Wednesday, June 30, 2010



When American’s were told after 911 that terrorists had sleeper cells throughout the United States, in which these American Nationals and or American citizens sympathetic or terrorist operatives would and could be mobilized to carry out more attack’s everyone was shocked and dismayed. How could we be harboring inside our Country those murderous Muslim terrorists masquerading as average God and Country loving Americans?
The infiltration was done over a number of years both by the supplanting of these Al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah trained operatives (soldiers) of Islamic terrorism and the grooming of American born citizens indoctrinated in the Islamic radical ideas and recruited. They have been a threat, are still a threat and our Counter-intelligence in the FBI are tracking them as we speak.

Now we find that there have been Russian spies just caught in the United States sent by Putin’s government to infiltrate and discover American political Policy by the White House among other espionage information gathering. Is this new? Spying between the two Nations have been going since the early in the 19th century to the present day.

In fact, who believes that with the arrest of these 11 spies there are many more Russian sleepers inside the United States? Well an ex-KGB defector seems to think that America might have as many as 50 couples quietly living among us passing secrets. According to Oleg Gordievsky who defected in 1985 says there are 400 declared Russian Intelligence officers and likely up to 50 couples undeclared or (Sleepers) in the United States.

What does this all mean to the Average American?
Well first the President of the United States Barak Obama has refused to tighten our American Borders and in fact supports his Attorney General to bring a lawsuit against Arizona’s Immigration law designed to protect the State and citizenry from alien invasion. Perhaps there is no need for sleeper cells with the ease of terrorist able to cross our porous southern border.

Equally it is well documented that Barak Obama is sympathetic to a Marxist view of Progressive change for America. It is interesting that we now know the President was briefed on the decade long investigation of the Russian spy ring and perhaps the eminent arrest of those involved and yet he chose to meet with Russian President Medvedev. Could our own CIA and FBI be worried about the Administration getting too cozy with Moscow?

With President Obama trying to secure better relations with Russia and negotiate a START treaty to reduce nuclear arsenals when wonders about the timing of the FBI arrests. The Russians seem to think that hawks in the U.S. government purposefully timed these arrests to derail the talks and adversely affect American-Russian relations?

The role of Kissinger in the “New World Order” is troubling as well; the press has not reported his active involvement and influence in U.S. Soviet relations. He is not a part of the administration, not part of a Congressional appointed delegation but has been active along with a cadre of others retired on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) described as an independent non-partisan think tank on foreign relations.
However Kissinger on his own has been to Russia several times since Putin has come to power. Interesting that Kissinger chooses Putin to buddy and influence where as he was not linked with Boris Yeltson except to advise Bill Clinton along with other former diplomats.

This leads us back to why now? Why is Russia using an old cold war spy game and focusing it on United States policy? Why did the FBI choose to arrest the 11 spies and charge them not of espionage but instead as failing to register as foreign agents? Was it mere coincidence that Medvedev met with President Obama and then the FBI acted on the arrests with separate reasons? After these entire sleeper spies were not after Military secrets but specifically Policy issues?
The FBI claims one the woman was scheduled to return to Moscow and therefore they had to make the arrests? Really after watching these people for ten years? What were they afraid she was going to bring back to Putin? This game of saying the spies were romantic throw backs and that today with more open relations these spies are superfluous while the “New World Order” is being engineered by ex-government policy makers like Kissinger and the (CFR) and our current President is negotiating Start treaty talks on Nuclear weapons does not add up. There are a lot of dots and yet the American is kept in the dark.
Oh and let us not forget what big international crises that Russia and the United States are involved with that could be very dicey in the near future? Iran! The Iranians have a friend in Russia and remember we are still the Great Satan.

We have sleeper cells, from not just terroist but communists and foreign governments all playing chess with the sole objective of bringing down the greatest superpower Nation the world has ever known. We may not known it before but we know now that Barak is not the strong leader our Country needs in time of crises.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


AMERICA PLEASE ANSWER WHY?Why did you vote the Progressive Democrats into power?Why is the left so hell-bent on destroying our constitutional freedoms?
Why do they hate America and its capitalism?

