Don't worry about working, the government will hand you
money for breathing. Don't worry about morality, infanticide and assaults based
on political disagreements are no longer illegal. Don't worry about graduating
college with an expensive degree in social justice ideology, you can always run
for Congress.
Don't worry about human trafficking, drug use increases and
illegal immigration, everybody in the world has the right to waltz into
America. Don't worry about healthcare insurance, the government will take care
of you. Don't worry about trying to live up to a higher standard, the bar of
behavior will be set at an all time low. Don't worry that our government is
spying and lying and avoiding accountability, just focus on Trump as the bad
guy, while we, Democrats are the good guys and gals.
These are the basic talking points of the socialists
Democrats running for the highest office of the world, and it should not only
make you nervous, it should make you angry.
Angry, that the political left has sold all of its
pro-American capital under the bus, to try and regain a power position in
Infuriate you, that Democrats are selling out this country's
sovereignty, for votes.
Enrage you, that Democrats are selling out this
country's constitutional foundation of
individual liberty, for socialism.
Inflame you, that Democrats have been
systematically eroding the our Judeo-Christian culture, selling out family
values, for atheistic edicts.
Rile you, that Democrats have been grooming the
next generation of Americans to become reliant on bureaucracy, tribalism and
dependency, selling out individual responsibility and entrepreneurial ambition,
for Orwellian control.
Genies don't go back into the bottle willingly. Cats don't
run back into the bag. Humpty Dumpty can't be put back together to look as new.
What the Democrat Party is doing is spitting on the graves, of all those brave
Americans, that gave their lives for the love of their country and the freedoms
which it provides, against tyranny, enslavement and dictatorial control over
the people, regardless if it is done by foreign or domestic hijackers.
America was not the place a century ago that drew millions
of immigrants into its bosom of freedom to act unlawfully, receive government
handouts, or plant their foreign political allegiance roots into our soil, while
ignoring assimilation.
No, America was
always a popular place to emigrate to because of, two words. Two, basic human
desires. Two, deeply universal needs. No, those two words were not, government
assistance. No, those two words were not, free college. No, those two words
were not, open borders. No, those two words were not, squatters rights. No,
those two words were not, American socialism.
No, our great grandparents flooded into America with great
optimism, for their future. They ripped their hearts away from their homelands,
based solely on a hope, a belief and a whisper of gossip, that America assured
a promise to all, that were allowed to become citizens. That promise started
with two words, that then became a two worded phrase, heard around the globe.
The two words were, individual freedom.
The phrase that embodied those two words became, the
American dream.
These early Americans were escaping religious persecution,
socialism, communism, dictatorships and economic hindrances by failed states
that catered to elitism. In America, the rule of law, allowed every citizen an
equal opportunity to work hard and create success to better their lives.
Government got out of their way and didn't let rich elites control the playing
field. Opportunity was there if you had the courage and the resilience, to
stand in front of your own blank canvas, and draw yourself a new life.
Today, our youth are being taught the complete opposite
message. Instead of individualism, they are taught political correctness.
Instead of work ethic, they are taught to demand government subsidy. Instead of
government being a necessary evil, they are taught that anything unregulated by
government is dangerous and evil.
Instead of patriotism, they are taught that
America is a repressive racists nation. Instead of standing for God bless
America, they are taught to kneel and hate America.
America is a notion, an ideal, a dream, and a collective
vision of self government that has been an unrivaled achievement, in creating
the greatest, freest, fairest and successful nation the world has ever known.
For political power, Democrats want to destroy this country
storied history, and re-write the future of the next generation, using the two
oldest, and failed ideologies, that brought so many immigrants to America; pure
democracy and socialism. These ideologies failed people around the world before
America was born, and they will lead to America's downfall if allowed to
Pure democracy and socialism are invasive ideological
parasitic controls that subjugates individualism. Democracy or mob rule was rejected by
our Forefathers because it was a precursor to dictatorships. Socialism equally
fails because many bureaucratic elites, exercise dominion, over the
masses. These two forms of government have failed everywhere, either
economically or culturally or both.
There is no place in the world that has lifted up the
wealth, rights and standard of living as well, as our constitutional Republic.
We are a Republic based on a federalist system, in which our Constitution
defines or enumerates, what specific federal rights and duties have been
allowed to our central or federal government.
The Bill of Rights
was even argued at the time to have been unnecessary, because the federal
government had no enumerated authority to stifle speech or disarm the public,
because the Constitution did not list those as federal rights of power. Now, we
see why our anti-federalists ancestors were suspicious and wary, of a central
government, and demanded the Bill of Rights be included. Even that doesn't stop
Democrats from trying to gun grab.
True conservatives (not necessarily the members of the GOP)
and the libertarians in America, understand that more government, bigger
government and the expanded power of government, has weakened our individual
liberty and has provided the moneyed special interest lobby groups, (mostly
corporate) to corrupt our representative government into an oligarchy.
Democrats wish to expand federal control undermining our
Constitution, so they can extort that rising oligarchy, with the threat of
adverse laws and regulations governing those industries. However, these
so-called elected officials, are reliant on those same corporations for
campaign monies, so in this push, pull, tug of war, somebody always loses, and
even the winners, end up covered in mud.
Yet, the true losers, of our corporate controlled
Congress, are the individual liberties of the American people. Our liberties,
our moral culture and our family values have declined under big government
Democrat elitism, and if allowed to continue, the progressive left will destroy
our ability to wrestle back our pledge.
It isn't the statue of democracy, socialism, or social
justice, it is the Statue of LIBERTY!