Thursday, October 27, 2011


Once again Americans are being manipulated by the liberal media and by politicians into believing that anti-Americanism is American tradition? In the Press's twisted logic the Occupy Wall Street crowd of socialists along with a number of American hate groups are being compared to the Tea Party Movement.  Moreover the Occupy Wall Street socialists are apparently more deserving of sympathy than law abiding Tea Party Movement patriots who have been called everything from racist to terroists.
It has been long charged by conservatives that liberals always want to “blame America first” for all and any ills that affect our Country or the world in general.  Now with Occupy Wall Street Kabuki theater the ultra left has gone further to exposed their true agenda intention for blaming America. Simply; they hate America and all for which she stands.
They hate her capitalism. They hate her Constitution. They hate her flag waving. They hate her Judeo-Christian values. They hate her Bill of Rights except for the rights they want to cherry pick out in order to use to their advantage. They are against the 2nd Amendment wanting to strip guns out of the hands of citizens but they idolize the 1st Amendment that they utilize to demonize America.
The Tea Party Movement conversely LOVES America and has seen the minority of left-wing socialists abetted by corrupt Republicans grow a tyrannical Federal government that has been eating into our individual liberties slowly but steadily for half a century.
The protests of the Tea Party movement have not only been peaceful, respectful, lawful they have been politically successful in changing the discourse in Washington awakening a vast swath of otherwise silent Americans.
I will grant unfortunately that there are millions of Americans not plugged into what goes on nationally or even locally as their heads are buried in their egocentric world of dispassionate ignorance of politics. Most don’t vote and those that do have a wealth of naïve and sometimes childlike reasons for choosing their representatives using the “Eeny-meeny-moe” technique.   
Constantly swinging  the pendulum from left to right because there is a pox on both political parties has given the American people both gridlock inaction on reforms at best and greater government tyranny at worst.
Finally the average American being ignored and disparaged by a snubbing and intrusive federal government decided to wake up and come together to try and wrestle back the power intended to be in their hands per the Constitution.
They realize that the tyranny they were facing was reminiscent of the hold King George III had over the colonies prior to America’s revolution. The first act of notable defiance by the colonists born by the growing despotism of the King’s edicts was the Boston Tea Party. The name was adopted for its analogy to today’s kinglike control of the federal government over State and individual citizen rights.
The intent of the modern day Tea Party Movement is to use the same methods that the two party politics have used against the voter for years, divide and conquer. First, rid the government of as many Democrats and ultra left-wing radical representatives as possible in an election cycle, while equally replacing corrupt Republicans in primary elections with constitutionally loyal candidates. The 2010 election was a success in the House, not so successful in the Senate but widely successful in awakening Americans that change and reform is possible if we use our collective will.
More importantly its membership is not as important as is its growing sympathy throughout the country for its sane rational message of smaller, honest and constitutionally faithful representation.
The Occupy Wall Street protests on the other hand are filled with America “haters” that decry capitalism, private ownership and want to be handed wealth out of marxist's logic that one man’s gain is another man’s right to claim or commonly referred as redistribution of wealth.
Worse however than being a group not organized under a simple ideologically banner of socialism the Occupy Wall Street encampment is riddled with every selfish tantrum of egocentric leftist demand that contains no plan of achievement other than to camp out and scream invectives.
Will they go home when the snow starts falling in the north and head to warmer squatter’s lands to the south or will this group of Soros backed useful idiots turn violent?
Regardless of what becomes of Occupy Wall Street one thing is sure, they don’t and won’t occupy the average American’s sympathy for their hating cause and they won’t grow and attract responsible citizens given their connections to Nazi and Islamic brethren in solidarity.
However, most importantly Americans are not as dumb as we might look at times, as we always clearly see through all the haze of liberal media’s magical distortion of otherwise clear lines between righteousness and just plain wrong.
 To compare the Tea Party Movement in any way to the Occupy Wall Street is as opposite as heads versus tails, right versus wrong, good versus evil, patriotic versus traitorous, law-abiding versus lawful, American lovers versus American haters and God fearing versus devilish atheism.  
Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints, as heads is tails just call me Lucifer cause I’m in need of some restraint... Pleased to meet you hope you guessed my name.” (Rolling Stones)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The president is out on the campaign trail pretending to instead stump for a jobs plan for America. He has intoned a highly partisan (per usual) teleprompter message meant to rally his base and debase the GOP.

