Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie responded to David Gregory on Meet the Press Sunday June 26, 2011 interview when asked about his “None of your business” comment to a woman calling his public school union reform hypocritical because his own children attend private parochial school.

He correctly argued that the woman’s premise was not only irrelevant but indelicate to the privacy of his family’s right to make an educational choice for their children’s future.

This female critic of the Governor’s education reform assumes a false argument. Every New Jersey family along with the Governor has the right to choose an educational option for their children whether they choose a Public school, Charter school, Parochial school or Home school. The Governor is not reserving a special privilege of school choice only for his family while denying New Jersey citizens the same right of choice as the woman named Gail wants to imply.

More importantly the Governor is a critic of the high cost and failing performance of Public Schools in New Jersey and it would be senseless for him to subjugate his children to an inadequate education system. Wouldn’t she then accuse him of not being a responsible caring father?

Chris Christie has become a rising star in today’s political discontent because he doesn’t talk, walk or squawk “rah rah” like a typical politician. He has broken the political correct spin that all the politicians use to answer their critics.

It is refreshing to the country that a politician is unwilling to cater to his detractors but instead willing to argue and speak plainly to his critics. The Governor understands that those who do not agree with his policies on ideological grounds will never be voting for him regardless of how nicely he responds to their inquisition.

Americans pick up their ears taking notice of a politician willing to stand his ground and openly dismiss the liberal mockery. This man has the courage and the armor needed to face the bullying by entrenched elitists snobbery so replete in the liberal lexicon.

Chris Christie’s responses make people laugh, smile and clench their fists in a righteous solidarity with what they know is the common sense reaction to indelicate faultfinding.

He is pushing back for all Americans against the liberal disparaging machine that has used the hypocrisy card along with the “luddite label” for any that disagree with their so-called more sophisticated viewpoint.

The only true hypocrisy is that conservative politicians have been bullied to believe that it is political suicide to speak boldly and plainly to those that claim to be for Political Correctness while they savage their ideas or paint them as dolts.

The Governor of New Jersey is being recruited to run for president because he defends himself and the constituency that he represents with a backyard barbecue bluntness that contains no bull crap just sharp horns.
Christie’s style is more than refreshing for it satisfies a long starving hunger Americans have for their leadership to act, speak and react like a neighbor rather than an actor staging a performance.

Christie when asked by David Gregory to defend his temperament gave my face a broad smile as it must have for many Americans.

MR. GREGORY: “But authenticity is one thing, but we all can be better in the public square, how we interact with people. Are you too abrasive, are you too stubborn, are you too tough when it comes to people questioning you?”

GOV. CHRISTIE: “ I'm huggable and lovable, David. I am not abrasive at all. Listen, I'm honest, and I wish we had more of it in politics. You know what people are tired of in politics? They 're tired of blow-dried, tested answers that are given by political consultants to politicians and everybody sounds the same, (makes talking hand motions) "Rahr, rahr, rahr." Everybody sounds the same. I don't sound the same, and you know why? Because I say what I believe from my heart. And if some people are offended by that, I'm sorry. I really am. But you know what, I think more people in New Jersey and around the country who have seen that are going to say "You know what, I'm glad he stood up for his rights as a father and his wife's rights as a mother to decide what they want to decide and not to be questioned about it by anybody. It's not costing anybody anything for me to send my kids to parochial school. And you know what, at the end of the day, I think every parent should have the right to decide that most important decision, how their child should be educated.”

Yes Governor you are huggable and loveable and perhaps you can convince other politicians to be unafraid to speak from the heart and the head because sadly most speak from the pollster’s playbook.

I and most Americans want to see the American political language and landscape change from consultant script writing to heartfelt reaction. Until you decide to take your leadership outside the favored state of New Jersey some of us Americans will hug our Christie Teddy Bears and hope it get us through the nightmare of liberal lunacy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In the meet the press interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday June 19 Jon Stewart was asked about liberal bias in the media where he refused to accept that there was any bias except on Fox news.

