Monday, April 9, 2018


The left preaches about diversity and tolerance but practices neither. Diversity, tolerance and multiculturalism are words often touted by the left, but they are just that, words. They have no meaning or import, unless they are practiced.

Then again, all variety must still be held to singular comports of value. Saying one has a vast circle of multicultural friends and therefore one is practicing diversity, is a sham, if all of those companions share the exact same belief system. So the left pretends to be diverse, when in fact, their actions are quite the opposite, because progressive liberalism requires unified belief and a suspension of dissenting opinion. 

How else to explain liberal theories based on nothing more than desire and hopefulness rather than reality and practicability. The rise of the ideal of socialism among the liberal youth, shows a complete denial of not just the history, of the failed economic and political system of socialism, but a refusal to open their eyes and see its modern failure, currently imploding in countries such as Venezuela. 

Wanting reality to mimic your desires is childish and irresponsible, but calling conservatives haters because they live in the world of practicality, is willful ignorance. Liberalism relies on willful ignorance and a denial of basic intuitive cognizance. 

The mantra that all Trump supporters are white Supremacist or that Climate Change is caused by human industry that will destroy the world, are cult-like beliefs designed to alienate and insulate the cult members versus the non-believers. One doesn't need to think or deduce for oneself because the cult has deemed it to be true, therefore, it must be true.

To be tolerant means to listen to varying opinions, to be diverse means to accept that people don't all look and or think alike, and to truly be an egalitarian one must respect Christians, conservatives and independents. But the Democrats and their corporate media know that conservative Americans stand in the way of their power lust to socialize America.

The progressive Democrat party has been grooming generation after generation to loathe our American culture, values and constitutional political system, in favor of state controlled socialism and unaccountable bureaucratic imposition of centralized federal control.

Sadly Congress has degraded from writing detailed legislation to instead, creating a broad based regulatory power to a federal agency and allowing unelected bureaucrats to fill in the fine details. This has led to a more politically corrupted federal governance, that has encircled the citizen with laws and regulations that continually encroach on their freedoms.

Yet, unlike the past when government became too haughty, there were always a crop of freedom fighting Americans willing to run for office, demand accountability and re-direct our wayward ship of state, in keeping with its constitutional course. But are those Americans not regenerating given the left's stranglehold on education?

Given the liberal cultism that has indoctrinated so many, who will take the freedom torch from the Baby Boom generation? One needs to ask, will our nation's exceptional Republic survive? 

Given the political selfishness of the swamp, that is Washington politics, we need to wonder when, or if, youth can open their eyes. Open their eyes, think for themselves, and discover the truths, lurking outside the cult of progressive politicians that are using fear and handouts, to aggrandize government at the expense of the economic and social freedom of the people.

To paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin, can America keep her Republic?  

The answer once was an automatic yes, but today however, as the liberal cultist groom children at younger and younger ages, there is serious doubt. Indeed, grave doubt, about our nation's future, unless the cult of media, teachers unions and progressive politicians, are debunked and exposed as the control freaks that are scamming naive minds. 

Today progressive youth cult have been programmed to hate the haters. Seems righteous, except the problem is, that liberals see everybody that doesn't espouse to their worldview, as haters. Therefore the folly of their vitriol is that they have become the bigots. They have become the racists. The have become the sexists. They have become the haters.
Yes liberal activists are the intolerant, goose-stepping band of enforcers, clueless that they, not Christians and conservatives, are the intractable supremacist, demanding special privileges. Clueless that the 1st Amendment isn't just for speech they approve. Clueless that the more they disparage, exclude and rant against average Americans that shun their crazy idealism, the smaller their cult becomes.