Tuesday, July 5, 2016


In what can only be described as blatant disregard for the rule of law, FBI Director James Comey sold his country, his oath of office and the citizenry down the river that leads to the sewer that has become Washington.

Our government is openly defying the rule of law, openly defying their public duty to ensure that the law applies equally to all, and openly defying that citizens have functioning common sense and logic. 
The new standard of "intent" or the "Clinton standard" exempts her from the law. It also allows her to have the highest security clearance even though she has proven to be a deceitful liar, and or a complete incompetent unqualified to hold officials drinking water, let alone national secrets.

This new "intent" standard"  has not been the legal standard used by the government to prosecute thousands of people in this country for generations, yet Director Comey acts as though he is judge, jury, and Attorney General while we citizenry are lobotomized idiots.

Of course there was intent, she used a private non-government server, duh? Of course there was intent she lied at every turn about it, duh? Of course there was intent, she deleted every smoking gun e-mail that linked back to both her "pay to play" Clinton foundation corruption and all Benghazi's smoking guns, double duh? 

 Incredulously Director Comey admitted, Hillary and her lawyers destroyed and unknown number of e-mails, otherwise known as smoking gun evidence, e-mails that she had no right by law to possess, let alone have destroyed! Comey has the cheek to argue that there was no intent to evade the law? 

" It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery." 

It is beyond tyranny to not notice a fawning press completely accepting this destruction of our nation's integrity. To say, that morality in Washington is dead, is not hyperbole or exaggerated rhetoric it is rather a fact, and unless and until, good men and women walk away from their federal posts and refuse to serve under this corrupt administration, then trust in our government has flamed out.

FBI Director Comey made a statement that sums up the elitist corruption that places Hillary above the law, when he said.

  "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."

No, what Comey decided today was to throw out the nation's founding principle that "no one is above the law" in this country and re-write it to mirror Leona Helmsley "only the little people pay taxes" to only the little people, are targets of the federal criminal code!

 All Americans hearts should be grieving at the loss of our country's honor coming a day after July 5th, the celebrated day of our founding.

Now this government, this swine infested farm called Washington leaves it once again to an election. A Presidential election that was corrupted with illegal and criminals allowed to vote, with paid activist on the left voting multiple times, with ballots by conservatives shredded by corrupt polling places, by a media duplicity in covering up a Benghazi lie, and by electronic machines rigged for Democrats, that handed Obama a second term in 2012.  Nothing was done to clean up our elections except that the IRS was allowed to target those "True the Vote" that tried. So now, the party of Washington elites will hand Hillary the oval office chair!

Copy a transcript of Comey's remarks and argue to any American supporting Hillary, did Colin Powell do this? NO, she lied. Did she only send e-mails that were marked classified after the fact? NO, she lied. Do you think that if you worked for the government and did half of what the FBI admitted Hillary did that you would be allowed to dance away? NO, and it is impossible to escape the slimy, sick arrogant double standard.

Tell them, vote for Trump because if you vote for crooked Hillary  you are part of the reason we have Washington thuggery!

Today is one of the saddest days of our Republic!

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