Saturday, September 26, 2015


Conservatives are cheering the resignation of Speaker John Boehner from the leadership role in the House of Representatives and from the House seat he holds for Ohio voters. He announced his resignation to come at the end of October, 2015. I guess Halloween at the Capital will be missing one less corporate zombie, but one wonders if his ghost will haunt the House after he turns in his gavel.

Some are viewing his surrender as a win for the conservatives in the House that have been actively pushing for his ouster as speaker, while some more cynically believe that Boehner is resigning, to ensure that he can influence the House, to elect an establishment moderate to replace him.

The vision of John Boehner crying to House members to evoke sympathy and votes, for an equally sycophantic elitist, that cowers to Obama and the Democrat Party isn't an unimaginable speculation. Indeed, the GOP has shown the American people nothing but political cowardice by refusing to mount any opposition to Obama's reckless agenda, while the Democrats have been faithful cogs for the Marxist ideologue machine.

Over the next few weeks the people will be able to gauge whether this is another tactic by the GOP to continue its pretense of conservative values, or whether there has been a systemic changing of the guard in the GOP. There is no doubt that this resignation signals a growing strength of genuine conservatism within the GOP born from grassroots voters seeking to oust corruption, yet moderates still seem to be in the majority. 

The people will be watching closely to see who is elected as Speaker of the House before being able to claim a real victory. Moreover, if the House elects a strong conservative to replace Boehner, then the pressure will be squarely placed on the Senate's majority leader Mitch McConnell to also step aside.

Americans are in an anti-career politician, anti-establishment candidates, anti-Washington elitism and anti-lobbyists mood. They are frustrated and angry that their voice after elections goes dark and silent on the ears of those politicians that promised them change, then keep the status quo, or worse, continue to give away our jobs, freedoms and values.

The GOP needs to get the message (Trump is dispositive of that message) that conservatives want to be able to fight for American values, not politically strategizing each upcoming election to win it, and do nothing. What has it served conservatives to win a historic majority in the House and then have the GOP acquiesce to every Obama wish? What is the benefit of a majority that hides under the sheets and doesn't challenge the minority Party? What avenue is left for the American people when they vote for opposition to liberalism, win the election and then get stabbed in the back by their own so-called conservative leaders?

They vote for Trump, Carson and Fiorina while Scott Walker and Rick Perry drop out of the 2016 primary. They stop sending money to the GOP. They stop trying to grow the Party by no longer extolling GOP virtues telling friends to vote Republican. They start thinking that they might sit on their hands and not vote at all, next election.
The GOP has a unique opportunity to change the conservative dialog into positive approval and rally backing for the Party to grow. To stand up against unconstitutional laws and speak for the people. To regroup around staunch conservatism and finally be an opposition Party against social progressive policies ruining this country's hard fought freedoms. However, if they replace Boehner with the current GOP whip Kevin McCarthy of California then it will be " meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
Time for people to write their House members and ask for real conservative leadership, because it is well past time for the Republican Party to once again represent genuine conservative values. Most Americans will watch John Boehner leave the capital building without shedding a tear, because the future of America relies on steely verve not wimpy nerves.

Monday, September 21, 2015


The CNN 2nd GOP presidential debate was in a word, uninformative. The only candidate on stage that attempted to be more detailed when answering the few foreign policy questions was Carly Fiorina.
Her plan for increasing our military's capacity while building a bigger footprint presence in the Mid-East to counteract Russian alliances in Iran and Syria was at least a game plan. Other candidates promoted war to topple Assad or complained about Obama's temerity without stating a clear outline of how they would contend with the multiple threats to America's national security. 

However the blame for the fluff and puff responses to serious foreign policy concerns was not the fault of the candidates but instead CNN and the network's use of a gossiping style of questioning that pitted one candidate campaign statements to another candidate's ideas.
This two on the same plate, style of debate, covered the meat of the question with so much peppery sauce, that it was forked up with defensiveness and counter claims. It ruined the comprehension of what was being asked, causing the answers to be impossible to digest by the public.

Perhaps even more disappointing were the domestic affairs that were completely ignored by CNN moderators, such as the absent query to the candidates about our huge and growing national debt. The next President must contend with reducing federal spending and breaking our fall into the fiscal abyss.