Why do they seek to bring us to Socialism when it has been proven throughout history to be a failed and tyrannical system of government that has killed billions of human beings?

Why do they hate our Constitution?

Why do they hate private property and individual rights?

Why? I know that we can postulate a number of answers such as;

Human Secular and Political Correct education propaganda teaches our children less factual American or World history while fostering a social conscience rather than an individual conscience.

A hubris in the intellectual circle that reverently believes that in order to elevate and promote the evolution of mankind as a philosophical reality that they can re-engineer the notion that wars and poverty can be eradicated if their socialistic ideas are implemented to counter-act man’s nature.

They have attack religious beliefs that promotes fidelity to a supreme being (GOD) limited moral restrictions while promoting a growing gray moral arena blaming religion as the sole cause of wars and conflicts in our history preaching faith as the enemy to the intellectual.

Atheism is the new freedom that allows the society and the individual to indulge in guiltless behavior celebrating the notion that the real enemy is the moralist that condemns such restraint on natural human instinct.

A naïve but rigid adherence to the concept of equality without distinction or difference that touts equal living standards and equal benefits to all regardless of individual effort as being fair. Mystic belief that socialism will bring fairness to life. They have earned their wealth from capitalism and yet defame it as corrupt.

They contort our Constitution, as was designed to promote individual rights, private property and its celebration of pluralism instead teaching Social Justice, collective equality and a government's role to set policy for the people.

Those are some of the reasons but I still need to know why?

Where are the thinkers? Where are the academics to challenge these so called “humanistic” intellectual thinkers that tout socialism as though it was a new and nirvana philosophy? Where are the scholars to debunk the premise that social justice is freedom, is fair, is righteous, is compassionate, is enlightened, is novel and has not already been proven over and over in mankind’s past to be the bloodiest of all philosophies?

Where are the parents? Where are the School board members? Where are the journalists? Where are the writers? Where are the critical thinkers? Where are the church leaders? Where are the business and corporation leaders? Where are the rich who owe their vast fortune from our capitalistic system? Where have the Democrats of JFK gone?

Why are Americans voting for Progressive Democrats?

Why do you want to be ruled? Why do you want to be ruled and controlled by society? Why do you want a government that intrudes into your private life? Why do you trust big government over local and State neighbors? Why do you want a capricious cabal of leaders to determine your individual value and worth?


Why do you think that across America from Maine to California, from Minnesota to Texas there is a growing Tea Party Movement? Not a third party, not a radical group, not an activism for change but rather to stop this radical change that is destroying our America.

We want to Return to our traditional roots, return to our Constitution, return to our religious pluralistic founding, return to celebrating individual rights and return governance from Washington and back into the hands of the people.

Why are you afraid? You know you are with us? You see what is happening to your country? You know that your Great Grandparents, Grandparents and Parents loved and made their American Dream come true in America!

Why won’t you;

Stand up for them who can no longer speak, stand up for yourself and the freedoms you enjoy, stand up for your children and your Grandchildren for the America that will be theirs tomorrow! Stand up and stand with us by registering to vote and voting out the Democratic Party that has allowed itself to be co-opted by Progressives out to socialize us! Vote for the Republican Party who although fraught with some weak spines does not wish to alter our Constitution and betray its principles.

Vote in your local, State and General elections for candidates that will guard America’s freedom and founding. The progressive Democrats can only change her (America) if we allow them. When you do not vote you allow them! Please vote against them! Vote in all elections against them! It is easy, it is your civic responsibility and your children are counting on you!
Please America stop this attack on our nation!

Don’t let your grandchildren ask you “Grandma, Grandpa why did you let them change America?”

