Thursday, June 17, 2010


The President has extorted 20 billion dollars for the “victims” of the Gulf oil Disaster and another 100 million in funds from British Petroleum. The separate 100 million dollars is a fund to, (get this) pay for the future layoffs of American workers that Obama’s drilling moratorium will cause undoubtedly.

The president, Vice President and his henchmen gave British Petroleum an offer they couldn’t refuse! Pay into this slush fund or we will take to the airwaves and bash and protest against your company until you cry “uncle “because your stock prices plummet and we bled you dry.

I was wondering when President Barak Obama was going to use his prerequisite skills as a Community Organizer to lead this nation. Equally, wondering how long it would take for the Ailinsky tactics to parade themselves into the national public arena. Wait no longer, the President has his new Chicago beat in the District of Columbia with his new Community organizing war room in the White House and his bigger Community Organizing plans…to kill Capitalism and ignore the Constitution and rule of Law.

He has officially and publicly crowned himself Capo (Boss) while the “Capo di tutti capi” (Boss of all Bosses) is George Soros and his band of Party thugs in Rahm Emanuel, Holder Napolitano and administration czars as the Capo régime.

The outrage by the media, silent! The outrage by the members of Congress, mostly silent! The outrage by the stockholders of B.P. pensioners to whom this is going to pinch back in Britain yet realized. However, we Americans can look across the sea and see that we few allies (Britain and Israel snubbed) left and our new friends (Iran, Turkey) still hates us as our Presidents bows to them.

The President in his ruthless and capricious command has decreed that Pay Czar Kenneth Fienberg will head the slush fund to ensure payment to Gulf State victims of British Petroleum purposeful attack on the innocent citizens of America. A Pay Czar lawyer will dispense these funds? Now we will see if this money goes to real victims or some of it gets diverted to Acorn, to environmental groups, to democratic fundraising front groups to whom? We need to follow this money!

Someone please tell me how the President of the United States residing in the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to demand a private company to suspend dividend payment to shareholders and to aside monies in an escrow account and appoint an Administration official to take control of said account? Where is that power please? Where? Where is the law? Where?

Oh but I forgot it is to benefit innocent American victims by the Big Bad Oil Giant Corporation! That’s right the “ends justify the means.”
The Bully in pulpit is no longer Reverend Wright but instead as his twenty years of pupil attention the student rises to replace his teacher and outdo him with a stage much bigger and an audience much bigger and held captive and chained to their pews while the President of the United States preaches.

The president said “This is about accountability. At the end of the day, that’s what every American wants and expects,…” after he came out of meeting.

I say “yes” Mr. President I expect and want accountability at the end of the day. So, can you tell me please Mr. President, King or Capo or preacher “to whom are you accountable?

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