Friday, July 8, 2016


Americans listened to the FBI Director's testimony in a good faith effort to understand why he acted with such blatant disregard for equal justice under the law. His comments were not anymore elucidating than his short statement Tuesday, July 5th, that let Hillary Clinton skate justice.

Indeed, most of his responses entailed the Pontius Pilot game of "don't blame me" it is out of my hands. He blamed the espionage law for being inadequate to prosecute, and continually passed the football to the DOJ or Executive branch as having sole authority to penalize Clinton. It was in a word, unnerving.  

What the American people learned was that all branches of our government have been corrupted to the core. Hillary cannot be touched by anyone because the current administration is protecting her from any and all accountability. There is no other conclusion, or should I say in Comey's own phraseology there is no "reasonable" American that can't not see the defiled disrespect for law and order that exempts the elites from being guided by it. 

If any American was looking to try to believe in Comey's integrity, or the FBI's integrity or the Democrat Party's integrity, they found it willfully wanting.    

FBI Director Comey was asked about the popular perception by Americans that the "fix was in" promulgated by the shock that Hillary was not going to be held accountable for serious crimes breaching our national security. Comey responded "I hope you tell the folks in the cafes is, look me in the eye and listen to what I am about to say. I did not coordinate that with anyone. The white House, the Department of Justice, nobody outside the FBI family had any idea what I was about to say. I say that under oath, I stand by that."

That is a probably a true statement but worth zero, in terms of credibility. Why?

One, Americans are not angry at what Comey "said" in terms of its wording, or that his remarks were previewed or coordinated by WH or DOJ but, rather his action, or should we say inaction, his conclusion or should would we say phony logic, in not recommending prosecution. Either he ran cowardly away from his responsibility a law enforcement official because he was intimidated or he was bribed.  Either way, justice and the rule of law was condemned.

Two, since the days of Nixon, Americans understand "plausible deniability", so when Loretta Lynch claims she never spoke about Clinton's case to Obama, or that Comey claims to have not coordinated with Obama or Lynch, it is technically truthful while honestly disingenuous. Inside information gets passed from departments by lower officials so as to play the charade that there was no inappropriate communication with high ranking officials. No one believes that Obama did not know before he boarded a plane with Hillary that Comey would recommend she walk free. Absurdly naive to think otherwise.

Three, Senator Grassley asked in a letter to Comey why his FBI agents were required to sign a non-discloser form to work on the Clinton investigation, and which violates the whistle blower statute. Sure sounds like Comey did not want his agents to be free to voice their disagreements, which bespeaks an early predetermined judgment that he would never ask for an indictment of Hillary Clinton. 

Four, when the FBI was in the midst of investigating Hillary's e-mail corruption, Comey wants us to believe that he was unaware of Hillary's Benghazi testimony to the House committee, unaware that she was lying to Congress? Comey could not be unaware that the American people would assume that if she was making false statements to Congress, that the FBI would either bring charges or at least inform that committee that she was lying. Instead, incredibly Comey stated another made up rule, besides the "Clinton intent" rule, when he claimed that; Congress had to refer an investigation of perjury to the FBI, in order for them to act. 

So America look into Comey's eyes and repeat this logic, as follows;

If Congress doesn't know Clinton is lying, but the FBI knows that she is, but Congress does not formerly ask the FBI to investigate, then Clinton is free to lie to Congress at will. Is that the way, your insulated corrupt elite world works? 

Mr. Comey? If there is a terror act, do you also have to be formally asked to investigate?

Rubbish! The "fix", the corruption, the bribery, (Bill Clinton offering Loretta Lynch a job in a Hillary administration) the "above the law" inequity and the integrity of our justice system has been savagely stabbed in the back, and some members of Congress have the gall to continue to prop up Director Comey as an honorable non-partisan official.This country needs Obexit, Hillexit, Comexit, Lynexit and Demexit, Career Polexit and Rinexit to be saved.

Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Comey and the Democrat Party own the power to be lawless and they have misused their position of power, savaged their oath of office and have allegiance to the image in the mirror, and not their country.

We Americans, ask all good men and woman of conscience who work for Obama's government, to sit silent and be judged or stand up for their oath of office, the rule of law and do their duty for their country!

Speak up, or count yourself among the sleazy sycophantic saboteurs of our nation in crises.   

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