Saturday, April 18, 2020


During the covid19 pandemic, we have seen Americans transition from fear, to civic responsibility, from calm worry, to head scratching puzzlement, from hopeful patience, to open frustration with liberalism’s tyranny.

Let me try and walk you through each of these emotions. Fear: well that it easy, because with an unknown virus that was reported to be a lethal adversary, with no known vaccine or cure, which would decimate the population because of its highly contagious propensity, who in their right mind wouldn’t be afraid. In the early stages of a pandemic, everyone is ignorant and desperately seeking answers on both how to protect oneself and families from infection, and what medical therapies might improve one’s chance of survival if infected. 

Enter the President, who stopped Chinese planes from landing in America, gathered a team of medical experts to access risk and mediation of risk, and issued a national emergency in order to stop the spread of the virus. Unlike acting like a dictator, Trump resourced the federal government to help states, and outside of providing guidelines allowed Governors of states to use “shelter in place” quarantine orders at their discretion. 

Then Americans became civically responsible, and happy to have protocol directions as to how to act during the pandemic. They willingly left their jobs and careers aside for public health, hopeful that modern medicine would provide more definitive answers as to how to contain, remediate or diminish the lethal effects of this new microscopic killer. Some people worked from home, some continued to work outside the home but with a wholly different work environment, and a large segment of the work force was simply laid off in mass unemployment. It was a double gut punch for Americans. The death of loved ones, and the death of their wallets, made it a true dystopian nightmare.

Again enter the President, who provided some hope to the American people by reassuring them that once infection rates slowed, America’s economy would be restored. More importantly, Trump spoke openly to the public about long standing drugs that were being used to reduce the death rate of those suffering with covid19 such as the promising results of Hydroxychloroquine. 

Then Americans went from fear to calm worry, wondering how long it would take until the social distancing and quarantines reduced the rate of infections and made it possible to return to a more normal life. Hydroxychloroquine could be a game changer, because if people were recovering from this Chinese bat flu, instead of dying, maybe there was a back to normal future at the end of the tunnel.

Enter the media, politicians and the President, as Trump continued every night to try and inform Americans about what the federal government was doing to assist the states to fight the pandemic, the media and Democrat politicians were criticizing his efforts and confusing the public. They claimed that Trump was selling snake oil when he touted Hydroxychloroquine as a beneficial antidote. They claimed his administration cut funding of the CDC budget, which was why there were shortages of protective gear and equipment, (mask and ventilators) for hospital workers throughout the country.

This of course led to a head scratching public, unaware as to whether to believe the President about Hydroxychloroquine, or the disinformation media and politicians that claimed it was ineffective. Moreover, when the public learned that a vast majority of our medicines and medical supplies were made in China and not the USA, there was more apocalyptic wonderment. How can the greatest nation on earth be reliant on a communist nation, China, which started this pandemic, to supply us with the necessary medical equipment to fight this disease? Equally, why were these liberal news outlets and liberal Governors bashing and banning drugs like Hydroxychloroquine when actual Covid19 survivors were claiming that their lives were saved by the very same drug? 
Enter the Populist President, which continued to ignore the derision by Democrats and their propagandists’ news outlets, by pushing back against their fake news and allowing the survivor patients and their doctors to spread the good news about many combinations of drugs that promised a positive outcome for those otherwise on a deathbed. 

Then Americans turned hopeful and patience that medicine was getting a handle on how to help people recover from this lethal scourge, and that America would soon wake from this Chinese torture chamber. All was not lost, children were being homeschooled, college kids studied online, some people worked from home, some were hopeful to return to work soon, and going to church in your car seemed reasonably righteous, since people were being allowed to drive thru the pickup window and still indulge in the Big Mac attack. 

Then enter the Democrat Governors, which never let a good crises go to waste, as they overused their powers of quarantine to befuddle, confound, and spit on the faces of their Judeo-Christian citizenry. From Michigan’s Governor Whitmor to Kentucky’s Governor Beshear, Americans learned that going to church in their cars was forbidden, while abortion clinics were considered necessary operations. That buying seeds to plant crops and flowers was banned, but marijuana shops are allowed to stay in full swing.  That painting your house while you idle at home is forbidden and buying an American flag to boost patriotism is also a no, no, in the Whitmor state of progressive tyrannical nonsense. 

Which leads us to understand why, Americans from these states are protesting all the liberal tyranny unleashed from this pandemic. These Democrat Governors have used their unfettered progressive power to impose inequitable hardship on bedrock society, with inanity replacing logic, and dictatorship replacing the Bill of rights.

 It is astounding to learn that elites and liberal politicians are in complete ignorance, in understanding that our Constitution would have never been adopted, if the Bill of Rights were not passed. Governments do not own those amendments; rather they are edicts OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people. 

So as liberal progressive tyrants, try and ban gun sales, while letting out criminals over Covid19, they make more Americans realize the need to buy a gun and covet their 2nd Amendment. As liberal tyrants try and punish church goers and protesters, they guarantee more voter retribution at the polls, by unwittingly awakening the electorate to now understand, that Democrats are not friendly to the 1st Amendment. Liberal progressive tyrants are giving taxpayer dollars to illegal aliens while diligent working Americans sees their hard earned dollars dwindling in their bank accounts. It will not be forgotten or dismissed by a public, awakening to the preview of the dystopian America, which would exist under liberal control.

As liberal progressive tyrants spout the benefits of mass transit and green new deals, Americans understand that owning and driving their own personal vehicles is a necessity in times of crises. As liberal progressive tyrants, continue to hold up COVID19 legislation by Trump and the GOP, fashioned to save as many small businesses as possible dying out across the country, that might never return, the DNC is trying to add pet projects such as vote by mail legislation into the bill, while every hour lost jobs and empty wallets pile up to create more misery.

No we know who the enemies are, and they are not just the usual suspects, Communism, globalism, socialism, and totalitarianism. There are tyrants in America, communists in our public offices, globalists in the deep state, socialists running for the presidency, and progressive tyrants that have no regard for individual liberty and justice for all.
If covid19 scared you, then how the liberals have acted during this pandemic should scare you more, and move you to understand that national liberal progressive policies would have made this very awful situation, 100 times worse than you could ever imagined. Thank Pelosi, Schumer and their fake news media, because your actions during the crisis have just grown patriotism, libertarianism and conservatism, in far greater numbers than you know.      

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