Wednesday, December 9, 2020



When we look at our Department of Justice we see a group of prosecutors protecting government corruption. When we look at our Federal Bureau of Investigation we see clear bias to only recommend indictment of conservatives. When we look at our Central Intelligence Agency, we see it an agency turning inward to destroy our Republic.

 When we look to the courts, we see liberal jurists ignoring the Constitution. When we look to our so-called Representatives, they lie and assure us that everything is fine and that there is no widespread perversion of our state. When we look to our fourth estate, they call all those that point to government malfeasance as dangerous right wing radicals.

If one is looking for our government to resolve the debauchery of our nation, given its multiple checks and balances, we should be rightfully alarmed that it has been eroding for decades. Where are the men in women who took an oath to defend our Constitution against “enemies’ foreign and domestic”, doing about the many disintegrations of our Bill of Rights?

Now, with the widespread fraud of 2020 elections it appears we have a completed coup, where a progressive liberal socialist’s dictatorship and a quisling group of Republicans mean to rule the American people. This is not voter fraud, this is election fraud done by those that have one goal, that being, to remove Donald J. Trump from office regardless of what the people choose.

It would appear as if, no one is defending the Constitution. No one seems to be following their oaths seriously, and our once rule of law that kept everyone in check is no merely a toolbox for the left in order to hammer conservatives and charge them with crimes against the progressive state.

The oligarchy is all behind the progressive thieves that stole the 2020 election and it seems now more than ever, we need a few courageous patriots to stand up in our government and expose the corruption. So far those so-called honest patriots are hiding under their desks at the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. subjugated themselves and the rest of the country out of fear of reprisal or in league with the snakes betraying our nation.

If not now then when? If not over this election fraud, then when will we ever have the voice to challenge the elitist swamp that has contorted our Republic into an oligarchy with corrupt representation?

The claim that there is no evidence of fraud in our elections is a clear denial of empirical facts. Why are facts that are not being allowed to be investigated even though the affidavits are compounding daily? This election wasn’t stolen by one scheme to invent a Biden surge in the swing states in this nation, it instead was a deftly choreographed plan using all manner of cheats to both defraud the election and lose the paper trail that would prove its deceit. 

Democrats have raise the ire of many in this nation with their dictatorial Covid lock-downs, their burning and looting of America’s main streets and their Manchurian candidate (Joe Biden) that supposedly received more votes than the vaunted Barack Obama. Don’t they care that their fraud is so obvious? Don’t they care that their lies are so ridiculous? Don’t they fear that their conspiracy coup will be caught and prosecuted? No. Why, because it won’t. One needs to have courage and integrity to expose the corrupted, and today it seems we have few if any, patriots in government.

It equally helps the lecherous many, in our government to have a fourth estate (media) in its pocket, protecting it, and hiding information of the depravity in all branches of government. 

We must rid this nation of not only progressive liberals, but of all lobby money taking quislings that refuse to represent our Constitutional Republic. Until, Americans figure out how to stop voting for crooks and liars, our freedoms will vanish before our eyes.                                       

Friday, November 13, 2020



We know that some voters in past elections have bragged about voting twice in elections, once in their old home state and another in their new state or summer home residence. We know that voter registration rolls contain old, outdated and bogus names, either because these voters are dead, or because motor voter signed up illegal aliens as eligible. We know that operatives of the Democrat party have been coaching the nursing home vote as well as offering to drive voters and buy them coffee. Otherwise these voters most likely would stay home.

We know that most of our largest cities polling places are run by Democrats that are neither independent nor dispassionate about the outcome of the races. We know that in some precincts more people voted than live in the area. We know that in some polling places one candidate received 100 percent of the vote, which is dubious to say the least.  We know that polling machines are only as accurate as the algorithm baked into program, and that the owners of these machines have major political bias. We know that ballots have gone missing while other ballots have miraculously appeared last minute, to change outcomes of close elections. 

We know all these things and now with mail- in ballots Democrats have found another route to fraud. They have created another avenue to steal our elections where mail- in ballots were sent en-mass to residences in states where people were allowed to vote months before the election. This gave the Democrats the ability to match the names on the rolls of returned ballots and then ferociously fill out ballots for all those residences that didn’t return ballots by November 3rd.  But what if they went to the poll on Election Day? Did they vote twice or were they turned away? 

