Sunday, February 13, 2011


Free enterprise is a term that is used to describe business in America’s capitalistic economic system. The word “enterprise” refers to the producing and selling of goods and services in the marketplace under supply and demand’s intuitive gamesmanship. The word “free” refers to the freedom of business to not be restrained by government interference, regulation or subsidy.

Do we have free enterprise today in America when our government interferes, regulates and subsidies heavily in business? I contend as a number of economists and retired business people do that the “Free Market” or “Free Enterprise” is dead and has been killed slowly but surely in the death of thousands upon thousands of paper cuts.

Who in America today understands the four letter word that use to describe our religious, political and economic lives? Free was once upon a word in America we all understood because we lived it. It was not intended to be a qualified word but one that denoted a condition like pregnancy. An absolute state of condition as in one is pregnant or not pregnant for one cannot be half pregnant. Therefore how can we be half free? Is that like having my feet bound but my arms free?

Any Christian religious cleric would be able to explain the conundrum of why God just didn’t make humans in his likeness and thereby create a perfect world where evil does not exists. He or she would explain to you the concept of “free will” which allows us to choose the path of either righteousness or decadence. Some might view it as a test in the mortal world for one’s immortal soul whereas others might see it as a paternalistic trust in the likeness to which we were created. Either way we on earth as humans have been given “free will” not “half will”.

Equally our pious wise forefathers wanted to free the new American citizen from the shackles of restraint put upon them and others by the human enslavers of mankind. Prior to their assertion of inalienable individual rights one was a subject to State, crown or manmade body of governance and not free. Their logic was simple and humble. If the Creator who certainly had the power to control mankind had instead opted to grant us “free will” then what an arrogant notion it was for humans to claim ownership over the will of the individual.

The first commandment out of the ten guidelines set for mankind’s free will choice of behavior was to not idolize false gods. Paganism is not just the idolization of a statue but of imbuing mortal beings such as kings with the reverence reserved for God.

Therefore the subservience to the creator rested under one’s choice to abide by the Ten Commandments or not. This was why our founders adopted our system of governance based under the system of laws.

The Ten Commandments seem a paltry amount of moral laws in the governance of mankind’s myriad of choices between good and evil and yet they do cover everything. Believers see the creator’s superior handiwork in the Commandments but even the atheist can appreciate, if they believe they were written by Moses or another human hand that they are the perfect template to keeping their rights from abuse.

The difference and rightly so that Man’s laws are mutable whereas God’s laws are not, allowed both constant debate and expected perfecting to ensure a proper balance between constraint of freedom and chaos. Laws like the Commandments were seen as guidelines to either choose to abide by one’s fellowship in a community that required respect of each citizen’s rights or selfishly trample on another’s rights. The amount of laws along with the punishment and penalty was understood to be as light a touch against individual rights as was possible to bring civility while preserving freedom for all.

Today we have thousands upon thousands of laws governing our behaviors in the “land of the free”. We have lawmakers that show no restraint and have inundated us with regulations based on nothing more than junk science theory to control our very act of economic survival.
If our forefathers could rise from their graves they would be appalled and fall dead again into their coffins upon seeing America’s progression.

We are persecuting Judeo-Christian values in America today. We are controlling free thought and speech with political correctness and sophism in our media in America today. We have a government controlled economy that owns railroad and automobile companies in America today. We have more laws governing our everyday activities than even King George III could possibly have written if still alive in America today.

We are not free. We have return the shackles upon ourselves we fought so hard to escape from that were imposed upon us by the king. We have elected a leader (Obama) and given the reins of power to those (Democrats) that believe in complete opposition to individual inalienable rights (socialism) in America today.

We are in a state of unrest. We Americans have been in a “patient sufferance” for almost a century from a “history of repeated injuries and usurpations” by a Washington federal tyranny that has been flagrant in disregard to its constitutional boundaries as quoted in our Declaration of Independence.

We are confused, angry, partly to blame and wholly answerable to the next generation if we do not heed the call of our civic duty.
Free? Free Enterprise? Freedom? Liberty? These words were once the luxurious prize of calling oneself an American because these words were practiced and cherished. Today, these words are still here but their meaning is hollow, lacking any truth as with half pregnant, we in America are half free.

The chains that bind our freedom, strangle our economy, silence our right to speak and hear truth, belittle our right to display our traditional Judeo-Christian culture in the public square and dissolve our right to have government restrained by the intent of our Constitution have been caused by our own inattention. Our own misplaced trust in American representatives we assumed would never breech faith with the past sacrifices and struggles that then providence bless us to enjoy in wealth and wisdom.

We elected those representatives who have “free will” to make policy either by choosing to serve the people’s constitutional interest or choosing to serve their own corrupt selfish statist interests.
The good news for America and Americans is that we can return our freedoms. We can demand her principles be reinstated. After all it is recorded in history that it was America that exampled freedom in the world. It was America that freed the world. It was an America that saved the world.

America it is time for you to save America. Time for America and Americans to re-birth freedom as an absolute truth “we hold as self evident” and cherish with our “sacred honor” to insure its future remains as our duty requires us as free traditional patriotic citizens.