Tuesday, October 23, 2018


The left has gone from hysterically sad, to hopping angry, to emotionally unhinged, to suffering from Trump derangement syndrome after the 2016 elections, to a new low of incivility, by acting like a bunch of babbling barbarians.

These sore losers, and spoiled progressive leftist mobs, demand that Trump be impeached. They demand that Kavanaugh be impeached. They demand that due process and American elections be thrown away if they lose, and only be considered relevant, if they win.  

Yet, they have the audacity, and the shameless gall, to call Trump supporters, deplorable? They have the un-American cheek, to slam Trump voters, as racists and bigots, for wanting immigration reform and a wall to ensure our safety? They claim to be the party of tolerance, as they grab voters hats off their heads, because they object to the Trump slogan? They extol their right to free speech as they boycott businesses that don't agree with their liberal agenda, and use their majority positions in social media tech companies, to create algorithms, to shut down the free speech of conservative voices.

 If not for hypocrisy, there would be no Democrat party, because it has lost its identity by destroying our melting pot with identity politics.   

The Democrat party's leaders are not just dumb, but they got even dumber, when they failed to distance themselves from mob harassment, and have promoted a  thug mentality in leftist protests that most Americans really, truly deplore! But worse, it isn't because they are dumb, it is because their power lust is boundless and blind, they have abandoned all sense of fairness and decency, in order to get their way.

 However it is hard to see, how they will to win the House and Senate, with nothing more than chorus of Trump hatred, and a hope that Americans will sing expletives with them. Yet, shouldn't an election for representation mean more? Shouldn't it stand for better ideas not just condemnation for ideas you disagree with? Shouldn't Senators and Representative actually seek to better the American way of life, rather than trying to destroy it?

 Democrats want to give free healthcare to all. Great, how exactly do we pay for all that free expensive care? They want to have open borders and get rid of ICE. Great, who is going to protect you when the drug gangs start warring in your neighborhoods and kill innocent people? They want liberal judges that legislate from the bench and ignore the restraints from the Constitution and Bill of Rights, by taking away guns from law abiding citizens. Great, so then only the criminals will be armed and your life will be at the mercy of 911 response time. Do you feel lucky? Do you feel safer? Are their ideas practical for your life, your community's well being, your children safety? 

No the public has not forgotten, that this socialist progressive party did nothing for the middle class in the eight years they held power, (or ever for that matter) except to stymie entrepreneurial prospects with over regulation, shipped manufacturing overseas with global trade policies, and hand college educated youth entering the job market, an apron and a coffee mug.

The Fast and Furious Mexican gun running that killed 2 US agents (Border and DEA) the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the Benghazi cover up that killed 1 Ambassador and 3 soldiers, the AWOL Bergdahl exchange that let 5 terrorist killers free, to kill again, or the Iran deal in which Obama that paid Iran a ransom of 1.7 Billion for the release of 5 Americans. This being just a short list of the treachery done by Obama's Democrat barbarians.

Not to mention that they rigged their own primary to favor Clinton over Sanders and then tried to steal the 2016 elections, from Trump, by spying on his campaign and whitewashing Hillary Clinton's crimes. They want the voters to ignore their record of abysmal leadership and cover their ears to the numerous  lies and deceits their party has been a part of for years.

Democrats are the "party of crime" as Trump likes to say, and their corruption since the election has only manifested into a deep cover up and an attempt to turn the table on those investigating their malfeasance.

Did Obama's FBI lie to the FISA court, by knowingly not exposing the corrupt dossier's financial and political history? Yes.

Did Obama's State Department lie to the court when the 2018 Freedom of Information lawsuit proved that the FBI knew, there were missing Clinton e-mails, found on Weiner's laptop, when they claimed they had no such information? Yes.

Did the Russians, Chinese and perhaps many other countries use social media bots, paid advertisements and trolls to try and influence American elections? Yes.

 Did Obama's intelligence agencies lie to spy on Trump's campaign? Yes.

Did Obama and his administration utilize the FBI, CIA, NSA and the DOJ to try and fix the 2016 election by exonerating Clinton's crimes and spying on a presidential candidate? Yes.

If the Democrats win the House, will they try and impeach Trump, for specious reasons? Yes.
Did Trump collude with Russia to beat Hillary Clinton? No.

Did Obama's FBI, CIA and the NSA have evidence enough to make the charge that Trump with the help of Russia rigged the 2016 election? No.

Was the appointment of Mueller by Congress justified to search for Trump malfeasance? No.
Has the Democrat party disavowed and condemned Congressional members who have called for uncivil harassment of Trump officials and GOP members by activists? No. 

Does the Democrat party believe in free speech, God, Constitution and capitalism? No.

Last question: Will you vote to give the barbarians back any arm of our country's government to continue their crusade to ruin America's constitutional republic?