Tuesday, February 21, 2017


The left and its liberal media has an agenda. It has a standard playbook that uses smear to cower conservative politicians and it has been effective in the past. It has been a very successful strategy against the weak spine of the GOP, so they assume, their pompous power will be able to ruin the Trump administration. However, Trump isn't a typical GOP politician, and his supporters are not Beltway elitists, but rather a cross section of  American patriots that say to political establishment, better "think again."

Flynn didn't get pushed out of the Trump administration because of the media, and the seditious criminal traitors in our intelligence agencies that leaked classified information, Flynn threw Pence under the bus, by not being completely candid, and that was his unforgivable and regrettable mistake. 

It had nothing to do with the media's comical smears that Trump is in league with the Russians. Nothing to do with the false and laughable finger pointing by Progressive Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, that Flynn was a "scapegoat" for a Putin Trump conspiracy ring. It is once again a Progressive tactic of projection. The Democrat Party's computers were hacked by the Russians during the election, not the GOP. It was  Hillary Clinton's foundation that was embroiled in a Russian scandal, not Donald Trump's foundation.

Our Justice Department and the FBI have yet to explain why Clinton's obvious conflict of interests arising out of being Secretary of State and collecting donations to her foundation at the same time, isn't public office corruption that needs criminal investigating. That's because Holder, Lynch and Comey under Obama, swept Democrat scandals under the White House rugs. I don't hear Pelosi or Schumer raging about that unconscionable Russian uranium deal, as problematic, did you? 

The real Russian conspiracy scandal, is that when Hillary was Secretary of State, she allowed approval for a Canadian company called Uranium One to be sold to Russia. The Uranium One company sale from Canada to Russia gave the Russians controlling interests, in uranium mines from Kazakhstan to Wyoming. In essence, America is now fueling Russia's nuclear programs, literally.

Meanwhile the Clinton's foundation was paid (bribes totaling $2.35 million) prior to her approval of that sale, and the donors were not disclosed in the Foundation's financial records. Hillary's Russian connection under-mined (pun intended) our national security, while she was Secretary of State, but, has made few headlines, and fewer calls by Progressive Democrats to be investigated. Yet they want Americans to believe in a Trump/Russian conspiracy?

Even if Flynn is cozy with Russia (no proof) that still doesn't constitute any smoking gun connection to Trump. Yet we do know that, Hillary's shady double dealing with Russia and our national security interests in uranium, has both smoke and a dumpster fire of hot sky licking flames of cold cynical factual connected dots, of malfeasance, that Progressive Democrats, ignore.  

The progressive media has covered Hillary's breach of public office, right? This act of bribed treason was in all the national headlines and hammered over and over, to force an investigation of the Clintons by Obama's authorities, right? This blatant act of corruption and betrayal of our national security along with her misuse of office, involving the Russians is a priority of Progressives as much as their speculation is about General Flynn's mere phone calls, right? 

No, of course not, media and Progressives only write stories, and use their soapbox to highlight, projected speculation, gossiping smear and over the top detracting rhetoric, against Trump, conservatives and all others that don't agree with their politics. Meanwhile real sedition is kept dark, secret and wiped away with more than a cloth. 

The people responsible for our national security in the intelligence agencies of our government, that leaked the Flynn conversations with the Russian ambassador to the media, need to be caught, prosecuted and be given the maximum sentence. 

The spying and tattle telling on Americans, is creepy, criminal and concisely why, Americans distrust our government, media and partisan civil servants. It is precisely why Americans call Washington, a swamp.

Americans are not surprised that Trump is experiencing the Astroturf protesting marches, the media smear campaigns, the hostile leaks from the Obama holdovers still in office and the accusatory criticisms by the establishment politicians. They are swamp dwellers. They are swamp lovers. They are bitter, angry swamp rats fearful that their mucky water of underhanded double dealing might be purified by the sunlight of honesty, integrity and honorable representation. For if the swamp is drained, then they will be exposed and shamed out of office. That scares them into the corner and creates the nasty biting attacks we are seeing in the Beltway.

Not to worry, the public knows there are as many snakes, as rats in Washington, and soon the fight will be between evil and eviler.  

So, sure, the progressives will try their best to depict the Trump administration as in chaos and turmoil, because of Flynn's resignation, but it seems a better replacement was made, in General H.R. McMaster. 

So, sure, they will tout victory because Trump's immigration suspension has been temporally foiled, by a unruly 9th district federal court that plays politics with our Constitution, handing rights to non-citizens, but the long term impact will more likely backfire against this judicial hubris.

So, sure, the criminal leakers in the intelligence agencies that gossiped national secrets to the media about the Flynn/ Russian conversations, might quietly bask in smugness that they ruined the General's reputation and forced his resignation. But, Flynn will be remembered by the public as a patriot that served his country well, and unfortunately, got tangled in the slimy swamp of Washington politics.

Finally, we are more than sure, that Progressives in Congress along with their bed fellows in the media, will use every shenanigan tactic they can muster to try and thwart the Trump policies going forward, but in the end, all of those red herring fake news stories and conspiracy claims will fall upon the public's ears as just more proof. More proof that Obama's Democrats had plenty of time to fix the economy, fix national security, fix the debt burden and increase the well being of Americans and they chose instead to bash Americans, call everyone a racists and transform us into a third rate nation of dependent dupes.

