Why do they hate America and its capitalism?
Why do they seek to bring us to Socialism when it has been proven throughout history to be a failed and tyrannical system of government that has killed billions of human beings?
Why do they hate our Constitution?
Why do they hate private property and individual rights?
Why? I know that we can postulate a number of answers such as;
Human Secular and Political Correct education propaganda teaches our children less factual American or World history while fostering a social conscience rather than an individual conscience.
A hubris in the intellectual circle that reverently believes that in order to elevate and promote the evolution of mankind as a philosophical reality that they can re-engineer the notion that wars and poverty can be eradicated if their socialistic ideas are implemented to counter-act man’s nature.
They have attack religious beliefs that promotes fidelity to a supreme
Atheism is the new freedom that allows the society and the individual to indulge in guiltless behavior celebrating the notion that the real enemy is the moralist that condemns such restraint on natural human instinct.
A naïve but rigid adherence to the concept of equality without distinction or difference that touts equal living standards and equal benefits to all regardless of individual effort as being fair. Mystic belief that socialism will bring fairness to life. They have earned their wealth from capitalism and yet defame it as corrupt.
They contort our Constitution, as was designed to promote individual rights, private property and its celebration of pluralism instead teaching Social Justice, collective equality and a government's role to set policy for the people.
Those are some of the reasons but I still need to know why?
Where are the thinkers? Where are the academics to challenge these so called “humanistic” intellectual thinkers that tout socialism as though it was a new and nirvana philosophy? Where are the scholars to debunk the premise that social justice is freedom, is fair, is righteous, is compassionate, is enlightened, is novel and has not already been proven over and over in mankind’s past to be the bloodiest of all philosophies?
Where are the parents? Where are the School board members? Where are the journalists? Where are the writers? Where are the critical thinkers? Where are the church leaders? Where are the business and corporation leaders? Where are the rich who owe their vast fortune from our capitalistic system? Where have the Democrats of JFK gone?
Why are Americans voting for Progressive Democrats?
Why do you want to be ruled? Why do you want to be ruled and controlled by society? Why do you want a government that intrudes into your private life? Why do you trust big government over local and State neighbors? Why do you want a capricious cabal of leaders to determine your individual value and worth?
Why do you think that across America from Maine to California, from Minnesota to Texas there is a growing Tea Party Movement? Not a third party, not a radical group, not an activism for change but rather to stop this radical change that is destroying our America.
We want to Return to our traditional roots, return to our Constitution, return to our religious pluralistic founding, return to celebrating individual rights and return governance from Washington and back into the hands of the people.
Why are you afraid? You know you are with us? You see what is happening to your country? You know that your Great Grandparents, Grandparents and Parents loved and made their American Dream come true in America!
Why won’t you;
Stand up for them who can no longer speak, stand up for yourself and the freedoms you enjoy, stand up for your children and your Grandchildren for the America that will be theirs tomorrow! Stand up and stand with us by registering to vote and voting out the Democratic Party that has allowed itself to be co-opted by Progressives out to socialize us! Vote for the Republican Party who although fraught with some weak spines does not wish to alter our Constitution and betray its principles.
Vote in your local, State and General elections for candidates that will guard America’s freedom and founding. The progressive Democrats can only change her (America) if we allow them. When you do not vote you allow them! Please vote against them! Vote in all elections against them! It is easy, it is your civic responsibility and your children are counting on you!
Please America stop this attack on our nation!
Don’t let your grandchildren ask you “Grandma, Grandpa why did you let them change America?”
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