He is not satisfied with just trying to promote his “throw more money away” stimulus spending Jobs Bill that even the Democrats in his own party can’t fully embrace but he must take political shots at the GOP Jobs bill proposal.

The bills that the Republicans have passed in the House that sit DOA on the Senate floor includes lowering the corporate tax rate, repealing Obamacare and Dodd Frank financial reform, streamlining energy exploration permits and placing a moratorium on federal regulations.

Obama’s legislative man on the inside or bouncer of GOP plans is Harry Reid. The re-elected Senate Majority leader from Nevada seems to have the Chicago political way in his blood as he has made a re-election career of blocking Republican legislation and amendments.

This defensive planned interference by Reid’s Senate affords his party leader Obama to play offensive with the opposition by either calling them naysayers to wanting to support police, firefighters and construction workers jobs or curmudgeons for wanting “dirtier air and dirtier water.”

Apparently “dirtier” White House politics is fine with the president that has all but crippled this country’s trust of the Commander and Chief’s veracity on any given subject at any given time.

The bully pulpit has become the taradiddle teleprompter replete with Alinsky rules for radicals no longer even thinly disguised by this president desperation to win a second term.

He spews his invectives against any reasonable alternative to his Marxist ideology condemning Republicans and Tea Party Movement ideas as compassionless and or intellectually inept.

Beyond the president’s over-inflated budget, huge growing debt, ever expanding executive power grabbing his personal ego seems to have become hyper-inflated.

If the president really thinks that beyond his minority Kool-aid dwindling drinking base of unwavering support, he can win over independents and moderates with his attack campaigning bus tour by continuing to bash common sense ideas then he needs a wakeup call.

Wake up Mr. President the 2008 elections are over and you won the Presidency stop campaigning. Wake up Mr. President the 2010 elections are over and your coattails have been snipped into a sports jacket please stop campaigning. Wake up Mr. President the average American does not like to be called names because they disagree with your policies and they know you are still campaigning.

Wake up Mr. President most Americans are glad that there is at least the gridlock in Washington to slow down you and your cabinet of Czars from raiding the treasury to the point of no return for America’s future. Okay now you can campaign.

Your minions have so many varying ideas it will be hard for you to remember their long list of “give-me-for-nothing” while you try and organize their disunity into an Acorn like ballot bully push for votes. Good luck firing up the selfish base laddered with individual agendas that you expect to propel you for another four years in the White House.

Also, you need to remember that as you embrace the retro-hippy crowd (OWS) that echoes a fondly remembered community organizing past, there is a still an invisible siege afoot.
 A waiting quiet, a steely determined group ,
an angst anticipating citizen group , a mainstream majority group that is not holding signs, not defecating on the street, not spitting hatred and not even aware of your bus as it parades into their neighborhoods.

No Mr. President common sense patriots haven’t gone away, we have not given up hope. We see the time get nearer and the lies and propaganda get clearer and clearer that soon, we will answer your alienating American class warfare message with a simple secret ballot casting rebuttal in 2012.


I hope your people sleeping on the streets remember to register because this time they will only be able to vote once. Lincoln holds the sear’s message as to your future; “If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Obama is the poster boy of Wall Street campaign money receiving 11.8 percent of his 2012 campaign funds from the financial district and 6.9 percent from lawyers which represents a lion’s share of all his contributors.

The word hypocrisy seems exhaustibly overused in light of both Obama and the Democratic Party’s sympathy overtures to the Occupy Wall Street protesters that rail against Wall Street influence.

It seems oxymoronic that these rich capitalists would be bankrolling those that want to over-regulate them, tax them excessively and now backstab them by sympathizing with those that want to shame them for being rich and successful?

Is this what happens to people who are successful in this country? Do they acquire wealth and equally acquire masochist complex about being rich and successful?

By giving money to a Party and a candidate that bites and slaps the hand that feeds the class warfare against them makes the average American perplexed. Why? Why is Wall Street giving money to Obama? Why is Wall Street giving money to the Democratic Party that wishes to bridle their future earnings through socialist’s policies?

