Monday, December 4, 2017


So it appears that Congress has a taxpayer funded slush hush fund to try and silence their sexual harassment abuse victims, and now some of the victims are speaking out. Anyone who believes that the term "swamp" for Washington is demeaning unwarranted hyperbole, think again. This is a revelation that only surprises those voters either still asleep to truth, or purposefully closing their eyes. Everyone who is "woke" to Capitol Hill, knows this house of the people has become a dung heap.
The hubris of our representatives knows no bounds, and their elitist arrogance is a slap in the face to all taxpayers. They cavort on the taxpayers dime, all with their hands in the taxpayer's pockets and apparently while up the dress of those who work in their office. 

Seems that this was a shoe that was up in the air quite a long time, before it dropped in the proverbial doo doo. Why did it takes so long to out this, SUZIE-SHUT-UP slush fund? Where is Paul Ryan? Where is the Demon-crat leadership outrage, on this real, war on women? Where was the media? 

Oh that's right, the media has been politicized by the left for decades and they never eat their own,  iconic idiots(Democrats). Instead liberal media prefers to dish up only Republican scandals while keeping hush, the salacious acts and demeaning desires of Democrats because it is part of the prostitution press's agreement with progressive globalists aims. Oh and yes, the media is filled with leftist commentators who sexually assault and harass women too, so it is standard operating procedure to get nothing but hypocrisy from liberals, who have the cheek to blame Republicans, of waging "war on women".  Now their slogans are nipping their backsides.

It is similar to the Catholic church preaching morality and then money hushing the victims of pedophile priests and wondering why their parishioners don't show up for mass. Double standards, hypocrisy, elitist exemptions and above the law privilege, is unraveling the left. From Ted Kennedy to John Conyers, from Charlie Rose to Matt Lauer, it isn't only Hollywood that has perverted skeletons in the closet. 

What does it all mean? It means three things. One, that the left has absolutely zero credibility when it comes to claiming moral outrage over any sexual scandal involving any candidate in any election, and the voters can ignore their pretentious puffery designed to shame their vote. 

Two, the swamp is real, the swamp is foul and the swamp should make any Democrat and independent voter think twice about spewing invectives against conservatives while their own house of glass is shattering. The DNC is just as rife with sex scandal, money scandal, power abuse, bribery, arrogance to the law and their hollow holier than thou attitude over the opposition party, is a con game now exposed.

Three, the power of the media was the power protector of the swamp, but now that machine engine, just threw a rod. The media's days of being a body guard of the progressive left's motor mouth of lies, has run out of manufactured lubricant and the sloganeering of the DNC are just fumes from a parked idling vehicle, that is no longer operational. It is beyond fake news it has now become a game of hide the truth from the people by smearing their own dirty hands on the kettle, to call it black.

The real undermining of our government goes well beyond the salacious sex scandals by congressional representatives because the worse threat to our nation are revelations buried behind the headlines that hints of complete heresy of oath by most of our federal government agencies. The career bureaucrats in our government are partisan liars, blackmailers and quiet quislings that pretend to be answerable to the Constitution but in fact, cower to the swamp creeps.

There are so many questions that yet to be answered for the American people before citizens can ever trust their government again.

Americans want to know who created the 17 million slush fund and where is that, itemized in the congressional budget?

We want to know why the FBI and DOJ were more interested in finding and punishing the whistleblower of the Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting, instead of investigating the obstruction of justice implicit in that unethical meeting.

We want to know why Imran Irwan, a Pakistani IT worker and Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer was allowed unfettered access to Congressional computers without a professional security check on his background? We want to know if he had access to the DNC computers, and why in the age of cyber espionage and potential blackmail, did congresswoman Schultz continue to pay his salary when it was clear he was a shady player?  

We need to have a real impartial prosecutor investigating Uranium One, and the infamous Dossier and get the answers as to why Mueller is allowed to chase ghosts, while real treachery involving our nation's integrity is blatantly ignored. 

We need to know why Jeff Sessions refuses to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, lerner, Brennan, Rice, Clapper and Obama for crimes that corrupted our justice system from blind prosecution to favoritism, from treating taxpayers equally to targeting conservatives. We need to know if the FBI dupe the FISA court with an unsubstantiated Russian written dossier in order to spy on Trump and other private citizens?   

We need to know why the swamp is allowed to care nothing for a Mary Jo Kopechne (the average American) or Juanita Broaddrick, that were caught up in the swamp claws of political power. But when it comes to government whistleblowers against corruption, instead of thankfulness, our federal law enforcement stands on its head to protect the slimy Deep state sludge, still holding dark secrets and wielding shadowy power. 

It is time for the Chappaquiddick, (Indian for: separated Island), elite on the island of Washington, to be brought to the mainland for justice, voter flogged and reminded, that their election to represent us, does not mean that they can ignore their benefactors. The people, the voters, built the bridge that sent them to the Beltway island and the people can ferry them back to obscurity, if they continue to burn the bridges between right and wrong, ethical and illicit, lawfulness and lawlessness, accountability and prosecutorial absolution.

It is time for all voters to view all silent incumbents in Washington as colluders and intruders waging a seditious undermining of our freedom, our distinct Constitution and our unique separation of powers. It is our duty as citizens to demand that the swamp dwellers who are corrupt, be investigated and any silent condoners be voted out of office. 

Time to Chapp-a-quit the charade that government is honorable. It is time for the good civil service men and women in government to speak out, speak up and blow the lid off of the  corrupt bureaucrats and career vultures in the United States Republic. You owe it to your country and your country's men and women to help restore our nations values, good faith and once respected government ethos, that no one is above the law, yes even Ted Kennedy and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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