Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Censure the President and then pass a law nullifying the President's immigration policy. It is the only proper and honorable way to restore a lawful adherence to our constitutional Republic and the rule of law.  

Our Constitution and the separation of powers that delegates the Congress to represent the people and legislate, while the executive branch is charged with the duty to ensure laws are followed, has been turned aside, and arrogantly ignored by Obama.

Impeachment, lawsuits,  withholding government funding are all slow remedies and thereby a denial of justice for the citizens of this great nation. Americans deserve immediate repudiation of the President's lawless and unconstitutional action on immigration.

Therefore, starting in January with the swearing in of the new Congress, I urge you to both call for a vote to censure the President and pass a bill that nullifies his unlawful immigration plan. In this simple short Bill, make it clear that all agencies involved with immigration, INS, Border Patrol and DHS  should ignore Obama's unlawful edict or risk being prosecuted for unlawful action. We must immediately re-establish that Congress not President Obama writes law. 

In our system precedent is a powerful enabler of both proper and improper legal direction. This unconstitutional act by the President needs to be condemned as a break of oath to our nation's basic principles as a Republic and a vote of "Censure" of this unlawful act for the historic record.  

Andrew Jackson was censured in 1834 for overreach but it was expunged in 1837 by Democrats. John Tyler was reprimanded by the House of Representatives in 1842 for bait and switch practices with the veto power. In 1848, James Polk was reprimanded for not seeking Congressional approval for the Mexican war. 

If ever Congress had a legitimate reason for censure and or impeachment of a sitting President operating outside the boundaries of his oath of office, this current lawless action by President Obama shows contempt for our Republic.  

In the 2014 elections Americans voiced a clear choice against the President's policy direction for the country. We the People should not be ruled or dictated to by a POTUS that ignores his obligation to adhere to his oath, nor should we be subjected to a Congress that abdicates its duty to represent the people and our Constitution.

 America is only as strong as our representatives act in loyal oath to our Constitutional Republic. We trust (?) and expect Congress to do their duty.

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