Are they so ashamed of how they earned their wealth that they want a public pillory to whip their well fed backsides raw to cleanse their rueful pangs of guilt when they see so many others struggling?

There is a difference between Warren Buffett and the Koch Brothers in the viewing of wealth. Buffet believes in social justice which is fascinating given the fact that he earned his wealth in the Wall Street casino game. He never produced a product but instead invested and traded on the success of American business.

 The Koch Brothers inherited Koch Industries from their patriarch Fred C. Koch who developed a new method for refining heavy oil into gasoline. Koch Industries is an example of an American entrepreneurial success story that produced a highly marketable product.

 Both Buffet and the Koch Brothers have been charitable with their wealth yet the contributions are as different as one’s left hand is to one’s right foot.

Buffet is bankrolling Obama and is fully immersed in the social engineering belief that money and power is to be used to play favorites in redistributing wealth.

Koch Brothers have donated countless monies for fostering entrepreneurial opportunities along with conservative think tanks like The Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute as well as giving the Tea Party Movement support.

One is showing appreciating for the opportunity they realized through the capitalistic American Dream by giving back that hopeful prospect to other Americans to materialize that same chance at success.

While the other wants to play god on earth believing philanthropy used to change American society is part of the responsibility of wealth achievement.

The political ideological differences of the rich may be as divided as the two party system of American politics yet in this economic climate of class warfare orchestrated by a highly partisan administration why are the wealthy buying mace and self flagellating by continuing to support Obama?

This whole notion of class warfare in America has been orchestrated from the beginning by the Democratic Party, Socialist Party, Unions and other anti-capitalists left-wing groups in their constant speech mantra that blames the haves (rich) success for the have not’s (poor) failure.

The Democratic Party has been indoctrinating the notion of “blame everyone but self” undermining America’s long tradition of rugged independent individual responsibility for years.

The notion of equal justice in which law is the equal playing field of rules for all Americans, has been systematically undermined by Democratic policies. For far too long Democrats have exercised social cronyism or “social justice” by preaching to minorities and low wage earners that the fault lies “in the stars” not in their own individual control.

It is a Marxist tactic to foment anger at capitalism and create a government dependent class (worker) against the (wealthy) class business owner.

It is not remotely similar to Tea Party protests when Van Jones an avowed communist, cynically co-opts American ideals by calling his group the “Return the American Dream” protest a “spirit of Madison” movement. He purposefully perverts American history and expressions for his sophistry knowing the Marxist socialist’s agenda is finally undressed exposed and repugnant to the majority of Americans.

In fact it is the Marxist socialists Democratic government policies that have swamped the American landscape with so many laws, regulations and legal liabilities that today’s entrepreneur cannot bring good ideas to market.

So again why are rich Americans, corporations and Wall Street bankrollers still supporting Democrats and their class warfare agitators? Why are bundlers from Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and countless law firms still contributing to an ideological left that has put a bull’s eye on their backs?

Is this just about political hedge funding in which the game is to stay favorable with whomever Party owns the influence in Washington? Or is it that Corporations already own both political parties and by equally dolling out the money to (Marxist) left and (corrupt) right so they can disguise the otherwise visible puppet strings?

Now more than ever America needs the genuine patriotic spirit of the Tea Party Movement to grow stronger, recruit more participation, be alert and watchful and most importantly stay informed.

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. (James Madison)

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The political voices of the left show their true radical agenda and that should shame the Democratic Party voter that still thinks this party resembles anything like the party of John F. Kennedy.

Let’s just take a look at two examples of why conservative and moderate Americans are raising their eyebrows in scorn at socialists leaning politicians that promote ideas dangerous to America’s constitutional freedoms.

Governor of North Carolina Beverly Perdue states that “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover.”

When this was met by a public outrage the liberals all went to her defense claiming she was joking even before the Governor herself claimed it was merely hyperbole to highlight the problem of gridlock.

Well let’s ask ourselves this question. Is the Governor saying that if it were not for those pesky interfering voices called constituency then politicians would be freed to make decisions unilaterally for the good of the people?

Clearly she is suggesting even in jest that the problem isn’t with her Party’s recalcitrant views on cutting spending and continued to promotion of Keynesian economic stimulus but the majority center-right electorate that wants cost cutting and reform.