The budget deficit, and the size of the federal government is a major difference between liberal big government Democrats and socialists versus free market and free living constitutional conservatives and libertarians, yet the questions to the candidates on this topic were lost in the chattering.

Americans know that in order to have a strong military, to save Social Security and meet the goals of securing our borders requires an overhaul of government priorities, but most importantly returning solvency and sanity to federal spending. Yet the 17 trillion dollar debt hanging over our children's heads was the panting dog left in the hot car by a thoughtless media, while they stood in line for a political latte for rejuvenating ratings.  

Unlike the first FOX debate, where the moderators smeared peanut butter on candidates with gotcha gaffes that produced sparse substance to help voters decide, this style of debate by CNN was the other side of the news network debate bread, that contained marshmallow fluff in an attempt to start a schoolroom food fight.

Did some of the candidates stand out and shine brighter? Perhaps, but I doubt the voters paying attention this early in the primary know much more about where these candidates stand on the serious issues swirling around our nation's future and or their doable plans to repeal, replace, fix or shore up our weakened foundation that is in flux, home and abroad.

No questions were asked to any candidates regarding specific government agencies a conservative candidate would be willing and eager to cut (except apparently the IRS), nor were there any questions involving a plan to cure government waste and fraud. Did anyone hear a question and answer involving returning the size of the federal government to its constitutional enumerated limits?

Yes, one can argue that the campaign is early and there will be plenty of time for a hearty helping of stick to the ribs home cooking, serving up satiating solutions to our many problems but if these two debates are the political teasing appetizers, then it should not have the effect of turning our collective stomachs.

In fact, I think I can safely say, Americans are refusing the major networks fast-food liberally biased stuffed sausage on a stick-it to conservatives tray of mockery and directing us to sit in the sunny pick-an-nit table, to eat, and then stand in line for more fool's gruel. Voters' reaction so far has been, to pack up the camper and not stay for all the political tracker and poll analysis to pick a winner.

Some have already saddled their horse to a candidate while some others have given up on the notion of an honest and honorable politician. Most, are just looking for the candidate that will not be an elite puppet, has respect for the rule of law and will fight for American values with tireless tenacity. 

The question is, will we be able to find this person by watching network debates? So far that answer appears to be no, since corporate media's focus is to produce slander-pander performances designed solely to gorge on their ratings feasts. Until they start supplying the public with a forum for the serious airing of contrasting views from those vying to steer our nation's ship through the dangerous waters ahead, it will be hard to choose a hire.
Stay tuned, because so far the debates have been flush on entertainment questions while running a deficit on substantive answers, but like all shows, the climax always comes after the commercials.     

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The political sharks on both sides of the aisle have been circling the Middle-class and then savagely attacking whole swaths of livelihoods. The Democrats have ruined the economy with so much regulation, that welfare grows faster than jobs. Meanwhile the Republicans busy themselves with trading away our markets to corporate pirates who jump America's ship of state, taking jobs and profits offshore.

When Americans wonder why corporate America isn't joining the people in protesting high taxes, high regulation and sky high debt that threatens a financial meltdown, they cynically know the answer. If the corporation moves abroad, they get the best of both worlds, low wages from foreign workers and greater consumerism in the American market. So why protest rules that can be bypassed and finagled around? Instead just continue bribing the politicians to enact rules that hurt the upshot small business so it never gets big enough to compete with them.

The greedy jaws of politics and money are inbred in any government and unless it is thwarted, then elitist tyranny results. Americans feel both powerless and overwhelmed by our current government's systemic breeding ground for pay to play whoredom, that a quiet revolution is taking place among voters.   
 "The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse." (James Madison)

There is a long history of low voter turnout in American elections. Many Americans not registered to vote or voting rarely would defend their lapse of civic duty on the stench of both political parties systemic corruption. More importantly, they were tired and cynically frustrated that the more the campaigns promised change, the more things remained the same. Voting to some became a useless exercise of trading one dirty politician for another sleazy conman. 