He was adamant that Fox News was alone in promoting an ideological agenda. When asked about the New York Times he again made a distinction without a difference by claiming they were not “relentlessly activists…in a purely partisan way.”

It would have been a better interview if Chris Wallace showed the campaign coverage of the 2008 Presidential race across the lame stream media. Or perhaps the Tea Party Movement rallies in which CNN a reporter argued with the crowd she was covering.

How could Jon Stewart defend this blatant smearing of Americans by this left-wing reporter and her “Fox-wing-conspiracy” theory? It would be a very funny joke if he called this reporter non-partisan but just lazy.

We don’t believe there is a conspiracy but rather a stranglehold of liberal television and print media. Worse for Americans today it seems the days of straight reporting without editorial that now has become a discipline of the past for journalism.

The editorial page was once understood to be the one place in a newspaper where biased opinion was allowed while news stories contained only the facts. Sadly today in both print media and television news broadcasts the opinion agenda romps through many stories.

Jon Stewart tries to compare apples and oranges by not differentiating between Fox News Sunday with Fox News. One is editorial and the other is just reporting news. Is Jon Stewart suggesting that CNN newswire is the same as Wolf Blitzer’s Situation room or Anderson Cooper’s 360 shows?

Fox News has Hannity and O’Reilly that are intended to espouse an editorial content but to call them activists while Blitzer and Cooper are I guess according to Jon’s logic are sensationalists, choosing conflict for ratings because they are lazy.

STEWART: -- "the bias of the mainstream media -- oh, I'm not saying it's defensible, but the bias of the mainstream media is toward sensationalism, conflict and laziness."

The reason Jon Stewart and liberals need to bash Fox news and refute liberal bias in the media is to continue to delude the American people that liberal ideas are mainstream ideas. Sophism needs to hide as truth and fact otherwise it has no sway.

The focus is to always highlight the one loony that calls themselves conservative and hype their words or actions to paint the whole ideology wacko. However, the liberal wacko is either ignored or defended as a victim of human frailty. If there is a lambasting of a liberal it occurs only with the self promotion that claims that the left is fair-minded. Anthony Weiner was booted because he lied to the liberal media not because his actions were perverse.

Americans have been subjected to the double standard in media long enough to understand that the bias is not overt but subtle.

Jon Stewart argues to us luddites that Hollywood and he are not liberal activists but capitalists first.

STEWART: "Yes. Here is the difference between you and I -- I'm a comedian first. My comedy is informed by an ideological background. There's no question about that.

The thing that will never understand and the thing that in some respect conservative activists will never understand is that Hollywood, yes, they're liberal. But that's not their primary motivating force. I'm not an activist. I'm a comedian."

Yet what he fails to understand is the irony of making money from our free enterprise Republic then bashing it is what infuriates most Americans. Liberal media and Hollywood make their money from capitalism while they trash American values.

John Stewart can’t see that liberalism because he lives in the mockery room that views conservatives as ill educated fools.

The issue is not whether a news report is slanted or a movie is liberal it is that the reporter or movie script writers constantly need to interject their liberal ideology everywhere. Conservative Americans don’t believe it is a conspiracy but rather a logical outcome of human limitation. If institutions are owned by liberals, hire liberal executives that hire liberal reporters, can Americans reasonably expect neutrality or fairness for conservative ideas?

Why does Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth get shown in our public schools if there is no liberal bias activism? Why does Hollywood promote Michael Moore films if there is no liberal activism in Hollywood?

When was the last Hollywood movie that did not depict corporations as greedy environmental Satanists? When was the last war movie that showed our soldiers restraint over savaging civilians? When was the last comedy that did not make fun of family values? When was the last Hollywood film that you could bring multiple generations of family members to see and not be embarrassed about the sexual content (unnecessary to plot or theme) thrown into the film?

If Jon Stewart want to talk about laziness in media and Hollywood we can  agree on that without question. Hollywood is not only liberal leaning but bereft of quality script writing that shows itself by the current wealth of Comic Book movies and old movie remakes.

