned someone for their lack of civility.

Was that someone the liar or the messenger? Were they upset with the someone that lied in leadership, or the someone that exposed the truth? Did they stand up for the American taxpayer and the Senator representing middle class constituents over corporate lobby interests or did they support the someone that sold out the 2014 voters?

Sadly and cynically these RINO SPOILS herded up to the Senate floor microphones and proclaimed support for the corrupt leadership, by calling for the messenger (Cruz) to be admonished. Perhaps voters in all states should be asking their Senators, if they stand with Cruz or corruption.

Coming into an election year that will have profound significance on the country's future and some might say, our last opportunity, to face a fork in the road, that either moves us further into decline or circles us back to common and familiar ground, we desperately need leadership with integrity.

We need principled representation. We need honorable public service. We need trust in office holders we hired. We need to bite the hands of all those political quislings, that are leading us to the corporate slaughter house. We need to ram our heads against the party pens and stampede Washington's K street congressional cartel until the voice of the people is heard loud, louder and loudest as our Republic intended.

The People's oval office is broken. The People's Senate is broken. The People's House of Representatives is broken. The People's judicial branch is broken. Yet, there is always hope, for WE THE PEOPLE are not broken.

Yes, our trust is damaged, yes, our cynicism grows stronger and yes our anger mounts with each election. But the American spirit, this intangible God given virtue that promotes a fiercely free foundation of righteous justice and individual liberty is not dead, not waning just quietly pondering when to arouse in fury.
Political and corporate thieves can pass legislation today, but they will always have to face the American people tomorrow. There will always be more believers of liberty than the controlling statists. There will always be re-ignition, even if we must restart in the ashes, because America is not a form for government it is a formula for freedom, and the recipe resides within each lawful citizen of our exceptional nation.

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