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The President has extorted 20 billion dollars for the “victims” of the Gulf oil Disaster and another 100 million in funds from British Petroleum. The separate 100 million dollars is a fund to, (get this) pay for the future layoffs of American workers that Obama’s drilling moratorium will cause undoubtedly.

The president, Vice President and his henchmen gave British Petroleum an offer they couldn’t refuse! Pay into this slush fund or we will take to the airwaves and bash and protest against your company until you cry “uncle “because your stock prices plummet and we bled you dry.

I was wondering when President Barak Obama was going to use his prerequisite skills as a Community Organizer to lead this nation. Equally, wondering how long it would take for the Ailinsky tactics to parade themselves into the national public arena. Wait no longer, the President has his new Chicago beat in the District of Columbia with his new Community organizing war room in the White House and his bigger Community Organizing plans…to kill Capitalism and ignore the Constitution and rule of Law.

He has officially and publicly crowned himself Capo (Boss) while the “Capo di tutti capi” (Boss of all Bosses) is George Soros and his band of Party thugs in Rahm Emanuel, Holder Napolitano and administration czars as the Capo régime.

The outrage by the media, silent! The outrage by the members of Congress, mostly silent! The outrage by the stockholders of B.P. pensioners to whom this is going to pinch back in Britain yet realized. However, we Americans can look across the sea and see that we few allies (Britain and Israel snubbed) left and our new friends (Iran, Turkey) still hates us as our Presidents bows to them.

The President in his ruthless and capricious command has decreed that Pay Czar Kenneth Fienberg will head the slush fund to ensure payment to Gulf State victims of British Petroleum purposeful attack on the innocent citizens of America. A Pay Czar lawyer will dispense these funds? Now we will see if this money goes to real victims or some of it gets diverted to Acorn, to environmental groups, to democratic fundraising front groups to whom? We need to follow this money!

Someone please tell me how the President of the United States residing in the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to demand a private company to suspend dividend payment to shareholders and to aside monies in an escrow account and appoint an Administration official to take control of said account? Where is that power please? Where? Where is the law? Where?

Oh but I forgot it is to benefit innocent American victims by the Big Bad Oil Giant Corporation! That’s right the “ends justify the means.”
The Bully in pulpit is no longer Reverend Wright but instead as his twenty years of pupil attention the student rises to replace his teacher and outdo him with a stage much bigger and an audience much bigger and held captive and chained to their pews while the President of the United States preaches.

The president said “This is about accountability. At the end of the day, that’s what every American wants and expects,…” after he came out of meeting.

I say “yes” Mr. President I expect and want accountability at the end of the day. So, can you tell me please Mr. President, King or Capo or preacher “to whom are you accountable?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


After this primary Super Tuesday there are questions being raised as to the impact of the Tea Parties and disappointment among those who supported new faces that lost. Some new faces have won such as (Rep) Fiorina in California who will run against (Dem) Barbara Boxer, (Rep) Sharon Angle in Nevada who will run against (Dem) Harry Reid.

Trying to evaluate the impact of the power and strength of the Tea Party Movement based on the results of this Primary is as difficult as apparently plugging the oil leak in the Gulf. The pundits point to Arkansas and (Dem) Blanche Lincoln as a victory for the establishment candidate. It is interesting that Unions and ultra liberal groups such as ( spent millions of dollars against Lincoln supporting Bill Halter and failed to unseat her in the Primary run-off. Lincoln was forced as was a lot of Democrats running for re-election to move to the center and the early November polling has her losing to Republican John Boozman in the fall.

The Tea Party movement has been at the Political game for only a year at the grass roots level and yet candidates on both sides of the aisle are trying to either curry favor with it or taming their progressive rhetoric to a more centrist position on the issues.

There is political naiveté’s both on the part of Tea Party members and the political pundits trying to ascertain the movement’s impact. The idea that the movement can challenge all the incumbents and the big money like Whitman’s $80 Million dollar Governor’s seat campaign in California in an off year election is a David against Goliath reality. The pundits who then look at the score card and see that Tea Party endorsed candidates that lost must signal that the movement is not as effective as predicted are losing sight of the big picture.

