The Democrats' Green New Deal, reads like a children's
bedtime story except, it is both funny and scary at the same time. Its intent
is to make voters cleave loyalty to their ideas, but, it is frightening to
think, that any rational American would believe this fairyland of ludicrous
The Democrats do however, throw in some tantalizing mainstream ideas, such as repealing the Patriot Act, revoking corporate personhood, and going to paper ballots but then they go too far, and roll down the yellow brick road, by promising to do away with the electoral college while providing free college.
The Democrats do however, throw in some tantalizing mainstream ideas, such as repealing the Patriot Act, revoking corporate personhood, and going to paper ballots but then they go too far, and roll down the yellow brick road, by promising to do away with the electoral college while providing free college.
The Green New Deal economic plans are laughably ridiculous,
and their grandiose employment pronouncements are pure fantasy. First, they
talk about government guarantying that everyone has a "living wage"
job, even though Democrats have yet to define what a "living wage"
means. How much money does it take to make you happy, healthy and secure? I suspect
that answer will vary from one person to the next, given the complexities of
individuals life choices or uncontrollable circumstances present in people's
lives, how much money one needs to live on, is a fluid reality.
Free enterprise understands that fluid reality, and treats
the wage earner as the manager of his or her negotiation through the flowing
stream of life's changes. When you start out single and young you work for
experience more than money, so you can climb the ladder of financial gain. In
the communistic static model promoted by the Democrat socialists, you are not
upwardly mobile, not compensated for experience and most importantly, not in
charge of your life, for the government manages your destiny. (Oh, and by the
way, that destiny invariable means, you will stay poor.)
Therefore, a "living wage" is a wonderful term for
liberal dreamers to shout, but a completely fraudulent term, when they try to
implement whatever "they", or government decides, is a sufficient
amount of money to compensate the masses and call it a "living wage".
It micro-manages the private sector economy, bringing job loss, small business
closings and collapses the ladder of success in two ways. One, the ladder holds
less people willing to climb because you have taken away their motivation to
better their lives and two, cronyism and nepotism, insinuates its influences,
invariably assuring that only those that are connected, see a promotional rise
in their wealth and opportunities.
As for creating the infamous three letter word,
"jobs", the liberal leftist have made a bold promise.
"We will end
unemployment in America once and for all by guaranteeing a job at a living wage
for every American willing and able to work."
The problem? Just how do they plan to guarantee everyone a
job? Unemployment is also a fluid reality, that has many factors to consider,
government guaranteeing that people have work, only makes one wonder, what
shovel of manure will one be holding? The real steaming pile pulled from the
barn (as the guaranteed job) or your burning ears filled with their horse poop.
No, Progressive Democrat's guaranteed job pronouncement, rings as hollow as if, they
were to guarantee everyone immunity from sickness, unhappiness and even death.
Also absurd is their want of government to promote the green
energy industry, which turns crony capitalism, into a full blown American aristocracy.
"Invest in green
business by providing grants and low-interest loans to grow green businesses
and cooperatives, with an emphasis on small, locally-based companies that keep
the wealth created by local labor circulating in the community rather than
being drained off to enrich absentee investors."
Damn those pesky philanthropic silent investors that live in
their multi-million dollar home far away from the companies they bankroll, into
thriving start -ups. If they want to keep their money from Democrats, they
better set up a cot in the basement of their venture capital investments.
"Provide green
jobs by enacting the Full Employment Program which will directly provide 16
million jobs in sustainable energy and energy efficiency retrofitting, mass
transit and "complete streets" that promote safe bike and pedestrian
traffic, regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture, and
clean manufacturing."
Oh golly gee, more micromanagement by elitist leftists in
Washington, that want to continue to
shred our Constitution and federalism, by making states' rights obsolete and
ignoring the 9th and 10th Amendments.
Throughout the Green New Deal story book, the word democracy,
and individual, is used even while their holistic elitist federal approach, carves
away state and entrepreneurial business freedoms and rights. Apparently, to
progressive leftists, small business owners are not individuals. This is the
part where the prince, kisses the princess, and she turns into a progressive frog,
croak, croak.
No the Green New Deal is the same old song from the liberal
left wing, that wants to grow the federal government and destroy private
enterprise, tax the air we breathe, demonize the rich, and micromanage our
lives more than King George III, ever thought was possible.
How far afield from John F. Kennedy has the Democrat party
veered? Well, his famous line; " ask not what your country can do for you
— ask what you can do for your country", must have been altered by the
progressives to read instead, "ask not what my country has done for me -
demand that my country do everything for me."
Oh and yes, I will cede up my individual liberty and pursuit
of happiness and let elite kings and queens in Washington take care of me, as
promised in the Green New, eggs and ham deal, "Sam, I am."
No, the Green New Deal is not just a fairy tale, it is the Nightmare
on Capitol Elm street. Do you really think Congress can micro-manage the
private sector economy into a success? No, not on a train, in the rain, in a
boat, with a goat, not in a box, with a fox, in a house, with a mouse, not in a
tree, Americans are free. No we do not like them here or there, we do not want
government anywhere. We do not like Green New Deals and Ham. We do not like green
progressive scams.