Thursday, November 10, 2022


The real story of the 2022 elections was not that there wasn’t a red wave, but rather that the same bad polling and the same election official incompetence (on purpose in some places) still exists but also the amount of Democrat seats up for the taking.

In 2024 the list of incumbent Senators and House Democrats up for re-election is significantly higher and would propose a real direction shift if we are to believe the polls that state 70% of the country believes we are heading in the wrong direction.

Did the forecasting of the red wave cause people to not vote? Did the messaging of the conservatives live up to the desire of the public to expect a change?

The GOP leadership spent more time lamenting the Trump endorsed candidates than they did laying out policy changes they would push for in both House and Senate if the public just gave the power to them. Once again the messaging of the GOP party was underwhelming and therefore the results of this election performance also underwhelmed.

A win yes, but not a decisive one, which by the way, is the only way vote counting fraud (ballot harvesting and mail in ballots) can be manipulated to steal elections. If elections are not close than Democrats can’t fudge the numbers without their fraud being uncovered and they know that. However, the GOP seems not to know that.

With the exception of Florida’s election in which DeSantis actively set out to restrict mass ballot mailings, harvesting and control of drop boxes. The results in Florida showed that even the highly Democrat counties like Dade broke decisively for the Republican Governor. Moreover DeSantis was not singing a RINO song but campaigning and acting with a strong conservative message that won a large victory.

I am aware that the GOP will claim that each state is different and therefore a nuanced message is needed from different states and districts, but after cleaning up the ways to cheat and boldly attacking the disinformation media and espousing conservative kitchen table issues, DeSantis proved even in the Democrat stronghold counties that the public in Florida wanted DeSantis to stay at the helm.

The argument that some of the GOP candidates put up for election were not ready for prime time, falls flat when you compare OZ and Fetterman race in Pennsylvania. Some voters may not have like Dr. Oz but the Democrats did you a favor by putting up a worse candidate and yet the GOP still lost. Why?

Unlike Florida, Pennsylvania had a Democrat Governor (Tom Wolf) so ballot harvesting, early mail in ballots and mass mailing and unsecured drop boxes certainly were and will continue to be problematic for an accurate accounting of the real vote. However, Dr. Oz was not a candidate that drew a crowd, or fired up the conservative base, or even had a message that was strong enough to resonate with Pennsylvanian voters. What was his party going to do about inflation, high gas prices and explain to them how inflation is a working family’s hidden taxes caused by the federal government’s run- away spending. He blew it by spending too much time on Fetterman and being defensive of his own past liberal viewpoints.

When you are facing an opponent that is clearly inferior, you don’t beat him up; you ignore him and play your strongest game. Dr. Oz did not have a strong game.

When you compare the pedigree of both candidates, neither had a “I’m one of you” connection to the voters, but at least Fetterman pretended to, while Dr.Oz continued to parade around in his suit and harp on Fetterman’s unwillingness to debate him. Covid also didn’t help because a lot of voters are still quite angry and weary of doctors that helped the government jab our arms and lie to us that it was a vaccine. However, it was still a winnable state if the GOP helped Dr. Oz lay out policies that would improve Pennsylvania’s kitchen table woes.

The fact that he was seen as a carpet-bagging liberal didn’t help either. Again, if it was an issues campaign not a culture war and Dr.Oz had a “come to Jesus” discussion of how he was once liberal leaning but now was red-pilled and apologized for his past ignorance, conservative voters would have forgiven him. Instead, he denied his past and got angry when called out on his liberal stances, which was a big mistake.

With election fraud Americans need to know two things: One if the GOP candidate doesn’t win over the vast majority of voters, they will not win in states without strong voting laws that stop the Democrat cheating machine. Two, the GOP needs to capture voter’s attention by actually having an agenda of legislation rather than a stop the other guy’s approach. People want bold changes, not reducing taxes window dressing, or they will sit on their hands in 2024.

The GOP leadership has failed election after election to do anything significant when they are given the reins of power. Oh yes I know that the president has the veto power yet, even if we have to wait until 2024 to see legislation pass, the upside of pushing bold policy reform is when  Biden vetoes those popular proposals, they would then become campaign issues for the 2024 candidates to run on.

In 2022 the GOP message was the other guy’s policy has failed, but they had little to say about what they would do, other than the old standby of reducing taxes and regulations. Americans want systemic policy reforms, such as abolishing the IRS and having a flat or a VAT tax or radically reducing the budgets of agencies to reduce the size of government, or requiring the Energy Department to stop over-regulating oil and gas exploration and return the pipeline, along with legislatively requiring the DHS to secure the border.

Again it would highlight Biden and the Democrat’s dictatorial myopic vision on policies that are hurting the working class and making every citizen see their hard earned money evaporate in their wallets.

The GOP needs new leadership, new fearless ideas and the courage to challenge the status quo of the political inbred Washington crowd that just wants to dress the window; instead of shake up the swamp we call the Beltway.

So it wasn’t a red wave, but what really matters is what are Republicans going to do now? Sit on their hands until 2024? What will be their campaign in 2024?

Maybe the GOP is afraid to go staunchly right because they see how the Democrats fared under loony leftism, but this logic is completely wrong. Americans know and desire systemic change when it comes to restoring the American dream for the next generation, and only gutsy policy will win the day.