Friday, October 23, 2020



The Orwellian worry that big government will become so corrupted by corporate American political money such that its takeover will be unseen and accepted has already arrived.

Big Brother has made a huge leap in the last decade as it has infected not just Government politicians and major news outlets, but all of social media and internet search engines. Never would we expect to see unfold before our eyes a blackout on a major political news story that has serious repercussions for our country’s future.

Biasness in journalism is one thing, but refusing to print factual stories while defaming the truth as unsubstantiated has become replete in the major news networks and newspapers in America. This is not just slanting the news; this is denying the people information regarding a presidential candidate weeks before the polls close in order to preserve a candidate’s reputation keeping voters ignorant of his crimes.

The complete shutdown of information, questions, investigations and legitimate inquiry into Joe Biden’s family corruption involving foreign countries in which Biden engaged in open bribes for his son is disturbing on many levels. Could a crooked president be elected to office and use the corrupt deep state to destroy evidence and the people with incriminating evidence from speaking out? Is Joe Biden the Orwellian “Chairman” for the Democrats and the media? Would an information blackout become the norm? 

Americans suspected that Hillary Clinton used her Foundation as a means to sell her office as Secretary of State during the Obama administration. Her deleted e-mails were the proof of those pay to play office selling, but a corrupt FBI let her off the hook.

Now there are mounds of evidence linking Joe Biden and his son Hunter along with ex-secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson in a large pay for play scheme that extorted millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and Moscow for influence. Yet once again, Big Brother has not only refused to investigate the wrongdoers, but they have clamped down on any reporting of this explosive evidence of vast corruption.

How? Well first we should note that most of media is owned either by corporations or very wealthy liberal moguls. Second, social media is also predominately owned by leftist liberals that have a long history of thwarting conservative viewpoints. Thirdly, our government is inundated with liberal saboteurs that misdirect our intelligence agencies, cover up evidence of malfeasance and corruption, and focuses on investigations of fake allegations such as the Russian collusion hoax and the impeachment of Trump, with claims that Russians are responsible for Hunter Biden’s e-mails.

What this failure to address Washington corruption tells the American people, is shocking, sad and insidiously damning about the status of our Republic, in the hands of the bureaucrats and members of Congress.  

It also should make every American aware that other countries view our government as untrustworthy and easily bribed as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are most likely only some of the office sellers roaming around our nation’s capital suffering zero repercussions.

The media has also been called the attack dog, the fourth estate which would ensure the American people that if a coup were to be tried in America the media would sniff it out before it was able to coalesce into a firm plan. We assumed the fourth estate would be loyal to truthful reporting not political allegiances. We expect our media to be exposing facts regardless of which political party it helps or hurts. Instead our media promoted the Russian witch hunt and has refused to issue any “mea culpa” after it has been unraveled as a coup plot to destroy Trump’s presidency.

Our fourth estate has already been corrupted by the oligarchy. Money, power and politics dominate journalism in America today and there is no longer a neutral media working for the interests of Americans to expose truth, but rather a cabal of only six primary purveyors of media. Where once America had as many as 50 competing media companies in 1980, today, there are only six major corporations own our media on TV, Cable and internet. Equally about fifteen billionaires own our newspapers across the nation and unlike the past they have used their influence to affect or should we say infect, the news.

The six main players in media are Comcast (owns NBC), Disney (Owns ABC), AT&T (owns CNN), News Corp (owns Fox), National Amusements (owns CBS) and Sony in order of their revenue share.

It is unconscionable that Congress allowed these mergers to take place, and does little to require more strident adherence to media licensing that should require the media to remain neutral fact based reporters instead of biased disinformation broadcasters.

Americans are not only no longer being protected by the fourth estate, but they are being fed a daily stream of misinformation and blackout of vital information in order to protect the “swamp” and keep corporate lobbyists able to bribe our representatives and officials in Washington.

Biden is corrupt and equally unfit to be president of the United States. There was a time in America when his son’s scandal would have been front news for months, but instead it has been excised from news coverage. “Big Brother” is here and so called journalists are openly supporting group think disinformation.

Americans needs more independent courageous journalist, more amateur reporters and new media markets unaffiliated with politics if we expect to cure the rising power of oligarch media corruption. We are not just dealing with “FakeNews”, but rather we are at the crossroads of losing our first Amendment unless “We the People” start writing our representatives to demand that news outlets and social media play by the same rules.

If America loses all faith in the fourth estate than America loses all faith in government and then, well then, it is us against them, and revolutions always follow when the public no longer trusts the information it’s being forced to consume. I call out the quisling reporters to go against the marching orders of their corporate minders and become truth tellers not truth slayers.    

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