Then there are the counting machines that have a glitch in the system but unlike any other glitch or anomaly that doesn’t play favorites these so-called glitches always favor Democrat candidates. That is because they are not glitches but rather purposeful vote counting switches designed to hijack a close election for Democrat candidates.  

So Americans know that individually a few illegal votes won’t change the outcome of an election, however when all these methods of fraud are used and choreographed for months prior to an election in order to turn states from a red vote to a blue vote, while also employing a shame sham in which media pushes a candidate to concede early, we have a stolen election. Anomalies always occur in elections but there are too many in the 2020 election to be believable.

How does it happen that thousands of voters chose Biden as president but vote GOP straight down the ticket in Senate, House races and state legislatures? How does it happen that all found ballots not counted initially all go to one candidate? How does it happen that those glitches all favor one candidate? How does it happen that in the middle of an election count the polling place closes and poll watchers are asked to leave only to wake up and find that the gap of Biden support surged in the middle of the night, giving him the vote count lead? How does it happen that one state has only a small sample of a vote count be called early by the media while another state close to counting completion is not called? Moreover how do large states with significantly more ballots count by election night while smaller states need a week to reveal a raw count?

These are not anomalies, instead this is a smorgasbord of election fraud designed to insure that Biden won the swing states and that Trump would be forced to concede. However, there are a number of problems with the Democrat steal.

First, Americans are not buying the results because it is painfully obvious that it reeks of fraud. Two, Trump will not concede an election that was corrupt from the start when state Supreme courts allowed elections laws to be changed without state legislature involvement. Three, how could Trump be way ahead of Biden in the early counts and then magically get trounced the later and later votes were counted where his rallies proved his popularity in those very same districts? Four, how does Biden claim victory when none of his so-called electoral votes have been certified? Five, Americans already were subjected to news of mail-in ballots being mishandled prior to the election, calling into question the legitimacy of one person, one vote rules. Six, why were poll watchers shut out and why did some states stop counting and go home? Or did they go home?

Americans that voted legally are livid over this election. America is a technological giant of a nation and yet our election system is rife for fraud because of its arcane lack of integrity. Some have called for voting uniformity but that my friends would be a bigger mistake. The problem isn’t having a standard voting machine, or a standard counting machine both of which could be easily hacked by Democrats or foreign interference, no, it is a simple fix that goes old school.

First, voter rolls must be updated more regularly. Two, voter ID must be shown to register and vote. Three, ballots should be filled out by a person not machine. Four ballots should be verified and counted by people not machines. Five, voters should receive a receipt of their vote, not just that they voted but an actual accounting of the choices they made after the counted election information is scanned into a database. (Take note- after the election has been counted and certified then voter receives their receipts.) If therefore, there was any funny business with the vote count it will show up after tabulation. Six, all counting should take place with 3 people at each polling station made up of a GOP, Democrat and poll worker at each stage of processing ballots. Seven, media should be barred from calling any races until all the polls are closed, throughout the country. Eight, most important, Congress must make voter fraud a more serious crime with stronger penalties for all those involved (even tangentially)resulting in serious jail time, especially for election officials.

Americans are very apprehensive about the outcome of the 2020 election because it is not just the difference of Biden over Trump but the obvious signs that a massive election fraud took place, and that the voters are once again going to be gas-lighted by our media and government, that the election was legitimate. The 2012 election was another fraud filled election that voters were dubious about and yet Congress continues to ignore the systemic need to root out the partisan election robbery. 

We know this election is a steal. We know it is statistically impossible for Biden to have won. We know that this might end up to a decision by unelected men and woman in robes and we are afraid our voting voices could be silence forever.

In the Republic where the rule of law is the bedrock of our country, free, fair and honest elections should be the norm, not the exception.

Friday, October 23, 2020



The Orwellian worry that big government will become so corrupted by corporate American political money such that its takeover will be unseen and accepted has already arrived.

