Sunday, August 16, 2015


Hillary Clinton has been hiding in plain sight as a corrupt law breaking politician that has confounded the public's sense of legal fairness for years. Cynicism over the myth that " no one is above the law" begins with the utterance of the name Hillary Clinton. 

The public is rightfully appalled at her many illegal dealings that never end in justice being served, but rather justice has been averted, skirted and flaunted.  
The perception of Washington's political class along with its minions of bureaucrats, is not a healthy and respectful view of government, in fact trust in government is at an all time low.

The average American feels that our government officials operate more as an organized criminal cabal undermining our nation's foundation and the rule of law, that appears only to be aimed at the average citizen. Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of evidence that a such double standard exists, and it infuriates Americans to watch our nation's identity mocked by selfish politicos.

Thousands of morally honest Americans have been snared in the government regulatory nets and charged with violations, causing them to lose their life savings in fines and penalties while politicians engaged in the same activities, skate free. The late Leona Helmsley once suggested "only the little people pay taxes" and we could add, or get fined for not following regulations, and sadly it seems she was correct.

Thousands of Americans, perhaps less ethical, have been caught by our government ranging from evading taxes to insider trading end up serving jail time, while insiders like the Clinton's are allowed to use a charity foundation to pocket millions and pay for their jet setting. Where is the IRS audit of the Clinton Foundation? Where is the criminal probe? Where is Lady Justice's blindfold?

How does a Secretary of State utilize a private server without anyone in governments knowledge? How is it possible that no one realized that Hillary's e-mails were without an official government address? How is it legal for a government official to solicit donations of money from foreign companies and officials for a so-called charity (Clinton Foundation) while conducting the country's high level foreign policy? Why at the moment of discovery of this illegal and dangerous personal withholding of public records, if one assumes no one knew prior, didn't government officials swoop in and subpoena Hillary and her server? 

The truth appears to the American people to be that our government officials allowed Hillary to have a private server. The Obama administration allowed Clinton to use an unsecured private e-mail account for official business as Secretary of State. 

The Obama administration seemed to be unconcerned that one morally unscrupulous woman was allowed to compromise the nation's security by using an unsecured e-mail account where classified information was handled with criminal disregard for the safety and security of our country.

The Obama administration allowed Clinton after she left office, (now aware of her illegal control of public records) to have 20 months of unfettered access to this unsecured sever. The Obama administration had no reaction when she and her lawyers waded through the thousands of e-mails and made the ghastly arrogant statement that she turned over all the public material, that she and she alone deemed to belong to the public.

The Obama administration did not blink when thousands of e-mails were deleted under the Clinton claim that those unrevealed e-mails were private correspondence between her daughter Chelsea about her wedding or yoga appointments. 
Meanwhile the State Department had dragged its feet, ignoring Freedom of Information requests by multiple parities during Clinton's reign as Secretary of State, and not one government official raised a flag of protest or inquiry to protect the American public's property. 

Hillary yes is the sinister player but considering all the duplicity that had to accompany this theft and deception that was done brazenly in front of many bureaucrats, leads most Americans to conclude that our government is no longer operated by honorable unpartisan officials sworn to our Constitution.   

The Obama administration allowed Hillary and her lawyers to destroy, tamper, delete, delay, stall and design an alibi to avoid accountability. Does this sound like swift justice? Does this sound like something a prosecutor would allow any other citizen to get away with doing? Does this sound like equal justice under the law or special exemption?

Why did the House committee on Benghazi allow her to avoid the penalty of perjury? Why wasn't she made to swear under oath, as all others were required? To quote Hillary's testimony "What difference does it make?" the answer is always in the legal details and technicalities.
Her testimony before the committee was chock full of lies and half truths, such as her denial of any knowledge of our government arming Syrian fighters with the help of Turkey, but she was not put under oath, and so perjury cannot be claimed, and so once again Hillary Clinton lives above the law. 

Americans are angry, disgusted and deeply distrustful at what appears to be our Justice Department's prosecutorial "distinction" rather than discretion, in which only the average Jane and Joe American is nailed to the wall, while the powerful hold a lifetime privilege pass. 

President Obama claims to have no knowledge of Hillary's e-mail scandal as he has claimed ignorance of the multiple scandals in his administration (IRS, Benghazi, Rosengate, Fast and Furious) and he has used the Justice Department as though it was his private Stasi force, to go after political opponents only. 

Instead of the Democrats and Republicans standing up for our Constitution they cynically have use the scandals for political election talking points while Americans watch with anguished revulsion at the degrading leprosy of political cronyism destroying our American Republic.

Equally some Americans are wondering aloud, whether China, Russia and or a host of other bad actor hackers have our State Department e-mails and classified documents captured via Hillary's criminally negligent and treasonous actions with public records. 

If she were president, our nation would be run and controlled by foreign interests via blackmail to an empty soul, wearing a pantsuit while occupying the oval office. Still wondering why Trump gains in the polls?

If Hillary Clinton is allowed to both avoid prosecution and continue to run for President of the United States of America, then no prosecutor anywhere in America can utter the words "no one is above the law" and be believed by any righteous citizen. Too many of us currently believe that the "law is only applied to the little people" and this perception is growing while trust in government is declining.  

Elite privilege should not exist in America under any name, regardless of wealth, power or connection to power, for basic human equity under the law is our firewall against tryanny.

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