All this wrangling by Democrats and their propaganda media
over the Iran issue certainly should leave little doubt in the minds of all
Americans that the Democrat party is hell-bent and crazy for power. So crazy, they sound more like lobbyists for the state of Iran, instead of American representatives.
While Nancy Pelosi and her three Mice-sketeer men, Schiff,
Nadler and Schumer, all play fast and loose with impeachment, the country
learns that an Iranian General of terror, Solemani has been killed by President
The Democrats and media are incensed that they were not
informed in advance of the strike against Iran’s monster of murder, and suggest
that President Trump had no authority, (wrong) that Trump was obligated to tell
Congress (wrong) and that he was bringing America into a war with Iran, (wrong).
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but 3 right turns will bring you looking into
the loony left’s pouting faces. Trump and America wins again.
Impeachment has become a joke, even for those who might have
earnestly thought that there was some potential merit, to the ridiculous
charges, because Democrats stressed its timely need, then shelved it before and
after the holidays. Never mind, that Democrats cancelled Trump’s due process
rights, have given anonymity to a fake whistleblower and have the thinnest of
evidentiary proof to the non-high crimes and misdemeanors they cite, but now
Nancy’s Democrats are holding the impeachment trial hostage, based on constitutional
powers the House of Representatives don’t possess.
What this partisan and unseemly display of Trump hatred by
the left, clearly shows a Democrat party so desperate to remain in power and
gain control of both the Senate and the White House, that it has vacated all
remnants of moral obligation, duty to serve the people, and dispassionate
critical thinking of America’s best interests.
Their siding with Iran, their fake impeachment and their
refusal to work with the President on a host of looming problems in the country
demonstrates to the American public, their party’s lack of any integrity.
President Trump won the 2016 election handily; the country
has been transformed from a leftist dystopia, back into a capitalistic republic,
with resounding success. Our foreign Policy has been reinvigorated, to reclaim
its economic status in the world, since it climbed to the top, in 1920. Our
enemies know we will push back and they equally know that if they capitulate to
peaceful activity, we will be willing to embrace their changing ways, but not
based on promised words, but rather, only with concrete actions.
The Democrats and the media deny these successful American
changes, brought about by President Trump, and instead focus on smears to his
character, snobbish criticisms of his pedigree, and wholesale lies without
merit or credulity. Calling the President racist, does not make him a racist.
Calling the President a liar, does not make him a liar. Calling the President
unfit for office, doesn’t make him unfit for office.
The Democrats have nothing to offer the American people
except leadership in an elite mob armed with pitchforks promising to run the
Trumpstein monster out of office, and then replace our Republic with a
socialists system destined to bring a more devastating dystopia on the Middle
Make no mistake about it, any Democrat that claims to be
looking out for the American people’s interests are obviously lying to you.
Why? Well, ask them why they are not supporting the successes of the Trump
administration that has increased employment, lowered taxes, increased wages
and decreased regulations allowing workers and small businesses to be
profitable again. Ask why they don’t see welfare declining numbers as positive.
Ask them why border walls and laws should not be enforced. Ask them why, terror
groups should be coddled. Ask them why, trade should be one sided in favor of
other countries. Oh, and do ask them, how they can possible imagine that a
socialistic America will rise the income
and status of the Middle Class.
Democrats are at war with the facts, the truth and the
reality of the American dream. We as an electorate would be derelict in our
duty, to country, to our children and to ourselves, if we gave them any more
power in our government. Unless the Democrat party abandons progressive socialist’s
policies and starts trying to work with Trump on the country’s issues, Democrats
should see a decline in votes for political office.
In fact, going forward, if any politician wants the American
people’s respect, then they need to join in Trump’s mission, to Make America
Great Again.