The New York Times and Washington Post newspapers along with
many other big city rags across the country are not just liberally biased, they
are far, far worse, they are disinformation operatives for the progressive
left's ideology that has divided our country. They are not alone, the corporate
owned news media, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC blared out smarmy snarky sarcasm
against good patriotic citizens, 24 hours, seven days a week, using propaganda
to try and persuade the country, that long held moral values are dead. Trump's
victory told them, guess what, your verbal bullying won't shake out, the faith,
Americans have of our nation.
They have taunted Americans with such rubbish such as,
wanting to deport illegal aliens is bigoted ignorance, or that those demanding
equal justice under the law, calling for Hillary Clinton to face a grand jury,
was a misogynistic mantra. Or that
criticizing the unconstitutional policies of Obama, and his many disingenuous
statements in the White House, makes everyone who dares question him, a racist.
In other words, media blared out, leave elites alone, support Democrats or we
will constantly bash you. While no one in the beltway (yes that includes, you,
GOP), stood up for working Americans until Trump.
Americans have been called homophobes, xenophobes,
flat-earth-ers, gun and bible clingers, bigots, racists, deplorable,
irredeemable, tea-baggers, tinfoil hat wear-ers, college drop-outs, rednecks,
loons, goons, misogamists, hate-mongrels, unsophisticated, deniers, domestic
terrorists, gun totting bullies, polluters, unwashed and hate-filled among
other terms, by the mainstream media, the Democrat Party, President Obama and the wanna-be president,
Hillary Clinton.
The media, now has the gall to wonder what happened in this
election! Why were the polls so wrong? Why did so many states, leave the DNC
column of blue reliance and switch to backing Trump. Trump, who is still being
called "Hitler" by liberal voters? Hitler? Isn't that your answer?
Isn't that a clue? Isn't that reckless, idiotic comparison, repeated by college
campus raised on mock-e-racy instead of democracy, explanation enough?
Media and college professors have brainwashed students into
believing all things conservative are evil. Accurate general statements by
Trump were purposefully misconstrued by
the liberal media, to paint Trump as a Hitler figure and his American supporters
as haters. You told them that Trump's remark on Mexican illegal aliens is
racists and akin to Hitler, isn't that hyperbole gone wild?
Now good Americans are seeing the complete moronic masses of
propagandized youth protesting on the street against Trump's election and using
foul language to suggest that the results were rigged and unfair
to...progressives, liberals, Democrats...Hillary Clinton, really, are you
serious? A sight of confused, selfish and temper tantrum bullies, has the
silent majority in awe of the left capacity for vacuous values, bullying beliefs
and their utter shamelessness to be protesting all because the bullies lost.
Apparently, it doesn't matter to the left that Hillary
Clinton was a security risk and an office seller. It doesn't matter, that her
lies were constant and doubled down on, even after they were exposed by the FBI
and Wikileaks. It doesn't matter that she campaigned in coal dependent states
and pledge to take away their livelihoods. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats
lost this election on policy and the country's direction. Obamacare, open
borders, high taxes, gun control, common core and globalism lost this election.
Progressive ideology lost this election. Overbearing, over-regulatory, elitists
control by a party believing that empty sophism, politically correct
sloganeering and media bullying would
win votes.
The Democrats ignored and dismissed the heartland or what
they call the " fly-over" part of the country, that they expected to
lose to Trump. Yet they are shocked that Trump won Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin and perhaps Michigan. In their never ending arrogance that
refuses to acknowledge that their message and policy is rejected by not just
conservative Americans but by life-long Democrat voters. The defeated Progressives are
steeped in denial that we are a union of states, instead they want to harp on Hillary
winning the popular vote, so they can try and change the rules, and get rid of
the Electoral College. Right, let's have a few states in the union bully the
rest of the country, sounds like another prostrate Progressive plan.
