Friday, July 21, 2017


The problem with politicians isn't just that they are all talk and no action, although true, their real problem is that they live to serve their egos, re-election interests and donors in that order.

They no longer feel embarrassed at being caught in lies, because their integrity is mutable, their honor is self serving, and their expedient conscience is full of guiltless rationalizations. Politics has chemically castrated their conscience and enlarged their egos into believing that their incessant lies to the public, are fair play and necessary if one hopes to hold political power. Therefore being politically shrewd in a politician's mind, requires that you shred all vestiges of shame when speaking dishonestly.

Repealing Obamacare was a central political campaign, talking point of the GOP since it was passed in 2010. First, they promised to fight its constitutional lawfulness in the courts. Their efforts and determination to that task was, quite frankly, limp fisted.

Second, they promised to defund Obamacare in the House, again their tough talk resulted in failures because the Democrat controlled Senate slapped away all those budget provisions. Lastly, the GOP promised to repeal Obamacare, even though Harry Reid's Senate threw out all the repeal bills. However, for those that suggested that because the Democrats had control of the Senate, and that Obama would veto any bill repealing or defunding Obamacare, that it was a masturbatory political exercise, yes and no. 

Yes the passing of a repeal bill was impossible, but using the Democrats defeat of repeal bills to highlight their encampment with dictatorial big government and disregard for Middle America would have been a win. Only Ted Cruz's  and Doctor Zeus's "Green eggs and ham" won. 

The GOP knew they would fail, the GOP knew they were handcuffed to Obamacare, until they had the majority in both the House and Senate. So they then campaigned heavily on that issue at each election cycle, imploring voters that if they wanted to restore a private marketplace in healthcare insurance, then they needed to defeat Democrats in the Senate and give the GOP control.

The GOP was successful in keeping their majority in the House and gaining the majority in the Senate coupled with winning the White House in 2016. So Obamacare is repealed, right? After seven long years the GOP has a well thought out set of laws that help Americans see more choice and experience lower rates in their healthcare insurance costs, right? The GOP would never have played bait and switch for years and now want to go from repealing Obamacare, to saving Obamacare, right?

Wrong! Politicians tell us that it is complicated. They tell us that you can't just repeal a huge Bill that has many tangled tentacles that could have damaging impact on multiple industries and patients. They tell us that it can't be repealed but must be bailed out, and slowly unwound, in order to cause the least pain and panic to the industry and policy holders. Wait, what? 

So Trump touts on the campaign trail that Congress should repeal and replace. After Trump and Americans heard for years that the GOP had better solutions. Therefore, if repealing Obamacare leaves a mess, then let's repeal the mess of Obamacare and immediately replace it with the GOP alternative. Right?

 Okay, sounds reasonable, so what has the GOP come up with as a replacement of Obamacare? Is their plan a great, free market, patient driven, choice laden set of laws that would reign in insurance companies, create competition and keep government out of snooping into our lives? Nope, wrong again. It was a bailout bill for big insurance. 

You see, the GOP had a campaign talking plan, not a real written down and workable plan. The GOP had a sales pitch, but there was no showroom behind them. They never had a product, just the sales pitch for the phantom product. Worse, for seven years the insurance companies have been filling the GOP's re-election campaign troughs, and whispering sweet promises of more donations in their ears, if they would bail them out when Obamacare collapsed.

Yes, most of the GOP lives in the swamp with Democrats and enjoys that the muck flows downhill and away from their fancy shoes. The GOP is as politically rotten to the core of its crabapple as the Democrats. The Democrats let the big insurance companies write Obamacare, make billions and gobble up all their smaller rival insurance companies, and now the GOP is going to bail these greedy two-timing companies out, because they bet on a lame liberal horse. Who gets the spurs to the ribs and the crop stick in the backside hide? Yes, correct, the American taxpayer. We get robbed twice in our wallet, by high premiums and then stuck in the delicate area again by taxpayer money handed over for insurance bailouts.

But that is how the Washington swamp works. This is why we refused to elect another talking head politician and Trump won the presidency. This is why Americans don't trust politicians, don't like politics and are angry at the deafening sound of our underrepresented voice.

Here is an idea: make all Insurance policies become health negotiated bond-like policies, that have a monetary price, where premiums become like monthly mortgage payments. One can buy a few thousand dollar policy (rent a room) of a few million dollar policy, (huge house) similar to house buying. When one gets ill, the money transfers out of the Health bond (not allowed to be traded in the Wall Street market) and there are ZERO provisions excluded because your policy is about having health money not a contract of coverage. Government offers low interest bonds for the poor and the insurance companies stop dictating what medical procedures are experimental and therefore, not covered. Patients can decide how to use their tax free healthcare bonds, to buy more coverage, as their wallets permit. 

Of course tort reform, and other legislative acts such as allowing those healthcare bonds to be purchased outside of state lines, able to be willed to surviving family members and or used to cover funeral expenses, could be enacted.

