Monday, August 29, 2011

911 NEEDS 911

It would appear that Mayor Bloomberg is following the Political Correct version of the Fairness Doctrine when it comes to banning religious speakers at the upcoming 10th anniversary of 911.

The scuttlebutt is that the reason for not allowing any Rabbis, Priests and or Ministers of the Judeo-Christian religions from speaking at the services is because you would be required to allow an imam of Islam to speak as well. The fear of course being that allowing Moslem speaker would incite anger showing disrespect for 911 victims.

His solution is to ban GOD from the memorial services completely and thus making it an atheistic display of remembrance to satisfy all by his Pontius Pilot thinking.

Washing his hands of what might be a small protest by Moslem and atheists Bloomberg serves up God to be sacrificed at the altar of his political popularity. First there was the mosque at ground zero uproar, then it was the lawsuit by atheists over the artifact cross and now all religion is banned from a memorial that cries out for faith.

The leadership in this country has lost its moral compass, lost its respect for the historic religious interconnection with our country’s founding and has it appears finally succumbed to the soulless vanity of the Gods (polls).

Where is the sanity from public figures that regardless of their own personal religious beliefs respect is required for the overwhelming majority of religious American citizens? A moment of silence is not the same as having a loud speaker with GOD’s own words echoing in the microphones to soothe both victims’ families and tell the world what Americans believe.

It is the height of callousness to all Americans that in light of the most evil attack on civilians in American history we are allowing the godless world of political correctness to restrain our pronouncement of our strongest value as a nation under GOD.

We were attacked because we are a Christian nation in full support of Israel. We were attacked because we are a country not in support of Sharia Law. We were attacked because we support the sacred faith and belief that all human life is precious and free under God our creator.

Yet here we are ten years after being savagely attacked for nothing more than those beliefs and the mayor of New York wants to bury America’s most notable signature underneath the Trade Tower rubble. It is not just outrageous it is a sign. A sign of how off course is the America we have become by allowing socialism to breed amid her creed.

911 is not just a memorial to remember a deadly day of murderous carnage but a call. It is a call for Americans to stand up once again to tyranny wherever and however it manifests itself to attack our values and diminish our beliefs.

The mayor of New York may have silenced God’s words at the podium but most Americans have God’s words ringing in the ears along with his love in their hearts.

They know they must have the courage to wear their patriotism weaved with faith and loudly boldly stand for only one Country, the country that “God shed his grace on thee…” America.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


What the heck are we thinking today in America? Why are we sitting on our hands and not voting with our heads? Why are we allowing a small minority of ultra liberal socialists to turn our successful nation into a bankrupted system like Europe or worse the old Soviet Union?

What happened to “We the people” and the civic responsibility to vote. Why have we allowed ourselves to become “We the sheeple” as we keep believing in political lies?

We have individual rights that are being systematically dismantled by those on the left and the right through corruption and collusion for political power. The left wants to take away every individual right to supplant it with social justice while the right is too worried about losing elections to stand up for the people they represent!

The Democratic Party is no longer the Party of moderates and “Blue Dog Democrats” but today is a consortium of radical special interest groups that wishes to micro-manage our lives from an elitist high perch of vainglory. They have the environmental solutions, they have the labor solutions, they have the healthcare solutions, they have the equality solutions, they have the poverty solutions, they have the education solutions and they have the interest of Americans at heart! Really! Really! Look around you!!!! Do you see what I see? Does anybody believe that big brother big government Democrats care about anything other than to re-write America’s capitalistic Republic? Are we alive out there America? Are we going to let our Country be co-opted by the ultra left wing zealots that fame to know best how to protect us from the cradle to grave? Not me! What about you?

How much government do you want? The Democrats are already squatting in your home dictating what light bulbs to buy. They have poked their noses in our lives with arrogance, hubris, social intimidation like a neighborhood of busybodies telling homeowner what color to paint their house. I hate it! I hate the patronizing smugness! I hate the “we know best” mentality! I hate the conformist mentality! I hate bullies! I will not be bullied!

The Democrats are big bullies! They knew Americans did not want this Healthcare Bill but they did not care because they had the power, they have the righteous answers and we are the sheeple.

I am very upset that Americans are blind regarding the Democratic Party that unabashedly reveals itself today as the socialists Party. They have graduated their ideology from a big government tax and spend liberals to socialists’ policies intent on ruining our capitalistic Republic.

Why are we voting for representatives from a Party that wants to undermine are core principles and freedoms? Why are we still sending these people into the House and Senate? The polls tell us that we are a center-right nation of voters yet we continue to elect members from the Democratic Party? What is centrist, middle of the road, fair minded and reasonable about the Democratic Party of today?

