Saturday, January 9, 2021



There are millions of Americans that are sick, angry, frustrated and apoplectic about the entrenched corruption by both parties and our Republic’s bureaucracies that failed us.

We don’t have a Department of Justice; we instead have a department of cover-up for political elites while being an attack dog against conservatives. America’s Department of Justice has been weaponized and corrupted to its core without a shred of integrity left.

We all saw it coming when for years as the coup conspirators were not worried about their criminal liability when supposedly being investigated for their treasonous criminal activity. Comey, went on a book tour, McCabe became a TV analyst and Brennan continued to spit invective slams against Trump and his supporters, all seemingly unfazed, unrepentant and extremely confident that they had nothing to fear.

 We waited patiently for the shoe to drop. We were told justice takes time. Now we all know that justice has expired. No one will be brought to account. The Democrats stole two elections, Trump versus Biden, and the Georgia senate seats, to ensure that all these investigations get sucked into the black hole of corruption known as Capitol Hill.

How could that be? These people were part of a huge conspiracy to destroy a sitting president with lies to a FISA court, based on a fictional smear story invented by Hillary Clinton’s cronies in her political mafia. Surely, Justice would expose and punish all those operatives big and small for their part in this traitorous plan to frame a popular president?

 Surely Justice would join the President in fighting a fraudulent election where ballots were not scrutinized, not verified, not secured and tabulating machines were on the internet and rife with the ability to be hacked. Surely our Department of Justice is on the side of laws, order and wedded to the credo of being blind as to the identity and power of the suspect, when it comes to prosecuting wrongdoing.

Surely, and clearly all of us are naïve. We were naive enough to think that as corrupt as we may have thought some are in our government, we didn’t believe all, would be corrupt. We now know that was a sophomoric expectation. As savvy as we may have thought we were, no one believed that all those involved in the coup plot would be allowed to skate away, as if none of this treasonous treachery ever even happened.

 No we were again blindly naïve, because one of the main crooks (Biden) in this kettle of dead fish political corruption, is about to be installed as our next president. Yea, it makes one wonder if this wasn’t the plan as soon as Trump declared victory in 2016. After all, we all know that it will be Obama’s third term, as Joe Basement Biden has both dementia and a vice president that has more expertise and skills on the couch than in her plagiarizing mind.

No I will freely admit that I was naïve, gullible and completely sold on the idea that my government was trustworthy to the principles of justice, fairness, rule of law and eventually would right a sinking ship, if I just waited patiently for the white hats to arrive on the scene.

 Now I feel like a complete fool. An idiot that trusted a Republican party that always promised and never delivered. A dummy that expected that within an entrenched bureaucracy of Strzok-like stiffs, that some proud honorable officials would buck the corruption and expose the truth. A naif who assumed that our courts would not allow our elections to be rigged and our voices silenced. A dunce that still wanted to believe that America’s system was the envy of the world for its check and balances against wide scale corruption.  

For those that think Trump supporters and millions upon millions of Americans are conspiracy nuts, take a look at what has transpired over these last four years and tell us this was a normal, and an honorable functioning balance of power in our Republic.

We the People need to wake up and not be so embittered that we turn to apathy. It is hard not to become so disillusioned that one then gives up and submits to the political mafia now running our nation. Trump should have inspired us to realize that there are good people to trust that will restore our Republic, but we need to be wary, cagy and much more discriminating.

Keep reminding your public officials who they work for, as often as you can.

Push for term limits and election law changes, (Voter ID and traceable paper ballots) in all your state legislatures.

Recruit incorruptible business people, pastors and conservative patriots to run for local office and state offices. We need to create a farm team of integrity to promote to become Congress members.

Stay wedded to the core principals of this nation and don’t abandon our system, for it isn’t the system on paper that is flawed, but the office holders that have corrupted it.

Never trust a career politician, especially those that have been in office for their whole life. Most are liars, crooks and beyond redemption.

Don’t get discouraged when things get worse because everything in life has a bottom, and it is sometimes only at the bottom, that we find a fast route to the top.

Be proud, cleave to your family and friends and know that long dark tunnels do end, and no amount of corruption can perpetuate forever. There will be a reckoning. So continue to fight the good fight with chin up when needed, bowed head in faithful prayer when required and burning hope (not naivety) for a redemptive tomorrow!