Friday, September 28, 2018


What America witnessed on Thursday at the Senate judicial confirmation hearings was a sick and twisted cocktail mix of beer, slime, toxic water and 2 parts ice cold, calculation on the part of Democrat's political machine. 

Their objective was to smear Judge Kavanaugh into resigning his good name to their defaming attacks, and or, delay the vote process until the midterm elections, where they hope to win more seats to defeat his nomination to the court. 

The Democrat party has no shame or moral conscience for anything done for political gain, and are not just operating under Machiavellian philosophy but have reached below that into the Torquemada-ian realm. (1st Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada 1478 Spanish Inquisition.)

On the eve of heading for a confirmation vote for Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, it appeared that the GOP had the votes needed to confirm this nominee even without the Democrats support.

Democrats knew that losing the liberal majority on the Supreme court that progressive Democrats have relied on for years to contort American culture, would be a devastating blow to the left, that has lost power, respect and voters since the 2016 election. Working as hard as they have to damage the reputation of our 45th President without much success, losing the court, was too hard a pill to swallow.

So they reached into their bags of sleazy, swampy, slimy, mud, mucking political playbook and arrived at the answer. Let's tar and feather Judge Brett Kavanaugh, put him on a rack until he recants his desire to be on the court, or hang draw and quarter his good name, until the American public is convinced through these lies, that the GOP and Trump, are nominating a vile rapist to the highest court.  

To use an allegation that has no corroboration, no substantive facts, dates, or timelines, except that it supposedly happened 36 years ago in High school is slanderous enough, but when the people she (Christine Blassey Ford) names as being witnesses, have all sworn an oath liable to perjury, that it did not happen, well then, you ignore the allegation, as not credible, right?

Wrong, if you are a Democrat you use this slander to destroy a man's reputation and hope he will transform into a "Boo Radley" and hide his face from public scrutiny, as the price necessary, to save progressive ideology. Due process be damned, truth be dammed and with the complicit help of the mainstream media, ethics and privacy rights be damned, in the leftist world of muck throwing politics.

Every day is Halloween with the Democrat party, as they mask their true faces from Americans, and orchestrate a silent coup. As their paid pumpkin heads, gather in a haunting party, and chase government officials out of restaurants. As they use taxpayer money like candy to have their warlock (Robert Mueller) and his group of ghouls, grave dig, for any monstrous allegation they can use to impeach Trump. As they destroy a judge's reputation nominated to the Supreme Court, with ghost stories and séances to scare the GOP into caving to their demonic powers.

It is time for Americans to wake up and see the Democrat Party for what it is, what it stands for and what it bodes for the future, if it ever is allowed to return to power. This party has entered into a communist cave that has only one exit, as it descends radically downward into the underworld that cares little for anything but domination and power over every aspect of American's liberty. It is their way, their worldview, their rules, their power prerogatives, their whimsy of persecution and punitive justice, and they seek to empower more useful idiots to harass Americans into thinking that our constitutional rights are granted by government. 

Rather the bill of rights is an exclusion list for government, and by the way, for Google and Twitter as well, that clearly affirms that the right to free speech and the to bear arms is an inalienable right excluded from the control and clutch of any authority save the people.   
God cannot help us, if we refuse to stand righteously against the ugly, anti-American, lawless calls of the mocking bird of our constitution, the Democrat party.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Explosive new information, from the number three official at the Department of Justice, in the Obama administration, by the name of Bruce Ohr, has trickled out in whispers, after his closed door testimony on Tuesday August 28, 2018.

Sources say that Ohr testified that Mueller's top prosecutor Andrew Weismann was made aware of the phony dossier and its use by the FBI to obtain a warrant on Carter Page. The circle is now closing on the gaggle of corrupt actors that tried to fix the election for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and if she didn't win then the (Insurance step) would be to impeach Trump and ruin his ability to finish his term.

So Obama's intelligence agencies used the NSA to spy, while Hillary paid for the dossier and all the conspiring parties lied to obtain a FISA warrant, and as I write this, taxpayer monies are still funding the very dirty dealers in this obliteration of the 4th Amendment and the integrity of our elections.

Mueller is not just a witch hunt, it is an on-going savaging of the presidency, or a silent coup that is loudly ignored by a corrupt liberal media and the DNC that continues stroke the mythical red Russian herring. This is not an investigation of Russian collusion, but a cleansing operation for the criminal cabal via finding enough dirt on Trump to make their misdeeds seem justified.

What Mueller and his team, seems to not understand, is that the public will never accept, that the ends justifies the means, regardless of what muck is dug up against Trump. Not because they are blindly loyal to Trump, but rather because they are blindly loyal to the Bill of Rights.

Moreover, the FBI has used unethical strong arm tactics against the citizens of this country for decades, and there is little love loss for the institution currently. Indeed there is a long list of FBI corruption and malfeasance starting with the 911 attacks , where the hubris of the intelligence agencies caused a lack of information sharing between FBI and CIA, that may have thwarted the terror plot. The FBI play Obama politics, when it ignorantly refused to call the attack on Fort Hood, a terror attack, but instead, referred to it, as workplace violence, denying victims benefits, until it was finally shamed to change its status.

Need more, what about the completely mishandled, and some say purposefully botched, opportunity to have stopped the Boston Bombings, after the Russians tipped them off early about Tsarnaev.  We can also look at the unjustified killing of rancher Robert Lavoy Finicum in Oregon, a protestor that should never have been murdered. Even before 911, the FEDS have acted without regard for citizen's lives in Waco and Ruby Ridge, and there are countless citizens who view the federal government with fear and loathing. 

Not to mention the bad taste left in the mouth of Americans, who read the Strozk and Page transcript of their incessant texting. Most of the public thought they were reading political porn, that clearly showed a deep, repugnant disdain, that liberal agents and officials have for the average American. It made Hillary's "basket of deplorables" comment have context, for we now know, how government officials view John Q. Public, and apparently, we smell as we shop in Walmart.

No, the Mueller team of Democrat lawyers, are really the rancid, foul and putrid players that want to undermine the greatest uprising in the American electorate since Ronald Reagan. It was also Reagan that said that the nine most terrifying words are, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

So we will wait for justice to hopefully uncover the Obama coup and start sending the officials that criminally misused their power, the indictments for crimes, we know they committed, especially Hillary, or we will be treated to a swamp circus of rats running the country and trying to convince us that our disgust is unfounded. 

Frankly, I am not sure this large dung heap of steaming sedition and treachery, can fit under any rug, let alone Washington's large cesspool caverns, where political secrets get flushed away, but we shall see.

We the People shall never be back to normal, if normal, is trusting the polished talking politicians, that promises us the moon, and delivers instead, once elected, their exposed backside. No, that is not the side of the moon we expected, and since Donald J. Trump number 45 has been elected, he has kept most of his promises, only leaving those undone, that Congress has scuttled.

 So don't expect the smelly deplorable masses to be happy with the politicians of yesterday, because there will be a post Trump era, after six more years, that will be expecting more than a slogan and a convoluted explanation, as to why they can't do this and that, promised on the campaign trail. The public will be expecting results and failure will result in more one term wonders. 

Justice will be served by the people either way, handcuffs on Obama and his gang of traitors, or more farmers, businesspeople and unwashed Walmart shoppers running to represent a government, "for the people, by the people, and of the people." (Abraham Lincoln 1863)