The voices of the next generation are calling out the President as a tyrant, and one of the least respected administrations since Jimmy Carter. Biden appears to have the anti-Midas touch, as every policy he ascribes has hurt and hindered American’s safety and well being. Therefore, the FJB movement by youth attending college football games, screaming out a curse chant against him is an historical first, and some might say an inappropriate disrespect of the office of the presidency, but when one assesses the damage done by Biden’s administration so early and quickly into his first few months in office, well perhaps Biden deserves the castigating cat call.
However, isn’t the chant directed at the wrong person? The wrong person especially knowing as we do, that Joe Biden is altogether unaware, as he suffers from early dementia. More importantly, as the world has become more interwoven and complex in both foreign and domestic policy, it has been an arguable reality that the job of president has for quite some time, been much more figurehead than a hands on, roll up one’s sleeve type of position.
More than just delegation, whereby a president directs his or her staff to carry out directives, a president’s office is filled with advisors from the army of agencies our government has acquired over the years. Indeed the rapidity of weight gain by our expansive and growing government in the 20th century is akin to an obese an unrepentant shut in, reliant on fast food policies and the creation of half baked agencies, to sort out the inability of our bloated government to react quickly and intelligently, to the myriad of crises that arise daily and hourly in the world.Rather than go on a restricted diet and exercise restraint to become more nimble and responsive to the fast paced demands of running a nation, our government chooses to chow down on more processed bureaucratic junk food, rather than simplify lethargy by cutting back on the empty and caloric heavy reliance on agencies and administrators, government doubles down adding bureaucrats to solve administrative sluggishness. And of course those extra layers of government blubber are only effective at bloating pensions, and keeping waste and corruption growing ever menacing to our free society.
Who is running the country has been the question, since we have witnessed the addle-brained POTUS try and read a teleprompter without stammering, mumbling and then explaining with aphasia what message he wants to impart to us. It is a horrific thing to witness, especially as we wonder what our enemies in the world might be thinking. It is distressing to watch this man akin to Mr. Magoo, parading our weakness and vulnerabilities in front of the eyes of our treacherous adversaries and worrying if they might attack us.
We all know that any president in the last half century or longer, hasn’t carried the full reins of our nation’s actions and activities singularly in their hands of course, and administrators direct and control a galloping race of incidents, events and consequences that occur worldwide and constantly. Perhaps before Trump’s presidency, we assumed those helping to hold the carriage reins, (Deep State) would not, and do not, act to illegally handicap our nation to lose our way, yet Americans found out during Trump’s presidency that the “Deep State” is sinister and seditious. Americans have been shocked and dismayed to realize how treacherous Washington has become, and how powerful the non-elected bureaucrats misuse their power.It seems we no longer can trust the career government bureaucrats to adhere to the Constitution, the law and their oath of office. Now colloquially called the “Deep State”, many Americans view this extra-branch of government known as the administrative state as the enemy of the people. The “Deep State” isn’t elected, isn’t vetted, isn’t answerable to Congress, isn’t fired, isn’t answerable it seems to anyone as it operates anonymously using its own radical Marxist ideology to steer our ship of state. Many in the “Deep State” are loyal to Obama and the radical Democrat policies, and are heel-bent on transforming our nation into a social Republic regardless of our casted votes.
Therefore, FJB should be FTDS or F@#$ the Deep State. It is our intelligence community, our Pentagon, our DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, DHS, IRS and all agencies from Energy Department to Bureau of land Management that have been infiltrated with ideologues, that have wriggled their way into power positions and usurped our nation from the inside. They do not fear of reprisal, prison, shame or condemnation for the sabotaging of this great nation and the cause for which it stands.
So F@#$ the Deep State! F@#$ the ideological hacks that sabotaged Trump’s administration and continues to lead our nation into Marxists socialism. Indeed F@#$ also those wimpy condone-ers who quietly allow these thieves of our Republic to continue to operate in the dark shadows, without doing more to root out these seditious subversives.
F@#$ all the Washington prosecutors, lawyers, and Capital Hill police that spend their time covering up their crimes rather than expose and enforce our laws. Yes, F@#$ Joe Biden and all that the “Deep State” stands for, because their elitist power grab has weakened our nation and polluted our freedom.However a word of caution to the elites in the Beltway, I would suggest you temper your hubris because this country’s citizenry may feel helpless while you pull the strings of this nation’s flag apart, but remember that Americans know how to sow freedom back together.
If we have to put this nation back together again from scratch, we can do it. Whereas, it is apparent that you in the “Deep State” only know how to destroy things that work, and create things that are inoperable before they are even used. So don’t feel so smug, because more Americans are angrier than ever before and as vulgar and inarticulate as it might sound, sometimes there is a place for the sentiment, F@#$ YOU!