So the catastrophic health care plan would transform and become a healthcare bond similar to a (healthcare savings account) but with the benefit of buying as big a health bond dollar value as you can afford. Equally, if you default on the bond, as if when you default on a mortgage, you could lose your bond, but you could negotiate a lower monthly rate, based on a lower bond value, and as your income and financial circumstances change, you could increase the dollar value on your health bond, in the future.

This is an example of good ideas out in America (this one being mine) that the GOP could be proposing as legislation. 
Time for the voters to spit out their demand to the GOP to repeal Obamacare. Time to rinse and flush out the non-conservatives in the Party in 2018. Time to spit out in e-mails and phone calls to their Representatives, the many ideas that would help healthcare insurance be fair, competitive and workable in the free market for all.

Monday, July 3, 2017


The president of the United States is single handedly taking down the corrupt liberal media that has dominated the political debates in this country for more than forty years. Trump's direct stand against media reporters, that seek to make headline fame off of sleazy superlative, exaggerated embellishment and fabricated falsehoods, has the mainstream media in a tizzy, and more importantly, has them choking on air. 

The President has used his twitter sword to cut through the media's tortured truth and destructive misinformation leaving news outlets holding mountains of fermenting manure, that finally smells as bad as it stinks. He has exposed the media's antagonistic antipathy toward the American people and the values that we hold dear.

In the many years that media has held power, the GOP have never been able to do more than take the punishment, bend over and ask for a kiss when their dignity had been violated, time and time again. The media owned conservative Washington politicians, much to the sickening shame, and downright furious frustration, of their voters.

The GOP always had the same response to the "gotcha" questions of the liberal press, that smeared their good name and campaign hopes. The GOP always have the same strategy to fend off the constant negative stories the press pumped out, like a factory against conservative politicians. The GOP always had the same lame plan to defend their honor against the deliberate defaming of their character, in every election cycle. Their plan, strategy and response was always, be nice, make nice, and smile while the propagandists pounced against their backsides.

It did not work, never worked, and never had the hope of ever working, yet decade after decade the GOP made the media more and more powerful by cowering and caving in their chickenhearted role as the victim, to the media bullies. 

Now, finally, Americans have a President that doesn't smile at them, won't drop his pants, doesn't apologize for phony facts, doesn't bow to the media's perceived majesty, or feels obligated to shine their big muffed microphones. No Trump treats the press as the fallible, mortal, and agenda driven beings that they are, but refuse to admit. 

Some reporters are fair and interested in informing the public, while most others in today's media are promoters of global liberalism and fame vultures that feed off the carcasses of conservative celebrities they have disgraced. Indeed, most of the political reporters need the carrion left by scandals to fuel their "wake" (group of vultures) on cable news to compete in today's media market buffet table. 

For too long the haughty huffy puffy Press, has used their 4th estate motto of public service, to shield and moat themselves an impenetrable fortress from being scrutinized for bias, corruption and downright dishonesty. Trump has twittered away, the political Press's pontificating pretense as public watchdogs, and exposed them as small bloodsucking leeches. Leeches that have been boring into the brains of the unassuming public, in order to meld with their minds, and indoctrinate a world view that is a fake, faux, phony and fabricated view, that only exists inside the small minded leftist's vision of America.

The press is guarding the swamp. It is facilitating Washington's false gods and it has been instrumental in promoting a leftist minority agenda in order to convince citizens that social progressive liberalism is the only political religion that Americans should seek to bow and pray. 
The mainstream media has spread this sewage of seditious slander against America's foundational values with the approval of their corporate owners, Democrat patrons and yes the GOP's deadwood resistance. Americans have longed for the day when the political field would be treated equally and fairly by a professional media, not pushing an agenda on people against their American pride. In fact, it seemed hopeless that anyone or anything could stop the DNC tanked media from misusing the airwaves to trash tradition and flap their fetid fertilizer of humanistic hogwash as factual fruit and rob our nation's youth of common sense, with their incessant idiocy of political correctness and the regurgitated refuse of anti-American ideas such as socialism. Who could stop their witless foolery?

Well, pat yourself on the back if you, always liked Trump for his bombastic nature, his brassy boldness and his righteous honesty. We all know that you don't take a mouse to help you fight the bullies, and the leftist media has been bullying conservatives while the wimpy GOP squeak and then hide in a hole. No it takes a bully turned body guard to fight bullies, and Trump promised he would fight for us. He promised he would get our lunch money back from the swamp bullies. He promised he would defend America and Americans and make the country great again.

The GOP needs to stop acting as though voters prefer their sissy act as opposed to Trump's direct confrontation in which he slams the slammers, defames the defamers and shames the scammers. The weak knees of the GOP and their so called dignified history of making themselves invisible to the monstrous conservative eating press, has wrought nothing but anguish for American patriotism.

No, the days of wimpy GOP leadership and the void of conservative voice is counting down rapidly as the swamp gets drained. The Republican quislings might be the last found in the murky muck as they hide behind skirts, behind the Press, behind the Democrats, behind the lobbyists and behind their congressional aides, but eventually the citizens will bait the polls and catch the cheesy cowards that helped the swamp thrive, and see the return of America's greatness. Happy Independence day!