Thursday, February 11, 2016


Marco Rubio is a political creation, a mouthpiece for the beliefs of insulated special interests. He is a donor robot that has only two loyalties, his dream to become a real boy, and money. 

The wealthy amnesty pushing PAC donor-robots are running for President. Marco Rubio is a shiny new political robot equipped with minority attracter-beams and youthful racing tires. His conservatism runs as deep, as water in a sieve. His pretense of being hawkish and a capable decisive leader, is a fraud, as he would take turns sitting on Charles Schumer and John McCain's lap, like a ventriloquist's dummy. 

In politics today we talk about forming third parties as a way to disrupt the embedded corruption of Washington, yet, given the power of donor money, the donor party is already the third party silencing the voice of the voters.

The donor parties have the one voice that is heard through the din of the crowd, it crows, money. Pay to play, pay to say, pay to puppeteer, either way politicians are for sale. The donor party has billionaires and millionaires persuading politicians with campaign money to support their ideas and causes and worse, they have groomed  politicians as pitchmen to their desires, early in their political career. The moneyed elitist donor's world vision is dangerously self-serving and less opposed to each other than we are lead to believe. In fact, on many issues there are only slight nuances between the wealthy left and right. How else could Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton share donors?

These arrogant political donors have evolved from manipulating political puppets to manufacturing their own political robots, and could care less how their desires adversely affect the country as a whole. As long as their corporate killing of our Constitution continues, more Rubio robots will emerge from state legislative factories to say all the right things to voters for their votes, but do all the wrong things for this country, in pleasing their donor bosses.

From George Soros to Paul Singer there are billionaires backing the multiple PACs (Political Action Committees), or should we call them STACs (selfish political arrogant classes), that use their money to buy the conscience of seated legislators, or build their own Roomba robot like Rubio, to sweep the room of unwanted political views, specifically the dusting off the interests of common folks.

These billionaires like Facebook's Zuckerberg, call their manufacturing plants or PACs very seductive names such as  "Americans for a Conservative Direction" to fool millionaires and less wealthy donors to contribute to its legitimacy as a bipartisan reform group. The reality is that Mark Zuckerman's PAC was created to ensure that the "Gang of Eight" immigration bill passed.

But Marco is not just being backed by Zuckerberg, Gates and the silicon Valley family of Oracle, Cisco and Seagate but by ultra left amnesty lover George Soros with his NIF (National Immigration Forum) which has a faux grassroots group called the EIT, or the "Evangelical Immigration Table" to fool the unwitting. 

The underhandedness of these billionaire and corporate funded political action committees starts with their unwillingness to be truthful in naming their group. Why would any American think "Americans for a Conservative Direction" or "Evangelical Immigration Table" have nothing to do with conservatism or Christianity but everything to do with an open borders agenda?

These names are designed to rope and corral the naive masses into the belief that, one, the group is grassroots genuine, two, that it must be popular because it has big money backing and three, it deceives even its members of its ultimate objectives. Most PACs are "front organizations" that must use deceit in order to attract "useful idiots" to hold their placards on the street and  preach conversion to others about their cynically poisonous snake oil.   

In the movie "I, Robot" a scientist that helped create both the robots and main computer master controller, worried that either the self learning program would evolve to betray humans or would be reprogrammed by business to create a totalitarian state. He then created one robot that was different. That robot was loyal to humans and morality, made of stronger alloy than his counterparts and not controlled by the mainframe computer. 

When Americans look at Washington today, we see an army of elite robots, controlled by the donor lobby party and We the People are angry,  disappointed and  starving for a solution to the big money pollution.
Any solution to this elitist chokehold of our Republic must start with us, the voter. We must stop being fooled by slick speeches, keep informed and show no mercy to those that lie. We must realize that if a politician sold him or herself as rebel, why are they getting out of the corrupt establishment bed in the morning? We can't become apathetic, we must instead become enterprising, and roll up our sleeves and follow the donor lists. We must accept, that like a bet put down at a casino, the odds are stacked in favor of the corrupt political house.

Marco Rubio was a Tea Party favorite over Charlie Crist in the Senate run in Florida in 2010 claiming he was a loyal dedicated conservative, but he was mainframe establishment robot that betrayed his base of supporters without  blinking. He has obfuscated, ignored and fast talked his way around the immigration policy backstabbing by using an over worked script of political fairy tales. Rubio betrayed us and Crist became a Democrat, making it frustratingly hard to find genuineness in politicians today.

I, Rubio is a bought and paid for puppet dangled by donors. I, Rubio is an establishment candidate groomed and guided by his desire for money and power. I, Rubio is a candidate that fooled us once and if we give him a chance, he will make fools again of all the voters that casted a ballot for this false agent of the donor class.

This son of Cuban immigrants has expert stage skills, deep pockets for taking money and shallow goals and principles for anything else. He is the consummate politician, the consummate promise poser, the consummate beltway buddy that will keep Washington and its cozy lobbyist, fat and happy while average Americans starve for an end to tyranny.
Marco is the servant of George Soros, Marc Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Paul Singer and a long list of open borders supporters. If this robot is our next president, amnesty will be a given, our borders will remain ineffective and the increase of HB1 visas will take away more jobs from Americans. Our debt will continue to grow, our government will continue to grow, and our government will grow further and further away from its restraints, codified in our Constitution. 

I, Rubot might talk fast and glibly but listen carefully to his immigration proposal. It earns him his PAC money while running roughshod over our Constitution, his lawyerly response to the voters about his betrayal, is slick.

 We can’t get that legislation passed. The American people will not support doing anything about people that are in this country illegally until the law is enforced first and you prove it to them."

 Noticed he said "we can't" not that "we shouldn't". He further states that some day in the future once the borders are secure then amnesty will be granted to those here unlawfully.

"Once that’s in place, I believe American people will support a reasonable, but responsible approach to people that have been here a long time, who are not dangerous criminals, who pay taxes and pay fines for what they did. But until then, none of that is possible...".
No Marco-bot whether in English or Spanish you are trying to split the anchor-baby but savvy voters won't be made RINO-robot supporting fools again, especially when there are non-robots and true conservatives running like Ted Cruz.

Links for thought;