Friday, October 30, 2015


Once again the liberal media shows no respect as it demeans and debases conservative candidates in an effort to start a brawl rather than a debate. Their bias and open hostility towards opposing views is now interfering with the undecided voters right to understand the differences of GOP candidates on the issues, and this tar and feathering is getting old, frustrating and downright perverse.

It is another debate in which the public is treated to a reality television show where the object of the game is to dishonor and make fools out of not just the candidates, but the viewers, who are expecting that media will ask simple, direct and relevant questions. Instead the bias that once was done in subtlety by a liberal loving media is now an open shameless farce of impartiality.

The recent DNC debate put on by CNN did not ask Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tough questions nor did Anderson Cooper ask humbling questions, such as CNBC's first question to the GOP candidates; "to name their greatest weakness", which was intended to set up the candidates for criticism.  

About the only thing fair about the debates was that the liberal media was equally inhospitable to all the GOP candidates, unlike the first GOP debate when Fox news targeted Donald Trump, CNBC tried to spread the acrimonious attitude to every conservative on stage equally.  

However beyond the awful bias there was good news, such as when one candidate namely Ted Cruz, arched his back, leaned into the microphone and challenged the smarmy attitude of the impertinent moderators and with grace and style swatted the left and praised his fellow rivals. That caused the rest of the GOP hopefuls to also grow a spine and push back against the scripted hammer slammer fest.

This was when the voters clapped and sang around the political hat, knowing that if the GOP stands up to the press they become impotent and flaccid. For far too long the GOP politicians have tried to ingratiate themselves with these boorish media types that are only aroused at the sound of their leftist voices, in the hopes that they would be treated with class. Instead, their public images get trashed as cavalierly as junior high school girls, by frustrated and insecure boys unable to secure a date so they impugn the girl's reputation rather than admit their dating defeat to peers.

You can't fix stupid, and you can't redeem the dishonorable. Cowering to those that mock you is self flagellation and stupefying, much like Obama praising his Iran deal while the Iran leaders shout "Death to America". It is weak, demoralizing and gutless along with being one of the main reasons conservatives fret over the fate of the GOP party and its inability to fight for the causes it professes to believe in.

Yet, there is hope. Some of those candidates on the stage showed courage. Dare I say it, leadership qualities that have been so lacking in Washington and today more than ever are desperately needed.
Conservatives, Christians, blue dog Democrats, patriotic Independents and libertarians may be treated by the liberal media as lepers, but we don't have leprosy, we have sanity. We may be maligned by an extremely divisive President but we are not victims, we are seafarers in search of a real captain. We might be prodded like cattle by party leadership, betrayed by congressional backroom deals and taken as pushovers, but we possess inner fortitude and strength that comes from truth over lies.

We must not debate with ourselves any longer or be baited by liberals to feel shame for our patriotic and religious beliefs just because they hold over our heads the threat of calling us racists, bigots and homophobes. The liberals may have the power of the press but power is only daunting if one fears it. How can we be afraid of those so corrupted by their fleeting power that they pretend to be gods by denying and mocking those that love God? 

We should be proud Americans unafraid of differing views and impervious to the political correct bullies seeking to undermine our culture, our religion, our heritage and our system of government. This debate highlighted to all reasonable citizens, that given the current atmosphere of political narcissism, given the  expediency of the political establishment and given the grave challenges the future holds for our country, there is one quality above all others that our next president must have, it is political fearlessness.
Time to stop being the left's bait, time for patriots to ask the right question of every candidate seeking to sit in the oval office. The question: Do you just want political power or do you love America enough to restore her from the left's socialism, and fearlessly lead her back on the constitutional road our forefathers intended?   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great piece Claudia! TY so very much!