Good movies today are few and far between because the entertainment is either poorly written or promoting anti-moral values. It is not about political liberalism in Hollywood and television entertainment but rather its low quality valueless legacy to youth that continue to be dumbed- down with moronic entertainment.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Many Americans are awaking to realize the truth of liberal lies on issues such as global warming and Keynesian economics. However there are still too many Americans young and old that have yet to be deprogrammed.

The older lifelong Democrats that revere John F. Kennedy still believe that the Party represents the plight of the people over big bad government and business. The younger supporters of the Democrats have been propagandized to believe that social justice means social freedom. The cult leaders lie so much they soon begin to believe their own lies.

They scare lifelong Democrats and young voters with the notion that the Republican Party and conservatives aim to institute puritan standards and recreate sweat shops.

The cult requires their minions to mouth the mantra of unions being the arbiter to ensure workers a fair paying wage against the greedy slave driving bosses of capitalism.

The cult point their fingers at the Republicans accusing them of wanting to make laws outlawing sexual behaviors by forcing moral standards in the private American bedroom.

The cult sing the praise of diversity and democracy as the throngs of supporters sway to the rhythm of the ideas of world peace, government’s goodness and social justice.

They have bought into the notions that our Constitution is flawed. That capitalism creates poverty. That America’s history should be viewed with shame and guilt. That social justice is more egalitarian than equal justice.

The Democratic Party is replete with radical neo-socialists cult leaders aiming to fix America by destroying her most successful principles; private economics and individual rights. The Tea Party Movement is fighting back using the Republican Party to stop this growing radical intellectual corruption.

There is no true intellectual thinker that can abide by the notion that social justice is preferable to equal justice when it comes to freedom. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes America’s historical record contains more mistakes than glorious successes. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes capitalism and private ownership creates poverty. There is no true intellectual thinker that believes Constitutionally guaranteed individual rights never before granted human beings bespeaks a flawed document.

Our American education system is filled with liberal propagandists that preach this neo-socialism. It appeals to the kind heart of American youth that want to improve the world by ridding it of poverty and inhumanity. War is bad; peace is good; racism bad; diversity good; capitalism is bad; government wealth sharing good; private ownership bad; state ownership good and last but not least individual rights bad and social rights good.

The reason that this neo-socialism has been successful is that the liberal cult has dominated the field of academia. They have been filling the literary shelves with their revisionist historical subjective books that youth are then assigned to read. They have used the power of the classroom grade to punish any student unwilling to regurgitate their elixir of half truths and theory posing as facts.

Those who believe in neo-socialism claim to want to take the best of Democracy and mix it with Socialism to create a new ideal of governance. In the progressive neo-socialism there would be no poverty, no wars, no private ownership and no restrictions on government’s ability to exercise power for the good of society.

They preach that planet earth will be saved, animals will no longer be consumed, healthcare will be a government assured right, laws on morality will be atheistic and free from religious influence and all foreign conflicts will be managed by diplomacy alone.

What they do not tell their persuaded believers is that in order for that neo-socialism to work; you as an individual will have your ego crushed. Your children will no longer have an individual identity. You will be begging the government rather than working for your wants. Laws will be capricious to the whim of the government that will take away benefits or be bankrupt to deliver upon them. Most importantly there will be no guarantee to assure a government will be benevolent versus Stalin-like once in control of you, society.

To all those indoctrinated by the liberal cult I implore to read historical world facts. I ask you to examine with your own critical eyes the truth of humanity and its struggle to forge dignity, equality and freedom for itself.

This is the examination our forefathers engaged in when they formed our Republic. This was why they rejected pure democracy, socialism, emperor and king rule which gave society power over the individual. They understood that liberty could only be preserved for everyone against enslavement if it rested solely in the hands of each individual American.

We as Americans are not subjects of a king, slaves of an emperor, sheep to socialists or victims of mob rule democracy. We are a Republic with individual inalienable rights codified in both our Constitution and Bill of Rights that no power beyond ourselves can usurp. We need to protect America from those radicals that offer to chain you and yours for the good of the Country. In fact, your right to your liberal idealism is best granted in the parchment handed you by those wise old liberating forefathers.

“ Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.”

Thomas Jefferson