Monday, March 16, 2015


Once again Hillary Clinton separates herself as the elite privileged non-arrest-o-crat of America. Obama only thinks he is a king, but Hillary is the embodiment of a bloody Mary I with a Queen Antoinette chaser.

 In fact, Marie Antoinette might have a case for plagiarizing (at least in the spirit of the line) "What difference does it make?" as being the new version of "Let them it cake".

Now we know that during the Benghazi hearing Hillary knew all her e-mails were private and therefore safe from Congressional oversight. She also knew and she had already deleted any and all damaging e-mails regarding Ambassador Stevens and why he was left there without protection. 

It therefore makes sense to finish her rhetorical question "What difference does it make?" where she might have said under her breath or in her mind, "because you will never have any smoking gun evidence against me, I planned ahead, and my fingerprints have been deleted."   

Her Nixonian explanations for concealing all her government e-mails on a private server are in a word; grimy. But this is a woman who has lived on the seamy side of the legal tracks for years and gives even the term shyster, a black eye.

It stunts the imagination how successful she has been violating, obfuscating and skirting the law for decades. She started her political walk of shameful behavior back in 1974 when she fraudulently argued in a brief submitted to the General counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, that Nixon had no right to counsel. Even though it was a matter of public record that Supreme Court Justice Douglas, had set the precedent 4 years earlier, in 1970, when the attempt to impeach him proved unsuccessful. 

   “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” Zeifman said. “She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

So says Jerry Zeifman the chief Counsel during Watergate that fired Hillary off the committee and further accused Hillary of removing the public files on the Douglas case prior to writing her deceitful legal brief.

Oh and for those that might not realize what a small world circle of corrupt Democrat politicians exists to allow this kind of woman to even be hired for the Watergate committee? Well, there is a Kennedy connection. Hillary's former law professor Burke Marshall was the lawyer for Ted Kennedy during his Chappaquiddick (neck brace bunk) escape from prosecution for drunk driving manslaughter, that killed Mary Jo Kopechne. 
It was this same lawyer, Marshall that  petitioned Zeifman to have Hillary put on the committee. Snakes know other snakes and rats know other rats.

Her support within her own party is shaky amid the cavalcade of escapades from this monstrous matron of misleading deeds and swindling slipperiness. Her current e-mail scandal, haunts even her most ardent supporters who can't ignore Whitewater, cattle futures and travel-gate amid her legacy of lies.

Yet this pompous POTUS want-a-be can no longer can hide behind her man (Bill Clinton) and bake the crookies (not a typo) of her past, pretending that she is just a victim of that infamous and "vast right-wing conspiracy" she scapegoats so unabashedly.

This woman fond of wearing pants and wearing THE pants in her political family has been the slick Willie long before Monica Lewinsky was born. She has been the mastermind of the behind the scenes manipulation of the Clinton image, that the duplicitous media paints as a rose. However we all know this mirage is a bilked crop (Rose Law Firm) of myth and half-truths that can be seen through a Web Hubbell lens among her many black holes of fraud.

Hillary is the most visibly transparent secretive female political person to ever rise up in our government. She has never been honest or forthright about anything, instead she is a sneaky shady and sinful political schemer. She has vitiated the law, in fact all laws including our constitution, with her legal gymnastics over the years to gain money and power while she hides in the cracks and loopholes of our system. 

Unlike her hubby Bill's ability to deliver believable acting lines in speeches on the campaign trail, Hillary has no bright light magic. Hillary has no charismatic charm. Hillary has no warm and fuzzy "feel your pain" empathetic pretense, she is as personable as a shrill drill sergeant.

If her husband's biggest flaw (besides being a lying Democrat) was his inability to not stop playing hide the sausage, with naive young women, even while President. Then Hillary's character flaw is bigger, and is a more engorged phallic psychosis, in which she has shown her incapacity to be honest, transparent or to follow any rules and laws; ever. 

Hillary wants to be the first female president. Yet, she already holds the distinction of being the first, First Lady ever to be elected into public office, first female Senator for New York, also the first, First Lady to be Secretary of State, oh yes and the first, First Lady to ever be fingerprinted. 

Still if Hillary were to become president, (perish the thought) it would be a first; it would be the first time an American president's campaign was funded by foreign companies, many of which are state controlled by foreign governments seeking our demise.