Big Brother has made a huge leap in the last decade as it has infected not just Government politicians and major news outlets, but all of social media and internet search engines. Never would we expect to see unfold before our eyes a blackout on a major political news story that has serious repercussions for our country’s future.

Biasness in journalism is one thing, but refusing to print factual stories while defaming the truth as unsubstantiated has become replete in the major news networks and newspapers in America. This is not just slanting the news; this is denying the people information regarding a presidential candidate weeks before the polls close in order to preserve a candidate’s reputation keeping voters ignorant of his crimes.

The complete shutdown of information, questions, investigations and legitimate inquiry into Joe Biden’s family corruption involving foreign countries in which Biden engaged in open bribes for his son is disturbing on many levels. Could a crooked president be elected to office and use the corrupt deep state to destroy evidence and the people with incriminating evidence from speaking out? Is Joe Biden the Orwellian “Chairman” for the Democrats and the media? Would an information blackout become the norm? 

Americans suspected that Hillary Clinton used her Foundation as a means to sell her office as Secretary of State during the Obama administration. Her deleted e-mails were the proof of those pay to play office selling, but a corrupt FBI let her off the hook.

Now there are mounds of evidence linking Joe Biden and his son Hunter along with ex-secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson in a large pay for play scheme that extorted millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and Moscow for influence. Yet once again, Big Brother has not only refused to investigate the wrongdoers, but they have clamped down on any reporting of this explosive evidence of vast corruption.

How? Well first we should note that most of media is owned either by corporations or very wealthy liberal moguls. Second, social media is also predominately owned by leftist liberals that have a long history of thwarting conservative viewpoints. Thirdly, our government is inundated with liberal saboteurs that misdirect our intelligence agencies, cover up evidence of malfeasance and corruption, and focuses on investigations of fake allegations such as the Russian collusion hoax and the impeachment of Trump, with claims that Russians are responsible for Hunter Biden’s e-mails.

What this failure to address Washington corruption tells the American people, is shocking, sad and insidiously damning about the status of our Republic, in the hands of the bureaucrats and members of Congress.  

It also should make every American aware that other countries view our government as untrustworthy and easily bribed as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are most likely only some of the office sellers roaming around our nation’s capital suffering zero repercussions.

The media has also been called the attack dog, the fourth estate which would ensure the American people that if a coup were to be tried in America the media would sniff it out before it was able to coalesce into a firm plan. We assumed the fourth estate would be loyal to truthful reporting not political allegiances. We expect our media to be exposing facts regardless of which political party it helps or hurts. Instead our media promoted the Russian witch hunt and has refused to issue any “mea culpa” after it has been unraveled as a coup plot to destroy Trump’s presidency.

Our fourth estate has already been corrupted by the oligarchy. Money, power and politics dominate journalism in America today and there is no longer a neutral media working for the interests of Americans to expose truth, but rather a cabal of only six primary purveyors of media. Where once America had as many as 50 competing media companies in 1980, today, there are only six major corporations own our media on TV, Cable and internet. Equally about fifteen billionaires own our newspapers across the nation and unlike the past they have used their influence to affect or should we say infect, the news.

The six main players in media are Comcast (owns NBC), Disney (Owns ABC), AT&T (owns CNN), News Corp (owns Fox), National Amusements (owns CBS) and Sony in order of their revenue share.

It is unconscionable that Congress allowed these mergers to take place, and does little to require more strident adherence to media licensing that should require the media to remain neutral fact based reporters instead of biased disinformation broadcasters.

Americans are not only no longer being protected by the fourth estate, but they are being fed a daily stream of misinformation and blackout of vital information in order to protect the “swamp” and keep corporate lobbyists able to bribe our representatives and officials in Washington.

Biden is corrupt and equally unfit to be president of the United States. There was a time in America when his son’s scandal would have been front news for months, but instead it has been excised from news coverage. “Big Brother” is here and so called journalists are openly supporting group think disinformation.

Americans needs more independent courageous journalist, more amateur reporters and new media markets unaffiliated with politics if we expect to cure the rising power of oligarch media corruption. We are not just dealing with “FakeNews”, but rather we are at the crossroads of losing our first Amendment unless “We the People” start writing our representatives to demand that news outlets and social media play by the same rules.

