Friday, August 16, 2019


Good patriotic Americans that understand and appreciate this country's exceptionalism in the world, don't want to have that unique freedom sold, into a globalist cabal, of self-serving bureaucrats.

Wholesome Americans that try and raise their families with honorable and moral values, don't want a two tiered corrupt justice system. God loving Americans don't want to import or foster cultural values that dehumanize life, abuse women and children, and have our government allow immigrants that are hostile to our system of laws continue to live in enclaves and foment their native hate of America.

For the left in this country, to call Americans who love their country, and want immigrants to come legally and share in our joy of citizenship, racists, bigots and deplorable Americans, is not just unfair, it is an unholy campaign, to undermine this nation's foundational foothold.

We are not the world, we are Americans. We are not to be blamed for the world's travails, and we welcome those who dream to become Americans. There is a path, albeit a difficult path for those trapped in poverty, dictatorship or enslavement, nonetheless, if these people truly want to be a free American citizen then they must follow the rules. There is no short cut acceptable, to calling yourself, an American.

Illegal aliens are not immigrants, they are cheaters, and they are hurting those that are following the rules, that are abiding by the laws and have patiently waited for their chance to become full participants in their newfound homeland as citizens. For the left to call citizens bigots, for wanting the cheaters to be deported, shows the height of their hypocrisy. Saying we have rules, but that those rules should be disregarded on whim, shows we have no rules, and consequently no independent nation.

The Democrat's presidential campaign is filled with loathing for free Enterprise, private healthcare, law enforcement, immigration laws, right to life, Judeo-Christian values, the wealthy, due process, citizen privacy, reduced regulation, smaller less intrusive government, welfare reform, education reform, school vouchers, home schooling and of course the 2nd Amendment.  

They call anyone that doesn't agree to their open borders baby-killing atheistic socialist politics, racists. Hypocrisy just doesn't seem like a strong enough word to describe their discrediting, insulting, sanctimonious name calling. The Liberal Democrats are deceitful self-righteous frauds, that act without shame, or sincerity.  

Yet, their virtue signaling expands into finding fault with common American culture, as they continue to bash and charge bigotry and racism, in the most prosaic aspects of our society.
Defaming American voters and denigrating our American values, may be the best way for the radical left, to lather up the un-patriotic base of those steeped in disdain for our nation, but it is  a tactic with dire consequences.

We are sick of the insults, sick of the arrogant hypocrisy, sick of the cattiness of most all politicians, and unlike the old days of forgive and forget, the internet reminds people in a quick 30 seconds, what they may have said or done, today or 30 years ago.

So, the left would be wise to stop the name calling. They would be smart to tone down their America hating rhetoric. They would be cagey to halt the arrogant elitist's contempt, they have for ordinary citizens.

Otherwise the Democrat party will collapse and fracture for years to come. "Alas, poor (Democrats). I knew (them)."  (Hamlet)