Friday, December 11, 2015


Our President embarrassed Americans by calling the Paris terror attacks a "setback" and then quickly used the bully pulpit on the world stage to disparage his GOP rivals rather than the depraved acts of murderers. 

A week after the Christmas Party shooting in San Bernardino the President went to the pulpit reluctantly admitting that the incident was a terror attack. After speaking summarily of the 14 victims who died he launched his lectern lecture at Americans warning us against blaming all Muslims for the actions of terrorists, and yet again called for gun control.

Yes the hypocrite in chief shows his arrogant double standard. It is fine for liberals to blame all law-abiding gun owners for the horrific acts of a few but not fine for Americans to be wary of a suspiciously silent Muslim community for acts of terror. 

So Americans are being told to disarm both our guns and our frustrated curiosity of silent Muslims unwilling to disavow publically, jihad, a caliphate dream and deeply ingrained anti-Semitism. We are told not to fear a religion that wants to institute Sharia law and take down the Christian, Jewish and western world. We are told that when a Muslim becomes devout, he or she is more apt to equally become radicalized.

Devout means devoted to a religion or ritual, it means piety, it means being sincerely earnest and loyal to a faith and belief. So Americans wonder, how does being devout to a so called peaceful religion end up creating radicalized killers? How does a religion of peace continue to create terrorists? How does a religion promote laws (Sharia) that are chauvinist, misogynistic and hyper-moral in which the consequences of violations are inhumane, barbaric and lacking mercy?

Gee, could it be that Islam is not peaceful? Gee could it be that Islam is not consistent with Judeo-Christian values? Gee, could it be that by continuing to import a tribalism culture into our pluralistic culture that we ensure a backyard battlefield? 

Obama, Hillary and most liberals have always blamed the west's intolerance as for the reason there is a rise of radical Islamic terrorism. They contend that America's foreign policy, specifically our support of Israel was the causation for 911. They believe that appeasement is the curative to combat the fomenting of terrorism and they have had many years in power to test their theories. 

Yet, the Arab Spring and the policies of this administration that changed our foreign policy by ousting Mubarak in Egypt, supporting Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood, failed. Bombing and overthrowing Qaddafi in Libya hoping  a Democratic state would replace the dictator, failed. Leaving Iraq and our military hardware to an Iraqi army trained, but not battle tested, proved to be the deadliest failure for thousands of people have been slaughter by the ISIS state created by their naive and trusting policies.  

So what have liberals learned through all this failure? Nothing. They continue to believe that they can control violence and evil done by the lawless by imposing laws on the lawful. They continue to ignore the threats, continue to give groups like CAIR legitimacy, while being quick to chastise Americans as Islamaphobic. They continue to do what they always do, which is to deny factual outcomes and instead double down on their ideological wishes.

From Climate Change to the state of our economy this administration and its loyal liberals only want to use facts that show their leadership has been successful, or that their cynical phony mirages have substance. In their quest to change America, truth is a political casualty.   

What have Americans learned in the many years of liberal government control?  Well, If we listen to our government then we hear the conflicts in their logic, such as the following;
Islam is the religion of peace, that is also killing Christians, Jews and Muslim families throughout the world.

Climate change is the doomsday fear, even when factual evidence refutes that it is even a problem, let alone a man-made problem.

Our justice system is blind, even though the Supreme  Court needed to change the wording in the Obamacare law to allow it to be viable. Blind even in the control of a corrupt White House that will only prosecute crimes and scandals for those who are on the political right, while liberals receive crony protection from prosecution. Even though Justice is suppose to be blind, Americans can plainly see that our DOJ has been transformed into a political weapon for political gain. Wasn't Carter elected because Democrats accused Nixon of weaponizing our government agencies? 
Appeasement of one's enemy avoids war and aggression, even though China militarizes the South China sea, Russia takes Crimea and threatens to take Ukraine while it aides Syria and has Turkey in its crosshairs. What of the hopes of the Arab Spring? It has become the Mid-East madness, a killing machine.

Multicultural refugees into western nations should be open and free flowing to show we are not bigots, even though the terror groups in the world vow to infiltrate among the masses and export jihad to every nation in the world. The Paris attacks were just a taste of what is to come.

America's economy is fine at 1percent GDP growth and what we need to do is spend more, increase the debt and have the FED continue to play for Wall Street while impoverishing Main Street, even though Americans don't need government statistics to notice a dwindling wallet and a nosedive in generational success. 

Those on the atheistic left have all the right answers (PC) and will take away our livelihoods if we dare speak out and question their liberal world view, they can use media to demonize Republicans because they consider the right to be ignorant, bigoted, racists and gun crazy. So if you have a patriotic love of your country, Judeo-Christian values and want our Constitution and borders protected it is fine to audit, libel and slander you.  

So what have Americans learned under the control of the Democrats? I hope we have learned that corruption will be our undoing. I hope we have learned that zealotry doesn't play nice in the sand box with others. I hope we have learned to no longer be silent.  
Like it or not we are facing those enemies "both foreign and domestic" that aim to destroy our Republic. We all must swear to save our nation "freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion" and "faithfully discharge" our duty as citizens to defeat both liberal corruption and radical Islam.

Arm yourself with the truth, arm yourself with the courage to speak the truth, arm yourself with the resiliency to reject political correctness and use logic not fear in seeking the truth. Most importantly of all, commit yourself to protecting the truth regardless of how much the media and our government wants to malign, fabricate or silence the truth.    

Let's remember that evil hates us to show, compassion, charity, humility, forgiveness and fearless faith. Let's celebrate this Christmas without concern for political correctness, without worry from those that would shun our beliefs, without rage against the immoral evildoers among us, and simply be the light in the world's dark times.