Does anyone find the suspension of voter’s rights funny? Does anyone think that if there was a constitutional provision to legally do this that Barak Obama who has no respect of our Constitution when he has called it “flawed” would be granting himself another term in office?

Is Governor Perdue unaware that it is the Senate Democrats that are the ones standing in the way of the “will of the people” on the many pieces of legislation that have already passed the Republican House of Representatives?

Her comments are instructive of the anti-American mindset of the radical socialist leaning politicians alive in the Democratic Party. A Party I might add that was sent a message by the electorate in the 2010 elections but continue to this day to ignore and minimize its meaning.

Although a vast majority of Americans would like to see Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders not be voted into their offices by radical districts and far left-wing States we tolerate the minority rights to be represented as much as the majority. North Carolina voters must be having an “Obama-regretful” moment about elected Beverly Perdue as the spokesperson of their State.

In another liberal State Massachusetts we have the Senate run of Elizabeth Warren trying to un-seat Scott Brown in the upcoming 2012 elections. She expresses a sobering upside logic of capitalism through the prism of social justice out of a Saul Alinsky seminar on socialism. Elizabeth Warren campaign explanation of capitalism in HER America;

“You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did.

“Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”

Unbelievable, I am almost at a loss to explain how nutty and ridiculous this explanation of free enterprise and its ipso facto taxpayer ownership diatribe passes as lucid, even considering it is lefty logic. Karl Marx might have a problem with Warren’s version of the socialist’s model of productivity and responsibility.

She is out there trying to convince the public that because taxpayers are asked to build a road, (for all to access not just business) that the taxpayer therefore has bought stock in the local business. She goes on further to suggest that taxpayer dollars are used to educate workers? I guess she doesn’t agree with the notion of education for education’s sake?

Worse she moves on to Police and Firefighters being paid by taxpayers to protect (apparently only business interests not the public at large) as another example of taxpayer investment and therefore ownership in the businesses. Saving them from marauding bands of (goons I presume) to seize all their factory possessions. I guess where taxpayers have police and firefighters in farming communities everyone owns everyone else’s farms in Warren’s ditzy world of taxpayer's automatic stockholder status.

This is not worth my explaining to anyone reading this post why this reasoning if you can refer to it as having sense at all, should be counter pointed. Let's just say beyond being an outright theft of someone's else property by a squatter's self-serving pronouncement it bespeaks a bandit's mentality as well.

Isn’t that the kind of extortion talk of the Mafia they used back in organized crime heyday of the 1930’s thru the 60’s of warning business that if they didn’t pay them for protection their businesses could be burglarized or burned to the ground? Warren generously says to self-made entrepreneurs “keep a big hunk of it” meaning their business and its financial reward but give us our hunk because we the owner, the taxpaying owner own you and control you.

To just discount the ranting of this avowed socialists of the Democratic Party Elizabeth Warren as nuttier than a Payday candy bar is to underestimate the applause she received from the audience she was addressing.

We are witnessing a convergence of two strange phenomena’s happening in America today. One is the brazen openness of socialist’s ideas being preached in the public square and no longer confined behind the walls of the theoretical liberal college walls. Two the dumber-down graduates (some might say indoctrinated) lemmings lapping up these socialists public lectures as though they are just political differences of opinion and not attacked as flawed reasoning and anti-American in principles.

We are in a struggle in America that is far bigger than gridlock, corruption and culture class warfare the struggle we are witnessing is an organized creep of growing weeds of socialists infiltration planted long ago in our education system that now can’t disguised itself any longer.

Many of us have seen those seeds of socialism when we were being educated and experienced that the brainwashing got stronger when we raised our own children. Perhaps we saved ourselves from unintellectual mumblings but America has raised too many people infected by this pervasive mind numbing social justice "we all live in a yellow submarine" drivel.

Those that think that only the 2012 elections or the political success of traditional American values will be all that’s needed to wrestle back control of American senses need to think again.

America needs systemic reform to our education both academic and ethic scholarship.
We are not excused from accountability because “everybody else did it” and we are not excused from being ignorant because “it is the popular notion of the day”.
Take your schools back, take your children back take your country back because the creeping socialist’s agenda IS THE MAURADING BAND we should fear.