Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is failing to lead her city during its time of need. Her devotion to liberal ideology caused her to refuse to mark a clear line of distinction between protesting and rioting, or between peaceful marching with signs and wholesale looting, vandalism and mob violence.

She may have misspoke, when she said that "we also gave those who wished to destroy, space as well" but like a true victim loving liberal, she takes no accountability, preferring instead to blame the media for "twisting her words". 

One wonders what example she is following? Certainly not the President of the United States who has always taken responsibly for mistakes? Oh wait, no, this President, like this mayor loves to serve us goat, scapegoat that is, while only taking full credit for positive outcomes.  

The irony in America today is that under the leadership of a the first black American President, that received overwhelming support from the black community, instead of life improving for minorities, our urban cities are on the brink of chaos.

Yet, the reality of hope and change that has descending into dope and deranged, is only ironic to those that believe that only blacks lead blacks, women lead women, Latinos lead Latinos etcetera, and so on. In fact, voting for leadership based on color, sex and ethnicity as the sole criteria for public office is not just ignorantly prejudiced, it has brought more incompetence and corruption into local and national politics.

There are four relevant awareness exposed transparently in the wake of urban violence for Americans to come to terms with as their eyes view urban unrest.

One, America's racial tensions are worse not better under the leadership of social-progressive liberalism, for it  preaches the ideology that minorities are eternal victims and all white males should be punished or given a whip to flagellate their never-ending guilt for past slavery. It is not about coming together as Americans but rather to further divide Americans into voting blocks, so that progressives can control and consolidate power.  

Two, under the leadership of liberals many cities and communities have gone from poor and crumbling infrastructures needing jobs and private investment to be treated instead as victims and handed more taxpayer money that has caused an impoverished work ethic and demoralized social structure where gangs and thugs rule the streets.

Three, there has been a growing problem with police militarization, which by the way, was started by Bill Clinton allowing the Department of Defense to sell our urban and suburban police forces their out dated military equipment, which has all Americans concerned.
Yet, instead of addressing the issue when police use excessive force and vigorously prosecuting unlawful police behavior, liberals use examples (Fergeson) that are neither unlawful police action nor honest (hands up don't shoot) characterizations of facts. Their purpose is to race bait and further divide Americans rather than to address how police unions are in part responsible for bad officers remaining on the job. 

Four, is the hypocrisy of liberals and their media spokesmen that continue to conflate city riots with free speech protests. Apparently if you are a liberal protest group (Occupy Wall Street) you are a wonderful civic minded activist group to be celebrated, yet if you are a (Tea Party) conservative group demonstrating peacefully, you are an "angry mob" acting un-American. But, if you are a minority rioting in the inner city against police, well, then liberals will accommodate you by giving you "space to destroy" and excuse that thuggish behavior by empathizing with your lawless, self-defeating immorality as righteous anger against "the system".

Is it lost on any American that "the system" in most of these areas has been created and controlled by liberals?

Is it beyond most Americans common sense to realize that double digit unemployment in urban areas results in greater breeding grounds for crime and corruption?
Is it lost on any American's sense of sanity that moral leadership starts at the top and then leaves its results at the bottom? 

It is an apt metaphor that social-progressive-liberalism has had many decades and lots of "space to destroy" America. It has had too much space to destroy America's value system of freedom, personal accountability, self-reliance and moral family structure. It has had too much space to destroy the foundation of a country that has given so much opportunity to so many in the world.

Indeed, if we could  see its America's intangible values as solid visible buildings, in the same way as we see stores in Ferguson, and businesses in Baltimore, we would see American values up in smoke.

We would see the windows of our values smashed with the shards of broken glass animosity of selfishness the only legacy being passed on to the next generation.

We would see our American treasure been looted (Hillary Clinton) right under our noses without anyone being arrested or held accountable.

We would be watching and hearing the scornful liberals berating America and the Americans that made sacrifices for their country in favor of those that make excuses as to why they need to destroy her.
Just like the rioters in Baltimore, liberals claim to want to fix America but their solution is to continue to blame the past, blame the system, blame everybody else and be allowed the "space to destroy" America. Instead liberalism has been given the space by voters and proven its ability to destroy itself by its own self-loathing hypocrisy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


If Jeb Bush were elected President, it would be the first time in American history that both a father and two sons, occupied the oval office. It would thereby establish an elitist lineage resembling a monarchial system as opposed to our Democratic Republic. 

