Thursday, July 19, 2018


The mendacity of the Democrats narrative of Russian collusion has played out like a Washington soap opera, replete with backstabbing Republicans and power hungry Democrats, all trying to wrestle back the White House, from the popular-ism in power.

The days of admiring politicians is as old as the times of cotton plantations and the gentlemen's clubs, that expected the lower classes to be grateful for their societal stewardship, and respectful of their upper crusted privilege. Yet, those days are gone, whether politicians like it or not, (we know they don't), Trump has ushered in a new era. An era of real representation of the people, and he has replaced their political game of promise and forget, to delivering with a smile.

The new political landscape Trump has ushered in, is abhorred by the career politicians, because it requires true problem solving, fixes and solutions. Politicians are not fond of fixes, their forte is to bemoan an issue and name their election as the solution. Their promises always fall short on delivering  anything substantive, beyond a puffy piece of legislation, that dances around real results.

Trump has the political parties belligerent because their political theatrics are being exposed, as the con game it has been for years. They represent only two real constituents, donors and themselves. Their stagy sham, has always been, the bite that barks. Now their hawk and squawk marketplace, is being infiltrated with non-political candidates, vying to show up their canard carnival of lobby loyalty. 

Yes the electorate is being spoiled by the Trump Administration, but it isn't as if Trump stole the voters away from the politicians, as the establishment indignantly believes. No, this Karma kettle has been brewing a tempest for quite some time, as voters mumbled under their breath in disgust and disdain for political promises made and broken, while confusing the electorate as to whom, is the fool.

Never-Trump Republicans and Democrats in the establishment of the Washington universe, find themselves in a watershed bed of their own making. It wasn't Trump that ignored the Middle Class by making trade deals that aggrandized foreign investment outside the United States. It wasn't Trump that allowed millions of unskilled workers, access to this country's welfare programs. It wasn't Trump that reign down regulations and taxes on business, making the marketplace inhospitable, for the growth of jobs and wages. No those star buck eyes, are the fault of the self-centered bubble elitist politicians, that took the "Big Daddy" electorate for granted.

The voter cynicism was there. It was like Kilauea, silently standing at the start gate eager to erupt. Both parties have know that the electorate seethed under their feet. Democrats learned in 2010 when they passed Obamacare. Republicans learned about the lava flow under their feet when they rolled out "A Pledge to America" also in 2010 amid dismal polling data. Hoping to renew voter trust, they promised to change.

Yet it was again, all talk, all grandstanding and all too familiar, fabricated foolery. Then in stepped a billionaire businessman that wanted for nothing, but gave his voters what they wanted most, honesty.

Promises fulfilled, and a direction of policy that ignored the lobbyists, the globalists and the statists.

This is why the Democrats and the establishment Republicans are acting like a "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" and increasing their screeching, clawing and vituperation. Yet, they continue to represent special interests over the common interest.

However, this sneering disapproval of our President by the snipers in the Beltway's bubble, has only emboldened the electorate, who had the courage to trust him. It only proves the pitiful political excuses given by both parties, for years to their constituents, that these issues were too formidable to fix.

Certainly, there is a lengthy list of hurdles our Forty-fifth President has yet to vault, but given the complete chorus choir of shrill hostility coming from media, pundits and Congress-people, Trump's accomplishments to date, are prodigious.  

Yes, the electorate has proven that unlike Obama's fish out of water presidency, a New York fish, swimming in the Hudson river, can thrive equally well in the Potomac river, just as long as Trump avoids the eerie deep state canal, that leads to the swamp.        

Sunday, July 1, 2018


The left is stepping on their own agendas and succeeding, exceeding well, at failure.

Case in point: the left decided that they could shame the President, with their own policy, that separates children from parents, arrested after entering the country illegally. 

For a few days, they succeeded in sweeping all other news off the boards, by decrying and showing graphics, of the dispassionate results, when parents are arrested, illegally trying to transport their families to America. One would have to be cold hearted, not to feel moved by the emotional distress, it causes young children. For a short while, no one could deny that the innocent children, were victimized by their parent's action, and certainly children are the true victims.

So as Trump responded to the real issue of wanting to detain people in the fairest way, he stroked a pen to allow families to be detained together, even though its lawfulness, would be challenge by the same people, that accused him of having no heart.

Well, as Americans lamented, over the water cooler about the issue, it did not take long, to realize that the issue was sad, but no sadder than the thousands of kids in America, that are scooped up each day, and placed in Foster Care, because Mom, Dad or both committed crimes. The angry vitriol of the left once again, was being directed at the wrong target, and the wrong issue. 

The parents that operate a Meth lab in their home, endanger their children, and are breaking the law. When they get arrested, their children are equally crying and upset and completely unaware why Mommy and Daddy are being taken from them. It is tragic, very sad and yet, completely accepted as the fault of irresponsible parents, and not law enforcement.