Are we so unaware of the transformation that has taken place within the Democratic Party that has walked completely to the socialists left? Do we not understand that the Blue-dog Democrats are extinct and replaced with Alinsky loving socialist’s political storm troopers?

America is ill, with a high grade fever from an internal virus that is threatening to extinguish her bright light of liberty. The patient named America is not only infected with socialism coming from the Democrats but as she fights and languishes as the Rino (Republican in name only) pose as her immune system but rather than protect her they cede her vital organs calling for compromise.

As an American I am outraged, shocked frustrated and on fire! Brave men and women are dying for our freedoms while American politician are systematically dismantling those same freedoms?

When did we decide to give up our independent freedoms to a group of zealots in Washington dictating with king-like edict every choice and every move we make from diet to products we purchase? Why are more Americans not standing up to the bully that the Democratic Party has become to our Bill of Rights?

I for one do not need or want to be saved from myself! I do not need a nanny! I do not enjoy big government bossing me around! We once were a nation skeptical of government. We once understood that freedom meant accepting life’s folly without the safety net of government interference. Why have we lost this spirit of individualism once religiously adhered to by the American citizen’s soul? It was once a signature that defined us as nation. It was why so many immigrated to our country hungry to become free from the economic and political chains imposed in other nations. Puritan to immigrant stubborn rugged individual acceptance of freedom over security was the founding of our nation and its allure to newcomers.

Today we have become a quasi-socialist nation putting chains and bridles on our children’s future and leaving them an enslaving legacy no less egregious than King George III. The only difference is that this “Federal Monarchy” of Washington D.C. has been born from our own hands.

All of us have participated one way or another in the making of our government’s monolithic realm whether by apathy, selfishness, ignorance or being fooled by the political game that continues to lead us into divisive pens while they carve up our country.

I write this rant of a book to reach out to my fellow Americans of all stripes, colors and beliefs and implore you to step away from the single minded issues that politicians use to divide us.

The Democratic Party has been co-opted by those that espouse anti-American values and have finally come out from behind the shadows to openly chant their ideology to re-distribute individual wealth, evolve a translation of our Constitution to boundless federal power and knight with hubris business and special interest with their legislative bailout scepter.

We Americans rightfully feel paralyzed by the enormous weight of laws, regulations and endless tithing’s to the “Federal Monarchy”.

Those of you who worry that the Republican Party is painted with the mud smeared by the liberals as a ideology that promotes interference with your rights, wishing to peer into your bedroom, return child labor, increase poverty, throw the old folks on the street to collect cans or make women return to death by coat-hanger abortion are being played BIG TIME!

The reason I know this is that as an eighteen year old pup I registered as a Democratic. I was a sheeple who “bah-lieved” their depiction of the Republican Party as the moral police. The Republicans did not help their image when they allowed Jerry Farwell to speak as though he owned the Party. The propaganda by the liberal Press helps the Democrats slam Republicans.

However the true Republican Party platform has been misrepresented by Democrats along with being hijacked by conservative pretenders. The true Republican Party platform is to keep government small viewing it as a “necessary evil” that invades individual freedom if it is allowed to grow and flourish as it has done for a century, little by little step by step, reach by over -reach.

It is not the party that seeks to moralize and intrude upon the private adult practices in the American family home but quite the contrary. It is the Party of Thomas Jefferson espousing as much liberty for the individual as can be practically done while equally believing in a strong military.

This is the smear tactic of the Democratic Party to scare people from joining the Republican Party. Truly, it is the socialist’s Democrats wishing to peek in our windows and wave their finger at the naked American undressed of our individual rights with their elitist’s scowl chiding us as we cower that we are too fat, not eating enough organic vegetables, not energy efficient, engaged in bad habits they disapprove of as they sniff our air for the telltale signs of tobacco. They who want to invade every last inch of domestic tranquility and crawl into our heads to make us mindless robots to their socialist’s mindset.

Political correctness is “Newspeak” sophism written about by Orwell’s celebrated novel “1984” already within our everyday society while we continue as Americans to be in denial.

The cat is out of the bag! The time has come for Americans of all beliefs to stand together as individuals in pluralism to refuse to be divided by the socialist Democrats and the pretending Republicans.

The Tea Party Movement formed as a result of Americans acknowledging that our political system has become fouled by anti-capitalists and anti-constitutional politicians on both sides of the aisle. The socialists are running amuck in today’s Democratic Party and we need to stop their Big Brother control. New Republican candidates must be sent to Washington to seize control back from socialists and the old guard corrupt Republicans that continue to compromise with socialistic ideology.

How do you compromise with wrong? Why are the Republican Representatives still talking about bi-partisanship with socialistic ideas? Americans are being thieved by Democrats and stabbed in the back by Republicans in Washington. We need to send a clear unambiguous message to the “Federal Monarchy” that “We the People” are back at the helm of the American ship of state.