This reason alone should be enough for voters to reject Jeb Bush's candidacy for president, but read on, for there are far more reasons and many more storm clouds over this ex-Governor of Florida.

Two names in Jeb Bush's past should make anyone think twice about handing him the oval office, Miguel Recarey and Claudio Osorio. These two men have more than tangential ties to Jeb Bush and both are criminals that defrauded American taxpayers of millions.

Miguel Recarey had an HMO company called International Medical Centers in Florida and was fond of his connection to both the Cuban mafia and politicians. In the 1980's while Jeb's father was vice President under Reagan, young Jeb Bush was in the real estate business, one of his partners was Miguel Recarey.

Recarey wanted a waiver renewed to allow his company to receive more than 50 percent of its revenue from Medicare. Jeb Bush used his influence by calling the then Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler on his behalf. Heckler confirms Bush called her, and yes, Recarey did receive his waiver, and by the way, absconded with millions of taxpayer dollars.

Claudio Osorio owned a house construction company called  Inna Vida Holdings LLC that proposed to build hurricane and earthquake resistant homes. In 2007 Osorio  asked ex-Governor Jeb Bush to sit as a board member and a consultant to his company and Bush readily agreed. Indeed, Bush's face on the company, lend it the air of legitimacy, that allowed Osorio to swindle investors of their money. 

General Wesley Clark was also asked, but after a simple check of Osorio's background, that showed problems, Wesley Clark declined. Osorio was a known entity in Florida, for in fact his other company CHS Electronics, was not only bankrupt but had been involved in a class action lawsuit for securities fraud. 

The red flags over the legitimacy of Osorio and his company were not just beneath the surface, they were flying in the air for any mildly skeptical person to check. Jeb Bush earned a 468,000 between 2007 until 2010 from Inna Vida Holdings LLC until, yes, Osorio and his company was investigated and exposed as a Ponzi scheme. OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) a federally backed agency lost 3 million dollars when Osorio convinced them after Haiti's earthquake, to supply him loans so his phony company could build his imaginary homes. Claudio Osorio is now sitting in a federal prison.

As for Jeb Bush? Well, he paid back 270,000 of the 468,000 he made under this con man without any explanation of where and why the 198,000 balance of money disappeared off the radar screen. He claimed to have been just a victim to both of these men's con artist thievery. 

Well, if we believe Jeb Bush, then he is the most gullible scam victim to ever hold public office. He also would be presenting himself as brick wall dumb and dumber for instead of learning his lesson with the first scam in the 1980's (Recarey) one would think he would have never aligned himself with another swindler (Osorio) more than 20 years later.

However, if we don't believe Jeb Bush, then he is as crooked as the many snakes in Washington and either way, not fit to hold office. Crooked, stupid or both, this Bush should be ashamed to run for President, and the GOP backers should be equally hailed as scam artists.

The state of American politics is shabby, secretive and salacious considering that two crooks Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are vying for the highest office of the land and are backed by their parties.

The public is kept in the dark about the truth of these candidates backgrounds, and when the true facts start to bubble up like lava to the surface, the liberal media is quick to extinguish the flames as the GOP scrambles to sweep dirt under its rug. 

Jeb Bush is not just a moderate Republican with a dubious background, he holds liberal positions outright and unapologetic, on immigration and federal education. He would make the illegal immigration crises worse in our country, by publicly reiterating his statement that illegal entry over our borders is an "act of love."

His support of Common Core, shows his duplicity in undermining States' Rights and believing as liberals believe in big federal government control. Let alone his lack of concern for the constitutionality of the Department of education even being a valid government agency, which is a conservative principle.

Yet he claims to have been a true conservative Governor of Florida, yet we know the koolaid flavor is orange and the GOP rhetoric makes voters turn ashen in disgust. 

It is important to note that Americans are waking up to the shenanigans of both political parties. Unlike decades earlier, when these type of candidates had more money and money was the only political game that won elections, politically awake Americans are ignoring the party's marquis choice. The people want a genuine American President not a party puppet that allows the country to continue to decline from federal tyranny.  

Jeb Bush should not emerge from the primary, especially when facing off with the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker along with many other bona fide conservatives running for President. The days of the RINO establishment GOP's hold on Americans is fast waning. 

Americans are hungry for a President that loves our Constitution, loves our free enterprise system, loves our federalism and loves our country.

The bird of opportunity to restore our country economically, culturally and internationally is at hand, and not worth beating around the Bush.