If America loses all faith in the fourth estate than America loses all faith in government and then, well then, it is us against them, and revolutions always follow when the public no longer trusts the information it’s being forced to consume. I call out the quisling reporters to go against the marching orders of their corporate minders and become truth tellers not truth slayers.    

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



The Romans persecuted Christians and Jews and when not killing them, they smeared them, as being people that had “hatred of the human race” or in Latin (odio humani generis).

The pagan Romans validation for this prejudiced view of Christians and Jews stemmed from the fact that Christians did not participate in normal civic and social life in Rome because it involved a lot of pagan worship. Christians were just following the 1st Commandment.

Today the left smears Christians, Jews and Conservatives as being “science deniers”, because they are unwilling to embrace “Climate Change” with the same zealotry and religious faith of the left, even though the science is unsettled, and claims being made about its impact have proven dubious if not completelyy unsubstantiated.

Now enter Black Lives Matter, another pagan inspired bull-whipped belief that if one refuses to accept one’s white privilege guilt, or one’s minority victim-hood, you are called a racist.

So the good news is that we know what happened to the pagan Roman Empire, the bad news is that no one knows how long America will suffer from this radical atheistic anarchist communist organization being used by the Democrat party and the media to destroy America’s Judeo-Christian culture.

We also don’t know to what degree the left’s insurgency into our institutions will cause a conflagration battle. Will America have another Civil War? Will there be bloodshed on the streets? It certainly seems possible; however, we do know what the outcome will be, because even if pagans temporally beat down their foes, they need victims, so they end up destroying themselves. Either by winning or losing, the left’s cancel culture is doomed to fail.

But that’s a history lesson and not the concern of people living in the hostile UN-American generation governing our local townships, state government and federal agencies. The damage done to our institutions under President Obama are deep and still entrenched in our body politic. The Russian collusion hoax and the silent coup of powerful Washington traitors are still in their seats of power because of voter ignorance and rampart Beltway corruption.

Most voters don’t see the danger of the two-tiered justice system or feel powerless to effectuate its change. When our two party system, leaves voters with the choice between the crooked politician, they know, versus the crooked politician they don’t know, they tend to vote for the incumbent crook.  

 However, perhaps in this upcoming election the voters will finally understand the clarity of voting for a party rather than a person. It is important if we want to win the war peaceable with the leftist’s insurgency, because it should be clear that regardless of what a political campaign by a

Democrat incumbent or newly running politician claims, they will vote steadfast to their party’s ideology. Today’s Democrat ideology is radical, socialist, communists, anti-American and yes, an extremely corrupt dismantling of individual rights.

The left’s war on our culture is purposeful and diabolical. Karl Marx knew that religion and communism were like oil and water, even after a vigorous shakeup they would naturally separate and cause dissent, communism fears dissent. It is why China has infiltrated the Christian churches installing its own preachers to indoctrinate parishioners to be faithful to communism first and God second, as well as creating huge detention camps for Muslims.

The radical left in America knows that it must make big Federal government the new god to Americans and destroy the God, Family and country strength of our nation’s loyalty.

Is anyone surprise that Democrat governors allowed bars and marijuana farms to remain open for business while it shut down church services during the pandemic? This wasn’t for safety, this was an un-masking of Democrat ideology. The Democrats finally had a crisis to exploit and they used their pagan power play to wield power against our Judeo-Christian culture.

This election is an important turning point in the culture war. If Biden wins, than the cancel culture will be more emboldened to believe that riots are successful political tactics, to win elections. If Trump wins, along with taking the majority in Congress, then our Judeo-Christian values will stop conceding and deferring to leftist idolatry. In essence American voices will be heard, American values will need to be heeded by the Democrat party if they hope to win future elections.

However, this cancel culture will not stop, and our goal is to remain steadfast and faithfully stubborn against the atheistic anti-American surge, each and every time it seeks to demonize our culture. If you fight, as you should, everyday against satanic influences in order to stay happy and moral, then the fight for your nation’s culture is no different. It’s a long battle, indeed a never ending battle, but take heart, it is a winnable battle, as long as we all stay stalwart and determined to keep America, the “shining city on the hill.”