Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Speaker of the Bankrupt House!

Nancy Pelosi spoke about how they the Democrats in Congress did an America a big favor in passing the financial Bill to stop Wall Street greed from taking American jobs. (Lie) She also proclaimed that Republicans were responsible for the meltdown. (Lie)
Nancy does not tell the American steel workers or the American people the truth about the financial meltdown in Wall Street or the truth about what is in the financial bill.
First, she blames Republicans and Bush for the financial meltdown is that true?

No it was not Bush’s fault! Nancy you lie like the rug in my living room.

Second, does the Financial Bill that passed save jobs or protect Americans from bailing out Corporations in the future?
No it codifies bailouts and gives more power to the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve to control and socialize capitalism. Nancy you lie like a rock in a gravel pit.

Now are Americans going to start seeing the positive effects of the numerous regulations being imposed on banks?

Guess what Nancy you are attacking the wallets of people like my parents directly, who are senior citizens on a fixed income, that are not computer savvy and still pay all their bills with a checking account. Now they will pay more and have less income?

Why? Because of you and your Party’s constant meddling with the Banks and free markets. My parents and most Americans are not hurt by what Wall Street does but what our government does in over regulating (Financial Bill) underperforming (SEC Porn watchers) watchdog agencies.

You and the Democratic Party are not free market supporters! (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not for helping the average American! (LIE) You and the Democratic Party do not create jobs. (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not trying to expand the middle class. (LIE) You and the Democratic Party are not about fairness and you fail to mention that you and your husband are rich. (LIE) The Republican Party is the party of foreign money, PAC money, shady money and big business lobby money while the Democratic Party does not take those kinds of funds. (LIE)

America wake up and see that this woman and her Party is destroying this country! The Democrats are now out from behind the back curtains where they for decades only whispered their secret socialism.
Nancy unions have killed American jobs and the government’s Healthcare Bill, Financial Bill and Energy will continue to kill American jobs.

Nancy says outright when people have those jobs “we want them to bargain collectively. We want to pass the employer free choice act as well.”

Nancy and the Democrats are for killing American capitalism, unionizing the whole of America’s workforce, owning and dictating to banks, corporations and small businesses, increasing the cost of energy by stopping oil drilling, mandating to each citizen to buy health insurance or be fined and yet they are the friend and champion of the middle class?

Wake up America to the truth that has never been more plain and obvious to see. Democrats are responsible for what is wrong with America and you are responsible for both believing in their lies and giving them political control.

Stop blaming the politicians, the rich, the corporations, the free markets, the corruption of Washington and sitting on your electoral hands.
We the people have the power, we the people can save America, we the people, can save the middle class, we the people, can save our jobs, can save our freedoms from the politicians that have both ignored us and have forgotten for whom they work.

America’s Congressional House is a highly leveraged, morally and fiscally bankrupt property that should be condemned. If you want America to continue to crumble, vote for Democrats. If you want America to die as a Constitutional Republic, vote for Democrats. If you want capitalism and private property to be destroyed, continue to vote for Democrats and believe Nancy Pelosi's lies.

However if you love America and want to restore her house, repair her foundation and make her both solvent and exemplified in the neighborhood of the world then you must vote out the Democrats first come this November.

You must vote out both the (socialists) Democrats and the (Tax and spend) Democrats for this represents the foundation cracks in America's house. There will be time in the future to go after Republican that act like Democrats. (Rino repairs) Resolve yourself that the repairs will take time and many more elections but you as a citizen will commit to put America’s house back into working order as our forefathers intended.
America needs YOU to fix her house!