multicultural agenda of the left that refuses to recognize the committed nature
of terrorists to infiltrate, lay wait, plot, plan and recruit native players
for their evil mass murdering jihad is deadly stupid.
Our open borders
and liberal immigration policy allowed the 911 terrorists (Al Qaida) to receive
visa approval to attend aviation schools in America to train how to fly planes.
Just plain deadly stupid.
Fort Hood,
Texas, a Muslim psychiatrist shoots and kills 13 service people and wounds 31
more while invoking the Muslim praises to his god and the administration
refuses to call it Islamic terrorism. Even though it was clear both before and
after the attacks that the doctor was influenced by his association with Anwar
al-Awlaki a radical American born imam. More wishing it isn't true, stupidity.
terrorists killed our Ambassador and three security personal in Benghazi,
Libya, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton outright lied to the
American people by calling it a murderous rioting of local Libyans upset over
an anti-Muslim video. Our government and all officials knew it was a planned
terror attack and they did nothing then nor anything since to respond to this
savagery except to jail an obscure video maker. We can almost hear them
whispering "It is about politics and winning elections, stupid. It is not
about saving American lives."
Our open
borders and liberal immigration policy allowed the Tsarnaev family to falsely
claim the need for political asylum and our Homeland Security Agency bought
that deception without balking. When the Russians warned that the eldest son
(Dzhokhar) was a suspected terrorist, the FBI questioned him, decided he was no
threat and worse kept the local police in the dark. The Boston marathon bombers were imported,
vetted and allowed to prey on innocent citizens killing three and wounding 264.
Stupid, stupider and stupidest.
These are
only the terror examples with a high body count of those killed and wounded in
America. There are many more examples of attacks that are called honor killings
or lone wolf attacks that continue to be covered up by officials who refuse to
recognize acts of Muslim cultural and religious killings as jihad attacks.
Liberals dismissing assimilation requirements of immigrants, tragically stupid.
Between the
sleeper cells, our open borders and the social media communication network of
these psychopathic radical religious marauders, the left's naivety, lies and
political corruption marches forward into the treasonous area of ignoring a
known threat to our nation.
happened in Paris, France will happen in America yet President Obama continues
to insist on the implementation of his plan to import thousands more Syrian
refugees into our country. Waving his arrogant finger at Americans who do not
agree and admonishing us as being bigoted haters. Arrogant and stupid, or
arrogant and cleverly flipping the pointing finger to us from his own disdain
of America's exceptionalism?
don't care if the jihadists are called Al-Qaida, al-Nusra Front, Taliban,
Hamas, Hezbollah or ISIS, we want these people banned from entering the
country. We want these inhuman people killed or captured when the opportunity
presents and we don't want them sneaking into our country disguised as
refugees. Don't stupidly argue that the Statue of Liberty is a suicide pact,
that requires us to house our enemies!
No, Mr.
President this hate isn't coming from the western world, this hate has always
been germinated by a political cultist religion that seeks to kill or convert
moderate and non-Muslims worldwide. They hate Jews and Christians. Americans know that compassion does not
mean that one must endanger one's own family to help others. That would be
stupid, Americans are not stupid!
food, drop medicines, and create a safe haven for Syrian and regional refugees
while the Syrian and ISIS war rages and when it is over, repatriate them back
to their countries. Europe was foolish to think it could absorb a vast number
of refugees and not import jihadist. Americans demand that our President and
Congress not continue to be deaf, dumb and blind to a culture and ideology that
is hell-bent on killing our citizens and Judeo-Christian values. Wake up
Congress, and stop following political correct stupidity!
What has our
liberal government learned from 911? Apparently very little, for they were
directly responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing by importing, vetting and
providing taxpayer monies to terrorists. What have they learned from Benghazi?
Lie, then lie some more about lying. What are they learning from Paris? Nous des liberaux sommes toujours stupide. (We
liberals are still stupid.)
recalcitrant corrupt and liberal defiant leaders in government all must heed
the sane voices of the American people, that whether it is illegal aliens
raping and killing our citizens or legal immigrant Muslim jihadists shooting and
blowing up our streets, they must be stopped. Public office holders number one job, and their oath of office requires them, to
serve and protect the nation and the Constitution!
importing jihad, and seal our borders! It is just that stupid simple!