Monday, August 29, 2011

911 NEEDS 911

It would appear that Mayor Bloomberg is following the Political Correct version of the Fairness Doctrine when it comes to banning religious speakers at the upcoming 10th anniversary of 911.

The scuttlebutt is that the reason for not allowing any Rabbis, Priests and or Ministers of the Judeo-Christian religions from speaking at the services is because you would be required to allow an imam of Islam to speak as well. The fear of course being that allowing Moslem speaker would incite anger showing disrespect for 911 victims.

His solution is to ban GOD from the memorial services completely and thus making it an atheistic display of remembrance to satisfy all by his Pontius Pilot thinking.

Washing his hands of what might be a small protest by Moslem and atheists Bloomberg serves up God to be sacrificed at the altar of his political popularity. First there was the mosque at ground zero uproar, then it was the lawsuit by atheists over the artifact cross and now all religion is banned from a memorial that cries out for faith.

The leadership in this country has lost its moral compass, lost its respect for the historic religious interconnection with our country’s founding and has it appears finally succumbed to the soulless vanity of the Gods (polls).

Where is the sanity from public figures that regardless of their own personal religious beliefs respect is required for the overwhelming majority of religious American citizens? A moment of silence is not the same as having a loud speaker with GOD’s own words echoing in the microphones to soothe both victims’ families and tell the world what Americans believe.

It is the height of callousness to all Americans that in light of the most evil attack on civilians in American history we are allowing the godless world of political correctness to restrain our pronouncement of our strongest value as a nation under GOD.

We were attacked because we are a Christian nation in full support of Israel. We were attacked because we are a country not in support of Sharia Law. We were attacked because we support the sacred faith and belief that all human life is precious and free under God our creator.

Yet here we are ten years after being savagely attacked for nothing more than those beliefs and the mayor of New York wants to bury America’s most notable signature underneath the Trade Tower rubble. It is not just outrageous it is a sign. A sign of how off course is the America we have become by allowing socialism to breed amid her creed.

911 is not just a memorial to remember a deadly day of murderous carnage but a call. It is a call for Americans to stand up once again to tyranny wherever and however it manifests itself to attack our values and diminish our beliefs.

The mayor of New York may have silenced God’s words at the podium but most Americans have God’s words ringing in the ears along with his love in their hearts.

They know they must have the courage to wear their patriotism weaved with faith and loudly boldly stand for only one Country, the country that “God shed his grace on thee…” America.

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