It would mark the first death knell sound signaling the end of our great Country's prideful history when it claims that any American could grow up and become president.

"Mommy, you mean even a crooked lawyer can be president?" "Yes dear, if there are enough dumb people to not care about truth and justice, in fact, that's why Hillary was elected."

I reiterate to my readers, perish the thought, perish the disgraceful nightmarish thought.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


The next line should be " I'll "GO" (come) running". That's because Kerry and Obama have blind eyes and deaf ears to the ongoing danger posed by ISIS and Muslim extremism throughout the world. With all deference to James Taylor and his roadie Secretary Kerry, the "Kumbaya" foreign policy is not only not working, it is a joke gone terrible cynical.

Regardless if you think the President's recalcitrance against calling out Muslim radical killers is out of stupidity or duplicity, the reality is that liberals can't stop playing the hippie dippy cards of 60's philosophy.

Winning them over with love or flower power would not work, has not worked and will never work. Yet liberals like John Kerry refuse to burn their tie-dye tee-shirts and grow up to the reality that evil answers only to complete destruction.

Two more years can reap havoc on America and Americans given the utter ignorance of these delusional liberals running our foreign policy. The zealot regimes throughout the world are not just growing in confidence that they have the upper hand, their free hands have been busy readying for a showdown while our government continues to capitulate away our strength. 

The liberal cancer of appeasement has metastasized for an inevitable world war III, that seems brewing in the very near horizon. It is what always happens when you let evil off the leash rather than beating it back relentlessly, as is required, to fight its perpetual reanimation. Good versus evil is a struggle never won with total annihilation by either side but rather a battle for making one side more powerful and the other more marginal. However to marginalize evil, you need to confront it with blunt words, backed by blunt force, not idle threats and scoffing rhetoric.

The Obama administration is trying to negotiate with evil (Iran), trying to convince evil to play nice, trying to convince a skeptical public that evil can be trusted to keep a treaty deal. What part of the lessons of life were liberals absent for in regards to the nature of evil and its many deeds? 

Evil lies. Evil deceives. Evil is pure selfishness. Evil smiles while it betrays. Evil is patient. Evil is savage. Evil is opportunistic. Evil is a temptress. Evil is never satiated. Evil is a master of disguise. Evil plays by its own rules. Evil preys on naivety. Evil is predictable, because it can never be trusted, ever.

It is bad enough that our current government lies to its people but it bodes far worse for our future that this current government is lying to themselves, thinking that evil can be coaxed into cage by mutual agreement. Indeed, once you negotiate with evil, then it wins.

Liberals have been making excuses for Muslim extremism, while criticizing our allies especially Israel for being skeptical with any deal making that involves trusting evil zealots. The Democrats recent shunning and classless bashing of Israel's leader Bibi Netanyahu, depicts a President and a Party far afield from the American values that defends liberty both home and abroad. 

President Obama, and Secretaries Kerry and Clinton are responsible for having toppled the Libyan government, that now is overrun by Al Qaida factions, that they claimed in 2012 were decimated.

They lied about Benghazi and have  negotiated with the Taliban, the Haqqani, and the Muslim Brotherhood. 

They supported a Muslim fundamentalist dictatorship in Egypt, Morsi, that was hostile to Israel. They supplied that anti-American government with money and weapons. Thankfully and fortunately Morsi was overthrown by the Egyptian people without the administrations help. 

They stood by and watched as Syria descended into civil war refusing to arm or assists in any way Syrian freedom fighters, that then turned to terrorists for help against their fight with Assad. That turned out to be a most unholy union as it bred the rise of ISIS. 

They pulled out of Iraq, willfully leaving behind a weak power vacuum during a time of terror expansion that resulted in ISIS having the advantage to amass power and territory in its Judeo-Christian genocidal rampage.

Now they are attacking Israel's leader while defending Iran's Mullah government as honest negotiators. Yet, the Democrats and the liberal press wonders why Mayor Giuliani's comments regarding the President's dubious allegiances are resonating with the American people? 

"Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, all you have to do is call" out the actions that show the intent. The actions of this President and his Democrat Party are either dangerously naive or purposefully anti-American or as we are beginning to understand; both. For there are the dreamers who believe in a new unicorn and multicultural love-in with the world, and then there are the seditious puppeteers in the background pulling their strings. 

One thing is for certain, this administration is no friend of America and her traditional American values.