Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Representative Paul Ryan Republican of Wisconsin has become a meddlesome presidential newsmaker as Speaker of the House. He has distorted his role in a job he supposedly reluctantly, accepted to do, then elevated himself, in arrogant pomposity by not immediately endorsing Trump.

Why,  Speaker Ryan did not say "I fully support the choice of the primary voters, and will meet with Trump to both congratulate and offer my assistance in the general election campaign..." is beyond our comprehension as conservatives. Yet, sadly it does compute, when looking at the liberal-like state of the Washington GOP, that pretends to uphold the tenets of the historic Grand Old Party, but instead sleeps with social progressives.

Since when did all voters ever happily enter the presidential general election excited about the winning nominee? Speaker Ryan may not have been happy that Trump won, but he has an obligation to put personal feelings aside. In fact, isn't that the advice we as voters were given by our Party during Romney's election? Why isn't the establishment following their oft spoken admonition to voters, namely, get over your disappointment and support the Republican ticket. 

Indeed, the divide between Washington Republicans and conservatives voters is highlighted by Romney being a party choice and making the establishment smile, while many voters frowned now Trump the people's choice, makes the voters smile, while the establishment frowns.

Trump won fair and square and your value ambiguous establishment GOP candidates lost the voters  early, so it is about time, you lose the negative attitude and support the people's nominee with grace and or silent decorum. It is time for you to listen to the voters and act as a representative.
For Speaker Ryan to be weighing in with criticism on every Trump comment is unseemly, especially because it aides Democrats and Hillary Clinton's election rally talking points. 

Trump doesn't need the Speaker's approval, he needs the voter's approval. Trump doesn't need the Speaker's endorsement, he needs Americans' endorsement. Trump doesn't need, (especially from the conservative side of the aisle) another finger waving a social progressive, politically correct, hypercritical voice of condemnation. Hillary Clinton and the liberal loving media has that faux outrage role covered and it is a shame for conservatives to help ring the dinner bell to a pandering progressive culture vulture's  buffet.  

Perhaps Americans should inform Representative Ryan that the job of House Speaker does not entail a crown, nor a scepter, or crop, so as to beat a herd of elephants, into acting like politically correct, braying donkeys.

Speaker Ryan should be leading his Republican collogues toward House Bills that counteract Obama's odious job killing regulations and finding ways to use the power of the purse to reign in unconstitutional fiefdom by federal bureaucratic agencies. 

Speaker Ryan would do well to stop sticking his proboscis in the presidential election process and mind his own business, a business, that should involve, among many issues, restoring fiscal integrity to the nation's spending crises. 

First, Mr. Speaker, you are not Speaker for Americans, Speaker for Trump, Speaker for all Republicans, Speaker for all those that are politically correct and or incorrect, but rather you are suppose to set the agenda for Congress.

Speaker Ryan has much to prove to conservatives. He can start by reading the Constitution, and ensure that legislation, federal agencies and monies are not being spent frivolously, dictatorially or outside the boundaries that Congress intended when it passed them into law.

Speaker Ryan has an opportunity to stop the lazy and reckless congressional trend of writing Bills that hand the power of rule and law making to unelected federal pencil pushers, that is burdening Americans with hidden taxes and putting the American dream out of reach for our prodigy.

Speaker Ryan can help his party return to the core principles of small federal government, States' Rights and a strong sound national defense of this country's unflickering light of liberty.

Speaker Ryan has the opportunity to choose to walk a differing path than John Boehner or follow in the previous Speaker's well worn and publically loathed footsteps. Speaker Ryan should note, that should he choose to follow in Boehner's  Beltway trail, it led, not just to an end to the Ohio Representative's political career, but to a quiet revolt and angst by voters.

This anti-politician popular-ism has been partly fueled by a Republican Party that no longer acts like a separate Party with principles and values opposite from Democrats. It has made voters feel as though Washington no longer has a two party system, but rather, one dysfunctional one. That Washington represents corporations and the rich, while everyone else is ignored and devalued. 

Speaker Ryan and the GOP needs to look deeply in the mirror and change or the voters will change the landscape for them. The days of pretending to be a conservative and acting like a social progressive politician are waning and waning fast.
Speaker Ryan, the voters rejected your old running mate's (Romney) brand of conservatism, they rejected the former Speaker's (Boehner) brand of conservatism, and they rejected all the establishment candidates (Bush, Rubio, Kasich) brand of conservatism. If ever there was a time to reset the priorities of the Party, the time is now. Save the country and save the Party and save yourself, by listening to the voters outside the bubble of the Beltway!

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