Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie responded to David Gregory on Meet the Press Sunday June 26, 2011 interview when asked about his “None of your business” comment to a woman calling his public school union reform hypocritical because his own children attend private parochial school.
He correctly argued that the woman’s premise was not only irrelevant but indelicate to the privacy of his family’s right to make an educational choice for their children’s future.
This female critic of the Governor’s education reform assumes a false argument. Every New Jersey family along with the Governor has the right to choose an educational option for their children whether they choose a Public school, Charter school, Parochial school or Home school. The Governor is not reserving a special privilege of school choice only for his family while denying New Jersey citizens the same right of choice as the woman named Gail wants to imply.
More importantly the Governor is a critic of the high cost and failing performance of Public Schools in New Jersey and it would be senseless for him to subjugate his children to an inadequate education system. Wouldn’t she then accuse him of not being a responsible caring father?
It is refreshing to the country that a politician is unwilling to cater to his detractors but instead willing to argue and speak plainly to his critics. The Governor understands that those who do not agree with his policies on ideological grounds will never be voting for him regardless of how nicely he responds to their inquisition.
Americans pick up their ears taking notice of a politician willing to stand his ground and openly dismiss the liberal mockery. This man has the courage and the armor needed to face the bullying by entrenched elitists snobbery so replete in the liberal lexicon.
Chris Christie’s responses make people laugh, smile and clench their fists in a righteous solidarity with what they know is the common sense reaction to indelicate faultfinding.
He is pushing back for all Americans against the liberal disparaging machine that has used the hypocrisy card along with the “luddite label” for any that disagree with their so-called more sophisticated viewpoint.
The only true hypocrisy is that conservative politicians have been bullied to believe that it is political suicide to speak boldly and plainly to those that claim to be for Political Correctness while they savage their ideas or paint them as dolts.
The Governor of New Jersey is being recruited to run for president because he defends himself and the constituency that he represents with a backyard barbecue bluntness that contains no bull crap just sharp horns.
Christie’s style is more than refreshing for it satisfies a long starving hunger Americans have for their leadership to act, speak and react like a neighbor rather than an actor staging a performance.
Christie when asked by David Gregory to defend his temperament gave my face a broad smile as it must have for many Americans.
MR. GREGORY: “But authenticity is one thing, but we all can be better in the public square, how we interact with people. Are you too abrasive, are you too stubborn, are you too tough when it comes to people questioning you?”
GOV. CHRISTIE: “ I'm huggable and lovable, David. I am not abrasive at all. Listen, I'm honest, and I wish we had more of it in politics. You know what people are tired of in politics? They 're tired of blow-dried, tested answers that are given by political consultants to politicians and everybody sounds the same, (makes talking hand motions) "Rahr, rahr, rahr." Everybody sounds the same. I don't sound the same, and you know why? Because I say what I believe from my heart. And if some people are offended by that, I'm sorry. I really am. But you know what, I think more people in New Jersey and around the country who have seen that are going to say "You know what, I'm glad he stood up for his rights as a father and his wife's rights as a mother to decide what they want to decide and not to be questioned about it by anybody. It's not costing anybody anything for me to send my kids to parochial school. And you know what, at the end of the day, I think every parent should have the right to decide that most important decision, how their child should be educated.”
Yes Governor you are huggable and loveable and perhaps you can convince other politicians to be unafraid to speak from the heart and the head because sadly most speak from the pollster’s playbook.
I and most Americans want to see the American political language and landscape change from consultant script writing to heartfelt reaction. Until you decide to take your leadership outside the favored state of New Jersey some of us Americans will hug our Christie Teddy Bears and hope it get us through the nightmare of liberal lunacy.