Friday, December 20, 2013


The HealthCare Law is awash in controversy from its passage, constitutional upholding, crony exemptions, and unilateral regulatory power to HHS, along with violations to religious freedoms and the lies told to the American people regarding its true health insurance takeover by government. 

Equally in the area of immigration, when Congress failed to pass Obama’s sought after Dream Act, the President did not accept defeat gracefully. Instead he disgracefully sent out directives to the Department of Homeland Security to implement the Dream Act under the guise of prosecutorial discretion. 

Many Americans have been asking Congress how is it that President Obama can unilaterally decide to ignore the mandate dates in laws and whimsically delay them? Those that argue that the President has the authority under executive discretion are making a mockery of Congress and the rule of law. 

Congress has seen its power diminish and its credibility plummet in the eyes of the public. It might be true that it is difficult to expect a partisan recalcitrant Democrat controlled Senate to be persuaded to remove the President from office if the House impeached or censured him, but the silence of the House GOP lambs is deafening.

Even though many conservative Americans complained that the IRS was targeting their political groups starting after the 2010 elections, Congress has held hearings, been stonewalled by the White House and nothing has been done. When the Benghazi terror attack was called a political protest caused by a video by the President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2012 elections, this bold lie was also uncovered yet what has Congress done? When we found that no help was sent to save these brave men who died defending our consulate and Panetta claimed there wasn’t time, we know that excuse is a shameful deception. Who has been held accountable?

Finally the mainstream media is realizing that the President’s lies about Obamacare have smeared them with being a blatant propaganda machine for the White House and the public is angry at them as much as this administration. They are now reporting a story that some Americans already understood created a major fraud on the 2012 presidential election race. Media is now reporting that parts of Obamacare along with EPA regulations were delayed because their revelation would have altered the outcome of the election.

Consider if the regulatory war on coal by EPA rules was revealed prior to the 2012 elections, and these coal states had the facts about Obama true plans for their industries would Obama be re-elected? Would Ohio that went 50.1 for Obama versus 48.2 for Romney, poll the same? Or Virginia that went 50.8 for Obama versus 47.8 for Romney would those close election results be reversed if voters were armed with the coal truth? What about the razor thin margin of victory Obama received in Florida, 50 versus 49.1, if the lie the President told about Obamacare regarding keeping your insurance plan and doctor was revealed to Floridians prior to their vote? 

Congress has done nothing to address a growing disgust and distrust for what American sees is a thoroughly corrupt and unaccountable presidency that has used the phony diversion tactic of calling dissenters racists as he and the Democrats dismantle our Constitution.  

Throughout all this abuse, fraud deception and lies, the GOP leadership in the House John Boehner and the Senate Mitch McConnell has been burying their heads in the sand waiting only for the next election and the next election and now the next election in 2014. 

Speaker Boehner has the audacity to refuse to appoint a select committee and or a special prosecutor to investigate both the Benghazi and the IRS treachery, yet he has no trouble with waving his fingers in consternation at conservatives. Really John, play golf with the President and snub your base? 

The Speaker’s recent outburst against those that disliked a cowardly budget and took a principled stand to defund or delay Obamacare (Tea Party) ahead of the budget deadline revealed his arrogant elitist Washingtonian delusion of conservatism. He was incredulous that Ted Cruz and Mike Lee supported by millions of Americans would stand up and try to appeal to a stubborn Democrat Party and President that Obamacare should be defunding and or delayed knowing that their pleas would probably fail. 

Are you kidding me?” Boehner’s comment along with a mocking face may have pleased all those in Washington that hate the idea of government reform and fiscal sanity hoping the corruption in Washington stays but John and others in the GOP don’t get it. What the Speaker and many members don’t understand is that Americans are angry, distrustful and completely frustrated at Congress. They wax dramatic about fiscal cliffs then compromise with spending Democrats on a budget that takes a razor blade to a wood harvest. They sell us the wood shavings and claim it is the best they can do, in fact they expect us to be proud of them. Our response; “Are you kidding us?”

Yes, John, Americans of all stripes, backgrounds, and political colors want their Senators and Representatives to fight the good fight, to stand up to tyranny and to speak truthfully to the American people. Let’s remember Mr. Speaker, that Obama and Harry Reid shutdown the government over Obamacare not Ted Cruz, Mike lee and their supporters. Let’s remember Mr. Speaker, that the last GOP voice echoing in Washington before the rollout was that of principled opposition. Now that Americans have discovered Obama’s lies about the law, they are livid at the Democrats not Ted Cruz. Lastly, let’s understand Mr. Speaker that you don’t engage in only battles in which you are assured a victory. Sometimes self respect requires that you stand your ground knowing you will be knocked to the ground. It is called standing up for principles, standing one’s ground and not backing down. 
So are Americans to expect that the GOP strategy is just to continue to sit down, and allow this administration and Harry Reid’s Democrats to trash our constitution while you wait for the 2014 elections then the 2016 elections? How did allowing a corrupt administration to perpetrate government wide voter fraud by deceptions by the Department of Homeland Security on immigration, the State Department lies over Benghazi , the targeting of conservative by the IRS, the purposefully delays of regulations by the EPA and Health and Human Services Department work out in the 2012 election? Do you still think Obama beat Romney fair and square?

This Congress has abdicated its responsibility to defend and protect the Constitution and yes, Speaker Boehner and all other moderate aisle crossing feckless and reckless bystanders to Obama’s executive kingship, this administration has made you fools. Do not send wrath to those of us that elected you to represent both our values and our country’s constitutional Republic. WE the People are not the problem and we expect you to battle for our Republic not just wait for the next rigged election.  

There should be special prosecutors appointed, select committees investigating all the scandals including election fraud, subpoenas flying, censure motions made, and yes impeachment papers filed regardless if Democrats in the Senate ignores them. This is about fighting the good fight for America’s principles and ideals and yes win or lose, history must record that Americans will not just see their country’s torch of liberty blow out without a whimper by our wimpy Congress. 

Once upon a time, Mr. Speaker, Americans went to battle against all the king’s army and all the king’s men with many including George Washington doubting victory after suffering many defeats, but against all odds, and without universal support we miraculously we won our country from a dictator. Mr. Speaker, you and all of Congress owe your country at the very least, a bloodless battle in the halls of Congress every day to thwart the Obama executive branch lawlessness or be a legislative branch figurehead.

                          “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
                                                                  (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Claudia Roazen is a writer from Maine. Her book “ARE WE THE SHEEPLE OR THE PEOPLE? AN AMERICAN WOMAN ON FIRE!” can be purchased at AMAZON.COM or on her website