Given all the scandals in the last eight years, from Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the IRS targeting, when did Democrats ever call for a real investigation into these serious abuses? When did they ever seek a true accounting that involved the death of Americans at the hands of our own government? 

No, the "Murine" running down the eyes of Charles Schumer wasn't for agent Brian Terry, wasn't for Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods or Glen Doherty. For those scandals in which Americans died, the Democrats did little and said next to nothing. 

In fact, the Progressives and their lapdog media is all, much to do about nothing. The left stands for nothing but what voters have rejected. America voted for Trump because people are tired of being promised something and handed nothing after the election. Trump has the support of the public, and that is something "yuge."

 It is something Progressives and the media desperately desire. It is something people who continue to sell nothing but fake frenzy can't acquire. Most importantly, it is something that can't be stolen from Trump and the public, because in less than a month in office, Trump has already started the policies that will "make America great again."     

Thursday, February 2, 2017


How many anti-American, ideologically bankrupt and morally repugnant protests can Democrats stage in what is suppose to be the honeymoon phase of the new presidency? Obama's Democrats and their minions of mindless professional protesters and civil servant loyalists, are continuing to ignore the election results, disrespecting our nation and scripting imaginary controversy.

No it isn't funny. No, it isn't harmless stupidity. No, the Obama leftists losing their seat of power have fumigated their legacy with the flatulent offensive stink of indigestible Marxists' dogma. These Democrats with the aid of some spineless Republicans are thwarting the will of the people and refusing to accept that Trump supporters now have the right to expect, their policy, Trump's cabinet appointments and the new governance to be respectfully transferred, and not blocked, bullied and delayed by egotistical grandstanding members of Congress.  

There is hope and simmering impatience by the millions of forgotten Americans that don't carry repugnant signs and chant slogans on the street, but instead work and raise their families, expecting that the new administration will be given a chance to right the wrongs done by the Obama policies.

Shall we remind Congress and the left that 2018 will bring another opportunity for voters to repudiate liberal ideology? Should we remind Congress and the left that media's credibility has slid from being considered bias to its new and lower status, called fake news? Should we call and e-mail their offices forecasting their political fate if they persist at being spoilers, rather than accepting the election results and being contrite after the voters rejected their radical views?

The American people have a right to expect that elections have consequences. Elections matter, the results matter, and accepting the voice of the people, well it matters most of all. Let the record show, that Democrats and never-Trump fools, continue to ignore the voters, continue to trash the majority of Americans who don't hold up crass signs on the street and continue to use hysteria hyperbole to misrepresent Trump's policies.

The left and its small gang of quisling Republicans are acting as intelligently as a bag filled with granite. They have evolved from snarky crybabies to full throated ministers of misinformation. They are showing their red and black flag colors, instead of honoring, the red, white and blue. Ignorance might be at times bliss, but it is also can be dangerous, destructive and the roadblock against vitality.
The American people need to push back against our education system that continues to manufacture morbid misinformed militant activists, hell bent on fomenting divisive destruction of our American culture. The Obama cult of liberalism has done untold damage to our nation, and even though some of the damage can be undone, a looming legacy of hate filled ignorance still fills our streets. Part of draining the swamp must include the seditious sewerage of socialist's sophism taught by overpaid, and under-scrutinized propaganda professors.

Hedonistic colleges will continue to bore into the brains of our youth, and preach Marxist liberalism as the liturgy of legitimacy. Colleges will continue to extract high cost tuition from parents and students to be indoctrinated by leftist professors until the public speaks out.

The left's hold on our educational system and its insular masturbatory mindset sect of professors that preach anti-American lectures, deluding and denying students and parents, by not providing an objective education but instead charging exorbitant tuition while claiming their indoctrinating drool, is functional education, needs to end. The rioting by aimless, ignorant and fascist's groomed liberal youth must be condemned. State, local and federal agencies depending on jurisdiction should prosecute fully, any protests that result in rioting and or the promotion of violence.  
All American voices need to be heard, not just the paid protesters and the aimless radicals stirring the street and pretending to represent the majority, but the vast quiet, hard working millions that want their country to return to sanity. That need their country to exercise common sense rather than ideological nonsense. That have voted loud and clearly for a reversal of fortune from elitism and big government to a Middle class focus and a shrinking of the globalist minded Washington. 
The media, isn't listening. The Democrats are not listening. Some Republicans are not listening. Their ears are tuned into the chant and shouts of Hollywood's microphones of moronic melodies or Soros's agitators hip hop histrionic huffing, yet they fail to hear the louder vibrating timbre of millions of Americans keeping a rhythmic beat of joyous optimism.

The deafness of some in Congress that ignore the wavelength of harmonic unity in the beating drums by America's band of average citizenry that taps out a song that sings for change in America's political direction, is deliberate. There is no doubt that these thieves of honest representation, have made the sound of their own voice, the only tune they hear.

Soon, very soon however, they will hear from the low beating of distant drums an accelerando that will become a strong acoustic crescendo, as more of those who are deaf, dumb and blind are asked to leave the Beltway and take their ear plugged ideology with them, as voter's farewell song, sounds its fermata. 

Yes, once again there will be the sound of music, for the hills are alive, the people are roused and our song of freedom fills the air again, as it did hundreds of years ago. We hear the noise coming from the defeated left as their negative lyrics grab the stage, but the auditorium is empty, the audience is missing and the future leftist slogan singing tours are cancelled.

 Elitism is dead, long live the average working class, love live the "People" of the United States of America.