The illegal aliens that drag their children thousands of miles, on a treacherous journey fraught with crime, fear, rape, starvation, dehydration and unsanitary conditions, are irresponsible and endangering their children. If they make it to the border, and decide to illegally cross the border, they know they will be arrested. They know, that they will lose temporary custody of their children. Just like Mom and Dad Meth-head know, that if they are caught, they will lose temporary custody of their children. 

Throughout the world, this is called, law and order, and there is no get out of jail free card, based on being, merely, a Mommy or a Daddy.

So when the left's outrage started to beg solutions, and the President to his credit, tried to meet their concerns. They shouted and shouted and eventually outed, their real agenda. Their solution was to go back to, catch and release. To abolish ICE all together, and let all the foreign families into the country without vetting (even though some of the familial relationships are known to be fakes or worse, sex trafficking), because it is the humane thing to do, according to the moral minded social progressive Democrats.

So once again we have logic up against progressive sloganeering with a hidden agenda. An agenda that Democrats, were forced by Trump, to publically reveal. And that agenda, of course, is, open borders. 

The left hates this President so much, they no longer can play their own game. Their game has always been, to gin up an issue and let it percolate on the back burners and then splash the hot coffee on the kitchen floor and call it accidental. They never reveal their agenda, never suggest a solution but instead sloganeer until an election is over. Or they bump one issue for another, when they find a bigger and better pot of boiling coffee, and quickly whip out their pink markers, to re-write their posters and compose their new rhyming chant, rant of the day.  

American conservatives and independents were always at the mercy of a Republican Party that dealt with these theatrics by the left, in a weak kneed self flagellating way that turned our stomachs. The gutless GOP  apologizing all over themselves, in a drooling contest, that made Elmer Fudd seem like a stud. At least Elmer would attempt to catch the rabbit lies, and over the top pandering by the left.

However this time the left did the opposition's own work for them. Trump to his credit remained firm, and then asked the only pertinent question. What would Democrats do? What is their solution? 

In response the left decided to demonize the border completely by calling for the abolishment of ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.

 ICE is the agency, that not only stops illegal aliens entering country, but stops drugs, weapons, cyber threats, identity theft and watches trade based money laundering, and terrorists plots. Don't Democrats care about protecting our citizens against the immigration of criminal networks? 

ICE also is the agency that investigates and seeks to arrest drug smugglers, human traffickers and sex traffickers, that save countless women and children from slavery, rape and torture. Don't Democrats care about saving women and children from rape and violence?

ICE are the agents tracking down illegal MS13 gang members that are terrorizing inner city residents, and deporting them out of the country. Don't Democrats care about the safety of inner city voters?

Lastly, ICE agents investigates and provides the DOJ information on American businesses that use and abuse an illegal labor force knowingly and willfully. Not only are these businesses violating the labor laws, that requires a check on the legal status of employees by employers, but they abuse the illegal alien workers, with overwork, underpay and zero benefits. Aren't Democrats the so-called party of the poor and working class?  

We have all experienced a critic over our shoulder, telling us we are doing it wrong, and the most effective way to deal with the nay saying ninny, is to ask them to propose a solution. Nine times out of ten they have nothing to say and will quickly go away. 

So you see, pushing back, and holding strong on American values of law and order is what makes President Trump stronger than the GOP and more savvy than the Democrats weak and pathetic sloganeering. By calling on the Democrats to propose a solution to the problem, the Democrats have no choice but to either reveal their agenda or stop protesting. 

Better still, if they do reveal their anti-American solutions, such as, a Catch and Release policy, they start losing support. Yet now totally inconsolable in their hate Trump mindset, they feel they need to ante up the stakes, so they jump the shark, and call for the abolishment of ICE. Thus revealing their ultra left-wing wackiness that no one takes seriously, and to which even liberal media has to concede its stupidity. 

So in their quest to tug on the heartstrings of Americans to show compassion for illegal alien children, the left reveals its dispassion for everyone and everything.

Dispassion for  citizen crime victims, dispassion for children's safety, dispassion for environmental hazards, dispassion for worker slavery, dispassion for terrorist infiltration, dispassion for sex traffic victims, dispassion for bankruptcy of towns and communities, dispassion for overstretched resources, and dispassion for the right of a sovereign nation, to orderly control its immigration.

The left is clearly winning, their losing argument, like pouring cold water on their own campfires.

The unhinged Trump haters, are flying around looking for anything to stop the ruby slippers from remaining in the White House. As truth rains down on the country, the Democrat's voices have become shrill and ineffective. Yes, they are melting, melting, and the country is seeing the left's power vanish into the floorboards of our newfound POTUS who, echos the American people's desires, over both parties crony control.