Wednesday, November 14, 2018


When people think of voter fraud, they tend to focus on the individual that votes twice, or lies on their registration form regarding their criminal ineligibility, or being a foreign national and an illegal voter, but election fraud is far more pervasive and insidious than individual voter fraud, it is the speakeasy underworld of organized corruption.

Specifically, Democrat election corruption that has a long history of going under the radar of scrutiny because of a feckless GOP party that allowed its party's hands to be tied for 36 years. In 1982 the GOP entered into a Consent Decree to settle a 1981 voter suppression lawsuit by the DNC. The decree forbade the GOP from everything from watching over polls, to challenging registration qualifications, from all districts with so-called "substantially racial and ethnic populations", with "substantially" never being defined, by any measure of percentage, or aggregate number, and therefore being a blanket to cover all precincts across the country.  

However, in December of 2017 that 36 year old codified agreement expired and the Democrats no longer have a hog tied GOP party, hanging in the woodshed, unable to move or challenge, their election corruption. This is why Rick Scott of Florida is being proactive in fighting the fraud happening in Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida. 

While the DNC controlled media claims there is no fraud, Americans are seeing the undisputed fact, that county election officials blatantly and shamelessly are defying election laws in numerous ways in order to steal Nelson's Senate seat. They have refused to give a tally of votes cast, and mixed non-eligible votes in with eligible ones, along with missing all the deadlines for counting and collecting ballots and associated records.  When ballots show up unexpectedly post election, and ballots are lost in the shuffle of a recount, these are the types of backroom election fixing and cooking, that is done when elections are close.

For liberal  media to claim fraud has not been proven, when  illegal votes have been found, mysterious uncounted ballot boxes have suddenly appeared and the law requiring a count of votes cast has yet to be produced by Broward county in Florida, then media needs to explain the word fraud. Americans see the fraud. When you create laws to specifically stop fraud from occurring, and the election officers ignore those laws, then it is quite plain, clear and simply called, fraud! It isn't incompetence to ignore laws.

 I am sure most Americans have tried that excuse on the police officer writing them a speeding ticket, but the officer doesn't care that you didn't notice the speed sign, nor do they buy that lame excuse. Any election office that runs so afoul of the election law, put in place for the sole purpose to vest integrity in the voting system, is guess what media? Yes, that's right committing, fraud!

In Florida, Arizona, and Georgia there were close elections in key races and the outcomes are still not resolved nor is the process trusted, by the American people. Why? Because the public has seen this ballot shifting, last minute surprise outcomes by Democrats, election after election, and we are angry that there has been 36 years of feckless response by Republicans.

 It is time to call out the Democrat cheating party, for allowing illegal aliens to be registered, for the voter rolls to be filled with dead people, for motor voter signing up criminals and illegal aliens, for voter ID laws being blocked, for corrupt lawyers and elections officials remaining in charge of the counties and precincts across the country, that regularly produce flawed results. How can there ever be more votes counted in a precinct or county than registered voters eligible to vote?  

The Public has a right to free and fair elections, and equally a right to see election corruption as a serious and discrediting crime against our democratic Republic. However, most Americans are still waiting for the prosecution of all the campaign illegality during the 2016 election. Trying to rig elections in any fashion, steals the public confidence in the outcomes, and lays mockery to our laws if no one is held accountable. While Mueller investigates Trump for a made up crime of collusion, the real bandits in the Obama administration, are allowed to escape justice and be immune to accountability.   

 With the "Consent Degree" gone, we fully have the right to expect that the GOP will fight against the efforts by the Democrats to steal our elections by giving a vote voice to illegal aliens and convicted felons, both of which have no right to have their lawless viewpoint, cancel out the vote of law abiding taxpaying citizens. The mere idea that their voice should carry equal weight at the polling booth rightfully infuriates most American voters.   

If any leader has shown the GOP how to successfully fight the forces of the left and their media stranglehold on the political narrative it is the 45th President of the United States. 

Trump has had to battle not just the DNC media political machine, but the never-Trump haters in the GOP party. But the Corkers, Ryans and Flakes are all leaving in January and those that aren't leaving, like Lindsey Graham, have been flipped into avid Trump supporters. 

If Trump has taught the GOP anything, it is to fight, punch back at lies with truth (Fake news), uppercut political rhetoric with facts ( Obama's economy versus Trump's), slam phony allegations with real investigations of criminal conduct (2016 FISA, Dossier fraud)) and to not let Democrats control the narrative by laying bare their dangerous and deceptive agenda. 

NO the 36 year old pact with the devil is over. The GOP soul is no longer in hell, and We the People demand that the organized voter fraud, being perpetrated by the DNC, also be over. Time to verify the voter rolls, go to paper ballots, be issued a receipt after voting, institute voter ID laws and make the penalty for voter fraud by officials a true deterrent. Missed deadlines by voters, or officials should never count after an election. Third parties should not be allowed to register voters, allowing campaign staffers to fill out forms for aging nursing home patients.

Lastly, we as an electorate need to realize that ballot fraud can more easily happen if elections are close. Those of us that voted need to wake up any American who complains about the state of our nation and ask them pointedly, if they voted, then ask them why they are complaining if they say they didn't vote. If they say they voted for Democrats, again, I'd say well, why are you complaining? Democrats don't care about our Republic, they want to change America into a socialist global state, and you gave them permission by voting for their party or not voting at all.