In fact the NAACP for over a century has been viewed by all Americans as an advocacy group that consistently adhered to its primary mission of equality and was considered an apolitical organization committed to fairness.
However, a few decades before the close of the 20th century the NAACP found itself the subject of hypocrisy and racism. It decided to align itself with the Democratic Party and be used as another arm of the left wing to get out the vote in support of only Democratic candidates.
Worse, even though the group had been helped to exist by being funded heavily with money and influence by the Jewish community there is a growing anti-Semitic voice in the Black community that has not been condemned enough by this organization.
The problem with any group hijacked for a political purpose is that it quickly loses both credibility and integrity to its basis for formation. Loyalty to an apolitical principle vanquishes when any group aligns its loyalty to political allies. Those allies receive immunity and protection from a group creating hypocrisy because the finger pointing is no longer based on objective righteousness but instead used to attack political opponents.
The idea that the NAACP could charge the Tea Party Movement as being racists with no proof while remaining conspicuously silent on Obama’s 20 year relationship with a known racist’s agitator in Reverend Wright illustrates the complete fraudulentness of the group today.
Another important lesson dispositive of why all political action groups end up ultimately collapsing and imploding their own credibility is “rebellion without a cause”, or not knowing when to quit.
Too many special interest groups formed for an honorable purpose, work hard to achieve their intended goals, succeed but then do not disband. As a result of this lust for activism with their cause achieved they cling to relevancy by trying to relive their past nostalgia by becoming shrill. Shrill by using histrionic comparative of real moral transgressions of the past to current day political petty ideological pander.
Sadly, your parent’s NAACP just like your parent’s Democratic party has been taken over by radical left wing political ideologues intent on fomenting an ingrained sense of Wright’s “goddamn America”.
For the NAACP to compare the current voter ID laws as being even remotely connected to a time predating the passage of Civil Rights when discrimination existed mocks themselves as much as it negates America’s progress from its prejudicial past.
To add insult to injury the NAACP has decided to take this argument of discrimination of Photo Id voting laws to the theater of the absurdity and inanity namely the United Nations Human Rights Council. If ever there was a synonym phrase for collective hypocrisy the United Nations would be on the shortest list.
For the NAACP or any other American political group to make requests or petition to the United Nations Human Rights Council regarding our election laws is an abomination. Especially when we know membership on this counsel includes countries like Saudi Arabia that discriminates against women.
We all know that the United Nations has no legal jurisdiction over America's election laws and therefore the only conclusion one can draw for why the
NAACP has chosen to request an affirmation by the United Nations Human Rights Council that photo ID laws are discriminatory is to get validation to argue that American laws are racists in the court of world public opinion.
Trying to utilize an international organization to wrestle with fundamentally domestic issues is a disturbing trend of the radical left. Seeking the approval or the condemnation of American laws made by, for and of the people by arguing their immoral value to international organizations is ultra un-American and fodder for our enemies “Great Satan” image propaganda.
By the very nature of its undertaking the NAACP has proven itself to be an organization that not only seeks to keep racism alive but transform it to an absurd level of victimhood. Proving your identity and eligibility to vote in America has absolutely nothing to do with racism but everything to do with halting the rampant fraud in our election process.
Instead of trying to heal the nation from the racial wounds of an ugly historical past this organization and other left-wing organizations continue to foment a paranoia of discrimination conspiracy using political soapboxes both in and now, outside the United States.
All Americans understand that it is healthy and in fact civic minded to argue and debate government laws regulations and policies however those differences of opinion internally should never be a aired in international forum.
Leaving aside that the photo ID law requiring voters to prove their eligibility is an extreme stretch of the imagination to call it discriminatory why is the NAACP taking this discussion to a world stage? Why is it NAACP running to the United Nations? What does international law have to do with state election laws?
Most Americans rightfully believe that insulting America by an American in a foreign country is wrong disrespectful and highly inappropriate. It bespeaks cowardice and extreme disloyalty to badmouth your country from another country.
Equally running to the United Nations to seek their approval of condemnation of our sovereign laws goes beyond disrespect, beyond disloyalty, beyond inappropriate, beyond legitimate political debate and into the realm of anti-American antagonism.
It is perplexing and disturbing that American special interest groups seem to be operating with such a rogue mentality that they fail to understand that their very existence and the freedom to exercise myopic viewpoint is guaranteed by the very country they seek to condemn.
Does the NAACP believe that it might have a stronger argument if Saudi Arabia agrees with it regarding the photo ID law? Will our American justice system be persuaded by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations or any international authority outside the United States as rational argument to strike down American laws?
Patriotic Americans are increasingly frustrated with a liberal minority that seeks to undermine our Constitution, Bill of Rights and our nation's sovereignty. Seeking United Nations approval for any actions be they about war or our domestic laws is intolerable.
selfishly contemptuous, lip-service loyal, politically unbridled, agenda driven to retain power attain power and to suck the power out of the United States Constitution.