One would hope that the list of New Year resolutions would be for solutions by the GOP for the dizzying insanity Americans have been experiencing since Trump took office is 2016.
If I were in control of the GOP my number one priority would be to try and restore confidence to the voters that our elections are fair, counted with integrity and audited without the need for the loser to find smoking gun evidence to prove fraud.
This means that regardless of those saying that Biden won fair and square; (most think not) we need an independent investigation of all the anomalies that presented themselves in that election first, before we can resolve the lack of voter trust going forward.
Non Citizens should not vote, yet they did.
Mass mailings should not exist but it does.
Ballot harvesting should be illegal but it isn’t.
Early voting must require either a person requesting an absentee ballot or going in person to their town, city polling place and dropping off the ballot. Ban drop boxes.
Ballot signatures must be checked on absentee ballots and voter ID should be made law in all states.
Vote tabulators and computers that count votes via the internet should be banned in all elections but they are still in use. Only tabulators that count without internet and programmable algorithms should be used.
Counting should never be stopped, yet it was in 2020 and 2022.
Chain of custody of ballots needs to be monitored and noted throughout the election but they weren’t.
Voter rolls need updated to reflect, current and eligible voters not just names that have been there for many decades.
Trump did not lose 2020, all American’s lost their 1st Amendment rights, their faith in the ballot system and their faith in government’s balance of power to stop the fraud we all know put Biden in power.
There is no way to convince the American people that Biden won 80 million votes and that it was 10 million more than Obama.
Unless and until we address the fraud in our elections “We the People” are not running our nation, we are not being heard, and we no longer can claim we are a representative Republic.
In fact, we are currently a socialist’s oligarchy or a banana republic because our government tampered with our elections by twisting the arm of social and mainstream media to suppress the truth of corruption by Joe Biden before the vote.
It was never Russian collusion but always Deep State collusion with big corporation and Big Pharmacy that installed a socialist’s regime with a doddering old man as its puppet.If the GOP wants to be an opposition party, it must address the anger and frustration of voter’s who feel that their voice is no longer counted and no longer powerful.
They must push legislation to build back that confidence regardless if Biden the fraud vetoes the bills.