The "Never Trump" bunch, along with frustrated
supporters of Ted Cruz and other candidates that failed to win the GOP
presidential nomination, must dry their eyes, shrug their shoulders and make
peace with the results.
Everyone has the post primary blues and the "I don't
like either candidate" doldrums prior to a general election. Runners up,
are not crowned king, bridesmaids don't walk down the aisle and when your home
team loses the pennant, sometimes it is your team's worst rival that makes it
to the world series. However, conservatives need to stay focused on what is
important, not on what might have been, and remain focused to defeat liberals
and social progressive policies.
Left leaning Republicans (RINOs) are attacking Trump, with
some, even claiming that they will vote for Hillary. If ever there was a
Shakespearian moment of truthful soliloquy then these trashing the candidate asides
by establishment Republicans, cynically, answer for us, the often asked loyalty
question, as to whether they: be or not be, genuine conservatives. Because what they fail to realize, is that
Trump represents the will of the people. Publically discrediting Trump, is
tantamount to arrogantly snubbing the American voter and ignoring Americans
viewpoint on policies.
Wise or not, thoroughbred or not, traditional or not, Trump
was elected because of the positions he took on three major policy issues, Immigration,
Trade Pacts and the restoration of the American economic engine. They want
border laws enforced, they want trade to not cost jobs and they want the
federal government to stop micromanaging business through over regulation. In
fact on almost every major policy issue, the public demands reform. Shouldn't
that tell you something? Senator, Congressperson?
It should humble your ego and make you look for the ticket
window in the depot, so you can board the right train that rumbled you into
Washington and that can equally transport you back home. It should remind you
that as a representative of the people, that it doesn't matter how
"you" think but rather how "they" think, the American voter,
about public policy. It should inspire you to make peace with one man (Trump)
in order to create a better America for average Americans clamoring for these
policy changes.
Instead, too many of these pompous potentates of puffery
can't see behind their enormous ego. They have the audacity to call out Trump
as an egoist, but how egotistical is it, to ignore millions of American voters?
The answer appears to be part of why people are angry. Washington won't listen
to anyone but big donors and the Middle Class's patience with politicians is
threadbare thin.
One would think, that instead of whining about what might
have been. Instead of complaining that Trump isn't a conservative. Instead of
creating doubt as to whether you will support the party, why not play a
positive role. Be a representative in the true sense of its commitment and
stump for Trump while reminding him every chance you have his ear, that he
can't change his policies and betray the voters. Then you would be doing
something useful and constructive as a representative of your conservative
Pundits say it is up to Trump to unite the Republican Party,
but I think the political spinners are wrong. It is up to the representatives
to rally round their flagpole winner.
Ryan and McConnell must govern for the people instead of continually
serving the corporately bought beltway,
and getting every policy issue backwards and inside out.
All this chatter about Trump lying to the voters is amusing
considering that it is coming from politicians (Romney, Rubio, Graham) that
have done nothing but swindle conservative votes for decades. The debate is
over. The left leaning GOP is a dying dinosaur. The American public is not in a
very forgiving mood, so it behooves all the "hate Trump" crowd to
either sit down and clamp shut, or join Hillary's campaign.
Real conservatives, principled conservatives will support
Trump's presidential campaign. Will stay vocal about the policy issues that
America needs to change, and will vilify the only candidate that should be
called out as a sour grape in the political vine; crooked Hillary Clinton.