Saturday, March 14, 2020


The people that hate Trump talk about his style, but not his policies. The people that hate Trump invoke fake media stories, (Charlottesville, Virginia), to call him racists, but fall short of using the truth as their evidence. The people, who hate Trump, completely blame him for the mean spirited political rhetoric in the country, but refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing, guilt or responsibility for their hate laced words, spoken each and every day.

The people on the left are not just hypocrites they are dangerous agitators, unhinged by the fact, that all their prior dastardly attempts to alter Trump’s popularity among voters, have failed. Many of those on the left are entitled, selfish, spoiled brats, which remind us of the little girl character, Veruca Salt, in Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. 

 They want President Trump removed from office and they “want it now!” 

Worse than just lies, leaks and threats, our American media and the Democrat Party are one echo chamber of propaganda, insisting daily that if you are a supporter of Trump you are; stupid, racists, fascist, unsophisticated, ill-educated, un-refined, boorish, homophobic, Islama-phobic, science deniers, goose-stepping Nazis, dirty, smelly and deplorable Wal-Mart shopping voters.

Without going through the agonizingly long list of leftist crimes, and conduct unbecoming, that is crude and downright treasonous, let’s just say, the left is responsible for all the divisiveness in the country.

It isn’t divisive to want a President that keeps his promises, Trump does. It isn’t bigoted, to want to exclude people into this country that are known criminals, and live off the taxpayers’ expense. It isn’t racist, to know that 4 groups were at Charlottesville Virginia, KKK, ANTIFA, Monument protectors and Monument destroyers, and that Trump defamed the KKK and when asked about the Monument protestors claimed “there were good people on both sides.”.

It isn’t fascist to want American workers to have jobs, and American products to be made in America. It isn’t unsophisticated to understand that violence isn’t a byproduct of a weapon, but rather a cultural and human condition that causes some people to do horrific, evil acts. It isn’t stupid, to understand that American capitalism has lifted the living standard of people and given rise to an upwardly mobile population.  

It isn’t smelly and deplorable to shop at Wal-Mart and love your country. It isn’t ill-educated to shout for justice to be fair and equal, when chanting “Hillary for Prison” in a campaign rally. It isn’t homophobic or trans-phobic to declare that heterosexual marriage and a functional family is the best environment to raise children. It isn’t science denying, to note that there is more that is not known than “settled science”, in the new study of earth’s temperature, and its degrees of fluctuation, let alone the evidence, that man-made activity has caused an alteration, to that unknown natural balance.

 It isn’t Islam-a-phobic to state that terrorism is mostly a product of Muslim extremism. It isn’t unsophisticated or boorish to want America to remain wedded to her Constitution, and not have any of the Bills Of Rights distorted and or usurped by the Federal government.

Finally, it isn’t goose stepping Nazism , to support a President that hits back at his political enemies, that constantly use their media privileges to distort, contort and flat out lie to the American people, instead of reporting facts, truth and honest representations of Trump’s leadership of the country.

The only divisive group in this country, are those that hate America, hate our Constitutional Republic, hate free markets, hate our Judeo-Christian values, hate being required to work hard, hate not being in power, hate the courts that rule based on the Constitution, hate honest politicians, oh and yes, hate President Trump.

America is not divided, it is contending with an ever growing group of malcontents, influenced by our indoctrinating schools, lathered up by media, and harvested by the Democrat party, to support socialism, collectivism, atheism and omnipotent federal control.

Now they have stooped so low as to try and use a viral pandemic, to defame Trump, even though the swamp’s globalism, one-sided trade deals, and over-regulation and taxation, caused the shipping of factories overseas, making America more dependent on nations like China, and therefore, more vulnerable. The fact that China produces most of the world’s Antibiotics is unconscionable. Trump was right; China was ripping off our economy. Moreover, instead of Trump and the Russian hoax, the Democrat’s presidential candidate Joe Biden, is the true Manchurian candidate, who claims China is not our enemy.
God help us in the future from these Fabian, Rousseauian, social justice warriors, that have been unleashed by liberals lusting for power, and will create a civil war in our future, if we don’t take heed, to halt the left’s constant anti-American whispers, into ears of our youth. It is time for every American to calmly, civilly, and plainly explain to agitators, why America is a great country. Kindness is the only antidote to hostile ignorance, willful blindness,and a closed mind.