We still await the Inspector General Michael Horowitz report
on the FISA warrants that started the spying, lying and accusations by the
Democrats, that our 45th President was a Russian straw man. The good news is that
before spring is over, the IG report will be out, and some of the first truths
about how this silent coup corruption, that conspired to damage the people's
choice for POTUS, was able for two years, to undermine the law and
Constitution. Make no mistake, the report will prove that people misused their
power, moreover, will be a feeding frenzy, as all the swamp sharks, will start
pointing the finger at others, in order to save their guilty clients.
Attorney General Barr has promised to review the IG report,
and review the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, as well as pay close
attention to the 8 criminal referrals presented to him by Rep. Devin Nunes
among others. He also stated that he would decline, the need for a special prosecutor
to investigate the players in the Trump coup conspiracy, relying instead on
those working in the DOJ to handle investigations.
Americans should feel
comforted that this would preclude the Democrats from picking another
Mueller-like figure to whitewash members of the Obama administration, yet we
cross our fingers and hope, that AG Barr is able to identify the swamp critters
that still haunt the DOJ halls. Certainly we saw that the previous AG Jeff
Sessions, seemed far too cozy with his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, who was among
the ring leaders that offered to wear a wire, according to then deputy FBI
Director Andrew McCabe.
Americans have waited too long for the wheels of justice to
even have its lug nuts tightened as we wonder how much longer will corruption
and the lies to stall the truth, and delay what should be a straight line drive, through
the noxious coup cloud within the existing odious deep state fog.
The complicit media is howling again over Attorney General
Barr use of the term "spying" claiming that it implies unwarranted
snooping, whereas intelligence surveillance they argue would imply trying to
catch a bad actors acting in treasonous ways. The problem however, is that if,
the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ had reasons to suspect the Russians were trying to
influence the Trump campaign, then why wasn't the candidate and then the duly
elected Commander in Chief notified by his law enforcement agencies? Trump
should have been told that the Russians were coming.
But that just it, it wasn't the Russians coming after
Trump's campaign, it was the deep state. It wasn't the Russians trying to dig
up dirt on Trump to slander his campaign, it was Hillary's DNC. It wasn't the
Russians spying against political foes, it was Barack Hussein Obama.
What proof did they
have to suspect Donald Trump was colluding with Russians? The discredited
dossier? An ex British intelligence officer who hated Trump, that was contacted
by the head of our CIA, John Brennan that blew some smoke up his rump chimney?
Or as we all suspect, a circular contrived curdling of innuendo, gossip and
tall tales, that was leaked to the press by FBI, to then be used as legitimate
grounds to investigate their own lies. To spy on Trump, smear Trump, and then
boom, the circle closes and the Mueller witch hunt begins.
We certainly know
that after two years and 30 million dollars, Mueller found zero evidence of
collusion, by Trump, or any of his campaign staff. Obama didn't need to spy on
Trump in order to ensnare Paul Manafort in tax evasion, or entrap General Flynn
in admitting to lying to FBI agents. So they better have a better explanation
then the Dossier, or Carter Page or Russian bots!
Obama spied on his political opponent in order to stack the
deck in favor of his party's nominee to replace him, Hillary Rodham Clinton. He
tried to smear Trump's name by dragging it threw the Russian Rasputitsa (road
mud). He tried to rig an election and make Hillary Clinton head of a Banana
American Republic, no longer moored to constitutional principles and the equitable
rule of law in governance of all.
For the press to somehow object
to the Attorney General's word spying, as some sort of loyalty signal to Trump,
as well as a defamation of Obama's administration, is a wimpish whine from a
media that aided and abetted this traitorous activity against our nation.
NO, most Americans
would quote Hillary Clinton as in "What difference does it make?"
Surveillance, spying, planting a mole operative,
wiretapping, eavesdropping, bugging, and all of Obama's clandestine espionage
against both, candidate Trump, and then during his transition as President, was
in a word, illegal.
Illegal and a lowdown dirty rotten sabotaging of our
Democracy. Violating every Constitutional core principle held sacred in this
country. Obama used the power of the Oval Office to try and commit election
fraud on the people of the United States, and deny their ballots cast for the
45th president of our Republic. Oh and yes, some people should be charged with
Imagine if Hillary Clinton won the presidency?
Awful thought? Well it would be awful if no American
election going forward could ever be
accepted as genuine, fair and an honest representation of the people's vote.
Think voter fraud on a national and local scale with not just a stacked
judicial bench, but a stacked Congress of Democrat party servants to a
globalist Marxism.
We can at least know that if Hillary was elected, none of
this Obama Spy-Gate would probably ever see the light of day, and Hillary would
use the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA ruthlessly against all her enemies, namely you and
If America does not
fix this gaping wound of treasonous actions by Obama and his cohorts in crime,
by no less than the severest penalty, the maximum penalty, and federal
jumpsuits, for all the crimes Obama's gang committed, then this nightmare
scenario will happen again, and then, it most likely would lead to the loss of
our Republic.
Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
(Edmund Burke)