Here is the truth in the tea leaves that everyone should understand;

1) In a short period of time candidates on both sides of the political aisle are speaking more conservative and the far left-wing liberal or progressive view is not a loud voice.

2) There have been upsets this Primary season against incumbents in which newcomers have won such as Utah (Bennett) and in Kentucky with (Rand Paul) and these gains are reflecting the mood of the country.

3) It is ridiculous to expect that Blue states (Traditional Democratic) are going to have the same amount of tea party power that Red states (Traditional Republican) have and yet there have been upsets in the traditional political voice in those States remember Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

4) The two party system has big money on both sides and it is naïve to think that money does not have any impact on elections it does, however even though that money is being spent, unlike before the Tea Party Movement, that money is slowly becoming less and less a difference maker.

5) The Tea Party Movement is not an organized monolithic Party that has used money and advertisement to endorse and campaign in one voice in the Primary elections for one candidate. To then look at a candidate that did have the endorsement of a Tea Party group that then lost and to read those tea leaves in the cup, as a loss of Tea Party momentum is a big mistake. We have just begun.

6) This is an off year election and many independent voters either could not participate without registering for a party or who do not participate in primary elections. These so termed “Swing Voters” do not show up in Primary elections.

7) Voter turnout in off year election is always low and there was little difference this year.

8) There are many voters out there that do not consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement and still believe that the movement is a radical group but when the questions posed by the pollsters about their feelings about the President, Congress and the direction of the Country are asked they respond in a unified voice. That voice whether they realize it or not is aligned with the Tea Party beliefs and not the Washington elite establishment.

9) Growing unknown candidates and having them become rising stars overnight is a hit and miss political game and reality. The Democrats and Republican Parties that have been in this game forever, can attest to that fact, while the grassroots Tea Party movement is a babe in the political woods. The fact that with virtually no money, disparate organizational cohesiveness and having to compete with the entrenched apathy of the disengaged American voter during an off year election the Tea Party movement has been phenomenally successfully in rallying the electorate and they have just begun.

10) Most importantly as the general election nears remember that the Tea Party success is to both remain an independent grassroots agitation to politics as usual and a growing voice of obstacle to the progressive (Liberal Democrats) trying to Socialize America. The real battle and results have yet to begin!

Thursday, June 3, 2010



The U.N. and world news media uses words like massacre and paints the people on board the ships as humanitarian aid workers that were victims of un-warranted deadly force by Israeli commandos.
I agree that this is another massacre but the victim here is the truth!
The paintball wielding Israeli commandos were violently attacked with metal pipes, knives and handguns as they lay on the deck helpless. Does that sound like innocent humanitarian workers to you?

Israel and Egypt both have blockades on Gaza but do we hear about Egypt? No this was a provocation by Islamic backed groups posing as a humanitarian aid group to create an international incident that would further isolate Israel and foment more anti-Israeli hate.
This will be a big test for the President and Hillary Clinton to either stand firm against our long time ally in the Mid-east or to side with United Nations that has been condemning Israel without truthful facts and flawed moral equivalency arguments for years.
The American people are the only stalwart friends of Israel who seem to be more intelligent, informed and aware of the sham of the U.N. and its pretense of neutrality on the Mid-east conflict.
Netanyahu made a rousing speech defending the actions of the Israeli military without apology! There is no doubt that if this was an American boarding incident we would expect no less action by our military watching Navy seals, stabbed, beaten and thrown overboard. The hypocrisy here is not the actions of the Israeli Military but the lack of worldwide condemnation of a flotilla of political propaganda pretending Gaza is in a humanitarian crises. This coming from Turkey no less, a Country that closed it borders to fleeing Kurds and created a real human tragedy.
Well again it is the World against Israel and the massacre of the truth!