Let's be perfectly clear, Hillary did not win a plurality of state
support in the country, Trump did. The overwhelming majority of states said no,
to Hillary Clinton and no, to Democrats in the House and Senate races. There are more people
living in California and New York then in 10 or more, US states and therefore, in our forefather's
genius, the electoral college design insures all states' citizens, have a voice
of parity participation in a presidential election. Yet, once again, Democrats
want to get rid of the Electoral College and push for a presidential popular
vote because they have no problem snubbing, ignoring and alienating more than
half the country. To (Call Me)Senator Barbra Boxer of California, America says
"Call us Americans patriots, because we earned that title, and live it
America turned to
common sense and away from the failed and destructive policies of Progressive
big government liberalism. The silent majority isn't dividing the country, the
left, and their corporate lobby, and their corporate sponsored media, along with
high priced liberal-indoctrinated colleges, have created the so-called
division. However, it seems the left's phony big support numbers just got divided, like their political party, into smaller fractions.
The protests and riots on the street represent the pampered,
indoctrinated and mentally armed agitators of anarchism that don't even realize
that they are shills for the elite. Obnoxiously, unlike the ant-establishment protest
of the 1960's, that today's youth espouses to emulate, these selfish nihilists are
stomping their feet, in support of the corrupt elitist establishments in
Washington, that care nothing about them. Talk about hypocrisy, it is downright
sad, that so many American youth have allowed themselves to be used as tools
and fools by rich globalists who have a self-serving agenda.
Education in America is not only failing to provide the next
generation a high paying jobs in a highly competitive world, it has failed to
educate our future prodigy, how to be patriots, by contorting the teaching of
our history and the meaning of our Constitution. It is failing youth by
promoting victimhood and dependency instead of self-reliance and individual
Safe zones, settled science, politically correctness,
micro-aggressions, Islamaphobia, Black Lives Matter are just a few of the
sophisms indoctrinating some of America's youth into the ignorant insular world
of progressive seditious activities. The Democrat party doesn't care about
anyone or anything except power. Didn't Wikileaks' revelations about Bernie
Sanders rigged lost, teach liberal youth anything about the hubris of the
Progressives' power?
The good news for today's youth, is that they don't watch the
nightly news and many are turning off their televisions and choosing different
sources. They don't buy and read the liberal newspapers but have turned to the
internet. Is it fret with polarizing viewpoints, yes, but unlike mainstream
media that pretends to report facts, youth knows which websites slant left or
right. Today's Americans can find both lies and truth on the internet and it is
up to them and the parent's of the next generation, to challenge youth to seek
the truth, and not live in the insular world of spoon fed ideology.
Trump isn't racists, Trump supporters are not racists, and
in fact political correctness is closer to a Nazi-like choke hold on
intelligent minded differences. America voted for common sense, not progressive
ideology, to lead this country toward a robust economy, unleashing our unused
energy, sensible immigration, strong and smart foreign policy, trade deals that
don't destroy our marketplace, the restoration of law and order and free market
entrepreneurial opportunities for millions.
Hillary Clinton and the Progressive Democrat party, Obama
and his ideology driven corruption of our government, that constantly demonized
conservative Americans, lost. The smug media constantly berated the
conservative viewpoint, while purposefully altering news facts, lost. The lies,
disinformation, vastly exaggerated rhetoric, name-calling, bullying and
complete collusion by the media that embedded in the beltway and snubbed the
people, lost, lost big and is still losing.
The truth won, the truth always wins! Even if it takes the
truth, a long time to beat the rabbit, and its rabid lies, the truth can't be
ignored forever. Even now, the media is not reporting the truth about these
protesters that are causing many cities strife over Trump's victory. They know
they are bused in, they know they are paid professionals, they know some did
not even vote, they know Democrats are quietly supporting their abhorrent
behavior to thwart Trump's success. Yet, mainstream media paints them as
sincere, innocent youth, fearful of a Trump presidency instead of reporting the
truth, that most are anarchist, organized, inspired, rent-a-protest,
professional sign holders.
The mainstream media will not change its stripes, but
hopefully more alternative media markets will be able to grow, to compete
against the mainstream disinformation. We might just see a revival of real and
genuine journalism, but don't hold your breath.
The Mea Culpa media's tears are harvested from crocodiles,
and soon the mean streak in media will be back in the dirty political water,
silently waiting to pounce their lusty lying pens, into the flesh of
conservative policy changes that Trump and Congress will soon enact.
Not to worry, the media's smug mug and progressive banter
will continue to be pablum for the minority of ultra liberals, because they
can't chew or smile much anymore, now that they lost their fake, false, frail,