We are Sheeple because we lost our way. We need to remember our roots, return a healthy skepticism of government and stop allowing Democrats to scare you against voting for Republican candidates.

Americans need to vote for “Constitutional Conservatives” not social issues if we have any hope to bring our wayward government back on track. It is not about Gay rights, Abortion, environment, or any of the divisive issues the politicians use to corral us into pens while they snicker at our stupidity! It is about your private inalienable rights as a citizen of this great country to be free of governmental tyranny.

Yes it is just that simple and yes we better wake up before it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle!

I am so hot right now my smoke alarm just went off! Not to worry I am a demure woman with a heart of silver. Yes I said silver instead of gold because gold assumes I am perfect and that is a hubris attitude I never could hold of myself. In fact I like being an average everyday nameless faceless “salt of the earth” American.

Let the soap box rant begin, shall we?


Big government bureaucracies ultimately fail to resolve the problems but instead become the problem. Theory does not always find practical application and many government programs appear better on paper where they should stay. Forcing a square peg into a round hole with a sledgehammer not only breaks the mold but it paralyses practical solutions.

Americans once comprehended the simple adages of “too many cooks spoil the soup” and the notion that “if you want something done right, then do it yourself.”

We rightfully in our American heritage were wary of the strangling noose of government with multiple laws persuading us to cede our self-determination for the collective will that invariably made problems worse like over seasoned soup. Even when solutions do come from government there are always tradeoffs in which a new tangential problem arises as a result of government involvement.

Buy the book (link below) and read more of;

                         AN AMERICAN WOMAN ON FIRE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The debt deal has States readying for the revenue losses that they expect will dry up from Washington. Some are proposing cutbacks in benefits while others are discussing tax hikes.

The problem is that unless Washington changes the mandatory spending and regulations by States then without Federal funding the States must continue to run in the red.

That means tax increases and increased pot holes or both for the citizens. The only real way to reduce government spending at both the Federal and State level is to get rid of Federal mandates.

That requires repealing Obamacare along with the long list of federal regulations from Transportation to Commerce but that cannot be done in a democratically controlled White House and Senate.

"States rely on federal aid to pay for many popular programs, including Head Start, work study, energy and housing subsidies, highway repair, and emergency response. With fewer federal dollars available, states will need to restrict their own resources to vital institutions, while cutting or charging fees for less-crucial services."
"Since August 2008, state and local governments have trimmed workforces at a rate of about 10,000 to 20,000 positions per month, according to the CBPP. Reduced federal aid will likely mean more state-level job and benefits cuts, which in turn could slow states’ recoveries."

Yet a big federal government has all the States by the throat and the only way to really cut big government is to rid our nation of federal mandates and entitlements. That requires that the American people call on our leadership in Washington in 2012 to get rid of Agencies not just cutting their budgets.

However some Republicans hedge on ridding the Federal Government of extra constitutional tentacles such as EPA and Agriculture worrying that doing away with these agencies will both lose them votes and increase unemployment in a lackluster economy.

Yet, the redundancy of these Federal Agencies that then require States to enact laws and layers of bureaucracy to comply is what is wrong with big central government that belittles States’ Rights along with raising taxes to the citizens at the State level.

The only rational way to reduce the size of the Federal government is to abolish its many intrusive Agencies that strangle our economy and franchise Statehood leaving it powerless to practice individual experimentation.

America needs to cut Federal Agencies wholesale such as the Education Department but do it incrementally in a 5 year phase out to give federal workers time to look for private sector jobs. Some of the federal employees could be absorbed by State government while others would be given a warning a year in advance that their job will become obsolete. Thereby incrementally culling the Departments annually until the Department is finally retired.

Business routinely expands and contracts its divisions of labor by absorbing some workers into other departments and giving other employees time to seek new work outside the company. Not all business just blithely lay off workers and the government could use this ratchet down approach to rid Americans of wasteful ineffective government bloat.

Americans are tired of politicians claiming that if it reduced its bureaucracy, regulations and workforce that the sky will fall down. Contracting the size and regulatory power of the Federal government along with tort reform and tax reform (flat tax) would have long term investment spurring economic growth.

The States are going to hurt if federal mandates and regulatory agencies such as EPA continue to dictate money spending to States without offering the States a check. Americans want not just a smaller Federal government in reduced budgets for bureaucracies they want the federal government redundant and unnecessary Agencies off the State and citizens pocketbook totally.

Then States could manage with block grants education, environment, commerce, energy, agriculture, and transportation leaving the Feds the military, Social Security, Center for Disease Control and Immigration and Naturalization where perhaps with only those few agencies they might consider watch dogging waste.

If the politicians say it can’t be done then their time in office should also be considered done by the voter. We the people need to demand a change until Washington changes!