Saturday, March 25, 2017


The Wisconsin Representative that bashed and dismissed Trump during the 2016 election, has introduced the new administration to his "band of soaks" that are more interested in serving their lobbyist donor masters than the American people. The GOP Congress is filled with "cunning little brains, regular Voltaires, think they quite good lovers but there's not much there." ( LES MISRERABLES, Musical from the song MASTER OF THE HOUSE)

As "keeper of the zoo" Speaker Ryan tried to hoodwink conservative Americans again, by introducing a backroom  health care bill that "Charge 'em for the lice, extra for the mice, two percent for looking in the mirror twice." This Ryancare bill once again proves that the so-called two political parties are instead, one common "den of dissolute's" that Ryan is not a "gent of good intent" as he works for lobbyists and special interest while being a hypocrite claiming to work for the average citizen.  

The GOP used the voter's anger over Obamacare in their re-election campaigns. Over and over in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, they promised to repeal Obamacare if they were given the majority. Now that payment is finally come due, what do they do? They give us, "Food beyond compare. Food beyond belief. Mix it in a mincer, and pretend its beef. Kidney of a horse, liver of a cat, filling up the sausages with this and that." 

Certainly the lobbyist for the insurance companies were happy with a bill that would unwind Obamacare slowly while they scooped up their profits off the table, but it would have done little to help the average premium payer. Trump might be the President of the people, but Paul Ryan is a servant of the lobbyists, and a butler to the great swamp of Washington insiders.

RyanCare  was as slick and stealthy as Pelosi's reconciliation trickery. After years of promising to repeal Obamacare and replace it with singular reform legislation that would kick the government out of the healthcare business, we got instead, "Here a little slice, there a little cut, three percent for sleeping with the window shut. When it comes to fixing prices, there are a lot of tricks, I knows, how it all increases, all them bits and pieces" my gosh "it's amazing how it grows."

Trump should be disappointed. However, Trump did not fail his supporters, Ryan failed Trump. In fact, this failed Ryancare bill is a win. It is a win for conservative principles, a win for the Freedom caucus conservatism, that helped elect Trump, and a win against those Democrats and Republicans twits "isn't worth my spit" swamp rats, that have played us for fools for too long. 

The American people are tired of being told by Congress that a huge bill must be rushed and or that we need them to "pass the bill, to know what's in it" that we suspect will screw the taxpayers, yet again.

Perhaps Trump has learned a lesson from Speaker Ryan. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on all of us. Paul Ryan is NOT the Speaker for the American household, NOT the Speaker for the working citizen, NOT the Speaker for small government freedom fighters. 

No Speaker Paul Ryan coming on the heels of John Boehner is a "cruel trick of nature, that landed us (me) with such a louse, God knows how we've (I've) lasted living with this bastard in the House."

Time for Trump to take Speaker Ryan's word as the voters do, with a grain of salt, skepticism, suspicion first, then get control out of his "toady" hands so he can't renege and then, only then "Everybody raise a glass, raise it up to the master's arse.

 Only when Paul Ryan and his merry band of never Trump rino swamp water inbreeds start acting on behalf of the interests of the American people will "Everybody raise a glass to the Master (Speaker) of the House. Until then, Trump needs to be leery of the "sons of whores, who spend their lives in the (my) inn."

The health care bill that was just defeated is a win against same old swamp rules, now let's put pressure on these corrupt Washington "homing pigeons" that "fly" against patriot values, that it is time to "crawl on all fours" and repeal Obamacare, completely, immediately and permanently, and pass sensible laws that help to lower health care cost to consumers while keeping big government mandate hands out of the mix.

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