Finally as a result of Obamacare passing through unconstitutional means, citizen activism calling itself the Tea Party Movement awoke from what was otherwise a fatalistic voter aversion to the stinking business of politics. They had a different curative plan than merely voting for the propped up party puppet, that the establishment dubbed as electable, they would actively participate in the primary process and even recruit their own constitutionally faithful candidates. 

They were attacked and malign by media, both parties and even government agencies (IRS Scandal) seeking to save the political status quo sham and shame of Washington elitism. The establishment was partially successful in as much as the Tea Party Movement name, (name only) has dissolved from a growing voter identifier into instead, a nameless but increasingly large and growing group of voters, salivating for a fix to our broken system. 

This citizen uprising gains momentum as each day more slime flows downhill from Washington revealing its utter disdain for the people's natural rights. Whether unconstitutional edicts from the President, congressional deceit or the Supreme Court's contortion of our constitution, America's exceptionalism is dissolving in front of voters eyes. Representative government appears dead, corporation money flows freely in the face of voters, and the struggling lives of the average citizen seems to be unimportant to our lawmakers.

More and more the policies of Washington have diminished the freedoms and protections once understood to be inherently off limits. The more government treads on rights it has no right to decide, the more America ceases to be the land of the free. Yet, the question becomes, are we still home of the brave?
Is it crazy, dumb, wacko or delusional to be a Trump voter? We are told he is a shill for Hillary. We are told he is a false conservative prophet. We are told he is a liar, a misogynists, a political Ross Perot pariah, a disguised progressive, an opportunists, a flip flopper and too dangerous a personality to be allowed control of our nuclear arsenal. Yet, people are not listening to the beltway badgering and the pundit's prognostication of a Trump nose dive in popularity. Why?

Could it be, that savvy voters realize that only a business tycoon of bravado can fight the tough battle to discredit Wall Street, corporations, bankers and whoring politicians and call them out, for their loyalty to money over the interests of the American people? Could it be that you need a bigger fish to kill a big fish, or an orca to kill a shark? Could it be that after seeing a community organizer be allowed to ravage the nation's good name and credit in open disdain of over half the citizenry, the thinking might be, what better antithesis of the last eight years of lunacy, then a "built that" billionaire. 

The elephant that is currently in the GOP room is that Trump is a killer whale, larger than any other candidate and making such a big media splash, he has the rest of the candidates swimming in circles as though they're a bait ball. Those that try and bite the oversized dolphin find themselves further adrift in a electorate current of turbulence against career politicians. 

So has the fed up American voter gone nuts, or has the system gone so haywire that a bully is needed to stop the bullies? Is Trump the apex predator jumping in the sea and squaring off against the political sharks on behalf of the average American? The voters have already seen those political sharks gang up and  bite him bit by bit hoping he would bleed and beached himself out of contention. Yet so far the shark attacks have bloodied the water with their own dying campaigns.

So although it is early in the primary season, Trump has breached the hostile waters, and rained down the salty foam that has scattered the career sharks. Still the GOP has not stopped thinking of ways to rid the primary of Trump, and the voters can expect a barrage of TV ads determined to use his past blowhole comments to discredit his name. Indeed the status quo GOP survival, depends on Trump's demise. The Captain Ahab struggle with "Moby- Donald" is the clash of the classes.

The Middle-class voters has longed for a powerful elixir, a justice toting Knight or a shrew advocate for their interests, and as unlikely as Trump might be to assume this role, he has. As strange as it might seem, sometimes it takes an unlikely person and an odd twist of fate to set a dysfunctional system back into rational harmony. Stranger still, is Trump leading the campaign or have the Trump supporters roped and saddled a Blackfish aware that our current system needs either savagery or salvation? 

If Trump is the progressive traitor that the GOP claims he is, then his policies will quicken the corrupt demise of Washington, if he stays true to his words then the salvage operation commences, either way, the average American will finally see change in Washington, by hook or crook.    

So, the voter's ship and crew, " Pequod" is rooting for the whale, Donald Trump. If he fails to win the nomination the voters are enjoying the fits of rage and sea sickness Trump is causing the (Ahab) GOP. But if Trump wins the primary, then what will the GOP do? Perhaps the establishment GOP should be asked, if they, will pledge their loyalty and faithfulness behind "The Donald"?